Thursday fasters...

JJA14 Posts: 82 Member
How are you doing so far? Have you woken up raring to go? What are your plans?

Woke up un-motivated after a bad night's sleep (rotten cold) but feeling better now so ready to stick with it...

I had a cup of redbush at 7:30, now having a black coffee. Fizzy water only until I feel I need something (probably about 12ish) so then will have an oxo cube!
A few choices for tea - it will depend on how I'm feeling. Either home-made mushroom soup, or Baxters lentil and bacon soup, or clams and veggies (if I'm feeling I need a bigger mean as they will work out to around 400cals)

And I am aiming for over an hour on wii fit tonight.

How are you?


  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Hey it's 11:19am in London... like you, I woke up unmotivated...tired. Still nursing my tea from morning (kept adding hot it basically hot water). Going to g make my second tea and nurse that until I pick the kids up at 3pm. Then have dinner vegies and tuna. Then treat myself to Ovaltine and 2 digestives before bedtime. I'm gonna get on my wii fit tomorrow and hopefully (since I haven't been on it for a while) it will tell me I have lost.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Woke up incredibly hungry! Will have to hold on til lunch time. Have a great day everyone!
  • Foxgym
    Foxgym Posts: 59 Member
    Since you are asking....Big mug of Black coffee with Porridge made with hot water and a sprinkle of cinnamon for brekky. Naked Noodles for lunch and for me tea tonight a lovely bowl of Vegetable soup to look forward too (also lots of herbal tea and water between meals). 605 calories...Thursday fast day, a walk in the park (which I also did, along with some circuit training).
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 255 Member
    Large cups of black coffee, 40 min walk to park with food shopping with rumbling tummy on the way back, another cup of black coffee then out for a 3 mile run. Now sitting down with small scoop of protein shake and pot of jasmine tea which I will top up as and when needed. Have evening class tonight so planning on eating before I go out. I have large pot of soup to which I will add chickpeas.

    JJ - I don't know how you manage an hour of exercise at a time, let alone a FD! Sutter - hope your day has improved.
  • Karen_DisneyFan
    Karen_DisneyFan Posts: 130 Member
    I'm in the US so it's only 11:00am here. Woke up really hungry and am still getting over a rotten cold so wasn't sure I could stick to my fast day. I'm at work and drinking my huge (20 oz.) mug of tea with a bit of sugar (30 calories) and so far, so good! I've had a couple cups of water and should be able to hold out until noon when I have my apple for lunch. Not sure what I'll do for dinner; soup sounds very good due to my cold. Might have eggs or a frozen lean cuisine meal - have to see how I feel in 7 hours or so :p
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    Its been raining all day here, with quite a strong wind as well. The Spanish Water Dog flatly refused to go out in the rain (just to the bushes and back for the necessary) so my outdoor exercise has just been taking the other dog round the garden - fortunately the rain has washed away most of the interesting smells so he hasn't been too hyper today. Just finished my Yogalates dvd and drinking a mug of herb tea. Chickpea curry tonight, so something nice to look forward to.
  • JJA14
    JJA14 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm so glad I came on here - I was just about to give in and give up on fd. It's been so cold here that I just felt like eating, so I knicked half a sandwich off the kiddies plate at lunchtime, then when I got home (thru the snow) I was so hungry I raided the fridge. I have eaten 4 slices of ham and a third of an avacado. I was just about to pour myself a large G&T and has decided to have a big dinner with family later but I popped on here to see how everyone was instead. So looking at cals, I can still redeem myslef by making a simple, thin mushroom soup.
    - Back on track!
    - Thank you
  • auanagana14
    auanagana14 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm new here and I'm a 5 : 2 beginner. I have no problem, so far, to survive the fasting days, but I'm really eating 'everything' during the normal if it is going to work ...
    Today: coffee for breakfast, homemade mushrooms soup for lunch and no ideas for dinner...probably some grilled vegetables. I'm drinking tens of glasses of water to forget about the food, but it is not easy. Thanks god the day is almost gone....
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm new here and I'm a 5 : 2 beginner. I have no problem, so far, to survive the fasting days, but I'm really eating 'everything' during the normal if it is going to work ...
    Today: coffee for breakfast, homemade mushrooms soup for lunch and no ideas for dinner...probably some grilled vegetables. I'm drinking tens of glasses of water to forget about the food, but it is not easy. Thanks god the day is almost gone....

    Your Fast day sounds good so hope you are still 'on plan'. Like you when i did this previously I ate 'anything' on non fast days and I still lost but oh so slow, so this time i decided that if I'm going to suffer I'm not blowing it on other days ,so I allow treats and eat what I facy but i balance all my non fast days to no higher than maintenance calories and if possible a couple of hundred below, and its working.
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    Well done JJ! Just think how much better that G&T will taste tomorrow.
  • JJA14
    JJA14 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm now sat down with a delicious pot of raspberry and echinacea tea. Just what the doctor ordered.
  • Revcminor
    Ready for bed after a good day of fasting. It was a hard one for me, but made it. I will be dreaming of food, however!
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Just finished my Thursday fast which made it my 3rd day ending with 4:3. It was a success and mush easier than previous days.
    I too will be dreaming of food.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    It is now Friday.....anybody joining me on my fast day?

    Congrats to all the Thursday fasters!