Low energy around that time?

Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
Hi all,

I find that around that time of month that I feel exhausted! I wake up feeling just as tired as when I fell asleep and have little motivation to do anything other than roll over or eat something chocolatey! This is especially hard when I have workouts to do, I feel like I'm doing double the work lol.

Do any of you have any suggestions for how to keep the energy level up during our "blessed" time?



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I hope someone has some suggestions for this....

    I just muddle through it. I try to workout and drink lots of water even if I don't want to do anything.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I am the same way with energy during that time. I drink lots of water, I do snack on chocolates, and do my best during my workouts. I have to really fight against myself to get off the couch to do my workouts but once I'm done, I feel energized.