New To Keto

Howdy! I just started Keto last week, so far I love it, I slowly dropped my carbs down for probably 2 weeks then cut them under 10% This week on average I am at 64% fats 27% protein and 9% carbs, last week was nearly identical. As I said I am new to this so I'm not sure if this is ideal or not? I also read something about a carb-up day on another site which seemed wrong to me considering everything else I read, I wanted to check about that too and see basically what's right and what's wrong.

Sorry to start off here with questions, i am hoping to learn quickly and be able to contribute to this group!


  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    This week on average I am at 64% fats 27% protein and 9% carbs, last week was nearly identical. As I said I am new to this so I'm not sure if this is ideal or not?

    MyFitnessPal deals in percentages and ratios which is pretty annoying, since grams are so much easier/better to think about.

    Toss your stats into that calculator, aim for a 20% deficit (feel free to play with the numbers but the "recommended" aim for most is going to be a 20% calorie deficit) and see what it says. From there, your goal is to always stay at or under your carb limit, around your protein goal, and then eat as much fat as you need to be full. What ratios that ends up being doesn't really matter, but those are the big goals.
    I also read something about a carb-up day on another site which seemed wrong to me considering everything else I read, I wanted to check about that too and see basically what's right and what's wrong.

    No carb ups. Early on especially you want to get into ketosis and reach a state known as being "keto adapted" where your body is fully and efficiently running on energy from fats. That can take a month or two. Being especially/super strict with the carbs early on is extra important.

    Most people try not to cheat ever with carbs, and feel like crap when they do (physically, not just feeling bad from cheating on their diet).

    Since you're new and learning, I'd highly recommend reading the FAQ over at reddit, its a great starter guide:
  • JanerichoC18
    JanerichoC18 Posts: 32 Member
    Awesome! I will make sure to go through everything today and adjust as necessary, the carb thing did seem wrong to me thank you for clarifying!
  • JanerichoC18
    JanerichoC18 Posts: 32 Member
    Well, this was eye opening, I work out 6 days a week (lift heavy 4, circuit train 1 strict cardio 1, with 20m of interval on the ARC after the lift days) with my rest day being an indoor golf league, so I average 6-7 hours of working out per week if not more. I fit it in with the goals I had set and it turns out I am at a 44% deficit! I've had no issues thus far but I am guessing I should adjust appropriately, I used the 1.5 pounds per week on MFP which put me at 2260 (I am usually within 100 of this +/-). The reddit article suggests no more than 20% (unless I am understanding it wrong).

    Since I really have no problems at my current way of eating I will probably increase calories as the article suggested, maybe not all the way to 20% unless there is another reason I should be at 20%. Keeping in mind I am 305 lbs 35% BF and 5'10.5ish".

    These are all great resources I am going to go through the article again in depth to make sure I am not missing something. Thank you again!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Ya with your current fat stores you can probably get away with a steeper deficit for a bit, but I like to think of dieting like cooking with a crock pot: "low and slow". Patience is a virtue, as the saying goes.

    re: your carb ratios, rather than %'s, I like the philosophy of grams --- limit net carbs to a given gram (<30g is a common rec), have a protein goal based on your LBM (probably 1.2g/lb LBM due to your workouts), and then fill in the rest of the calories from fat to satiety.
  • JanerichoC18
    JanerichoC18 Posts: 32 Member
    Good info, I think part of my problem early on to is I thought it was carbs and not net carbs, actually put me closer to the 25-35g range which I am pretty pumped about!

    I will see about going ratio instead of %'s that definitely makes sense!

    I need to be more patient with this process. It took years to put it on I shouldn't expect it to come off over night
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    I fit it in with the goals I had set and it turns out I am at a 44% deficit! I've had no issues thus far but I am guessing I should adjust appropriately

    There are folks that I see posting great success stories with huge caloric deficits. If you can do it, and if you're happy doing it, more power to you.

    The reason in my mind for the 20% deficit is that a lot of people come to keto thinking that they're supposed to suffer when dieting. For most on keto, that isn't true. You can eat enough to feel satisfied and still lose weight, sometimes rapidly. So a lot of times people come into keto, set a 50% calorie deficit, are absolutely miserable and don't realize they don't have to be, and they can't stick with it.

    You are a lot more active than I was at the start of keto, and probably more active than I am now after a year of improvement! That is probably a reason to lower that deficit down some. It is pretty hard for me to imagine that big a calorie deficit and trying to work that hard without wearing down at some point.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,792 Member
    I am on a 39% cut from my "calculated" TDEE, which also equates to about a 1000 calorie deficit. I however, do lose more than 2lbs per week.

    I don't feel as if I am suffering, I have plenty of energy (well, given I work 16-24 hrs a week, have 4 kids and go to school), and I am at a point now where I can really see and feel my successes.

  • Lil14U
    Lil14U Posts: 40 Member
    That is inspirational nicksflyingcircus, I cannot wait to get there.
  • JanerichoC18
    JanerichoC18 Posts: 32 Member
    Well crap i guess i will stick with it as long as i don't hate myself for it! Thanks everyone and awesome work nicksflyingcircus thats huge progress!