When did you start your weight loss journey? Have you had any successes yet?

drainqueen Posts: 30 Member
I began January 1st. I just succeeded in a 10 lb. loss. My first successes were giving up pop, then it was faithfully entering my food intake everyday for a week. Now I hope to workout 5 days a week for 30 minutes. I can't wait to hear what you all have accomplished.


  • I began 5 months ago and have lost 50 pounds!! I still have about 75 left to go but I know I will be there by the end of the year. I do exercise 5 days a week and have been very stringent with my food. Feel like a million bucks$$
  • sammyann90
    sammyann90 Posts: 2 Member
    I started my journey in 2012 and to date (with health set backs) I have lost a total of 80 lbs. I still have at least 60 lbs to go. :)
  • I started my journey today. I am starting phase 1 towards my gastric bypass surgery in April of this year. (*)

  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    I (re)started my journey today! I'm looking to lose 120 lbs- my starting weight this time is 280. I'm hoping that by being more active on here, I'll stick with this!
  • natalie8313
    natalie8313 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm starting my journey tomorrow as I need to get in my cabinets and clean out the junk. I'm working towards a 100lb weight loss. My start weight is 260 (cringe). I'm looking forward to meeting lots of MFPers to join in this journey! Good Luck Everyone!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I started with MFP in 2011, lost 50 lbs, got distracted & gained 70 back. I'm starting over again. I can't "diet" this time! I have to change!
  • drainqueen
    drainqueen Posts: 30 Member
    @karenhamilton376‌ Congratulations on your weightloss. I can't wait to hear more of your successes.

    @sammyann90‌ Congratulations you have lost a lot of weight. I hope you keep us updated on your future loses.

    @1051_Suzi‌ Welcome and best of luck to you as you prepare for surgery. Keep us posted.

    @ohsointricate8‌ Welcome back and I hope you make your goal.

    @natalie8313‌ Good luck to you too. I lool forward to hearing your accomplishments.

    @Yocum1219‌ I hope you find the change that will give you success.

    I'm thrilled to be in a group with all of you. Let's make 2015 the year we conquer our weight loss goals.
  • LittleOnE78
    LittleOnE78 Posts: 6 Member
    I began 5 months ago and have lost 50 pounds!! I still have about 75 left to go but I know I will be there by the end of the year. I do exercise 5 days a week and have been very stringent with my food. Feel like a million bucks$$

    thats awesome!! I am trying to lose 90 punds but aiming to have 50 gone by July. Can I ask what kinda workouts you did and what types of food you ate?
    i am new again to MFP. Looking for good advise on how to drop the weight, food is my biggest problem. I can workout and I love it. Just the rest of the day is hard, i have been on a 1200 calorie daily goal from MFP. I didnt realize how much I was overeating until I started entering my food. Its so hard to not give in to the bad foods.
  • cariburke
    cariburke Posts: 17 Member
    I (re)started yesterday. Up to 250 and my weight loss goal is 100 to get me back to 150. My future sister in law would like me to wear to her wedding a dress I wore 2 years ago as a bridesmaid, which is going to require losing 60-70 in 6 months (I can wear any red dress I want if I don't make it, but it's a nice high-challenge goal).
  • Leonafstone
    Leonafstone Posts: 4 Member
    I started January 5, 2015 my goal is 200 by 2017. I'm working out 5 days a week for 1 hour hard. Saturday's are my lite work out days 30 minutes. I'm focusing on being healthy and being accountable for myself. I've lost 31 pounds. I need help in making better choices of foods . Can someone HELP me?
  • penguin317
    penguin317 Posts: 8 Member
    I started on mfp this week, I started really committing to lose the lbs almost a month ago, I've quit drinking alcohol, stopped eating after 6 pm, started walking 3 days a week, and I will weigh in on Tuesday to see how much I've lost, so far when I weighed in this Tuesday I had lost 4 lbs and that was without mfp. Now that I'm using mfp I measure everything I eat and I watch what I eat. Excited for this journey.
  • mebedwell1
    mebedwell1 Posts: 66 Member
    I started in October 2010 I was 500 lbs. I have been working hard at reforming my life and starting a new relationship. As of the end of this month (October 2015) I just weighed in at 289 lbs. I am still working on losing weight. It is a long road, often a hard one. I have been caffine free for one month and that has been very hard. I have to be at work at 4:45 AM Monday through Friday. I have had another child during this weight loss as well. She is now 4 years old. I still don't feel like I am myself yet. I eat right, except when I am sick. I work out at a Gym 4 days a week. Today I rode a bike for 4.87 miles. I haven't been able to do that since I was 17 years old. I have high blood pressure and take medication for it. I want to be off the medication.