TODAY ~ How's your day going? share, encourage, support, successes, struggles, questions



  • monyokks
    monyokks Posts: 16 Member
    I am basically on no sugar, no gluten, no dairy and under 1400 calories. I had read The Daniel Plan with a group of ladies and found out I was allergic to dairy. I'm on self-imposed gluten-free because I have severe arthritis in my spine and don't want to get anymore cortisone shots in my spine --- all my doctors liked the idea of going gluten-free and it has really helped me with carb cravings. Pre-planning IS the key --- I use to write down EVERYTHING I eat --- if I know what we're having for dinner, I put that in early in the morning so I know what snacks I can have later in the day.
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Sounds like good planning. We all should be doing something today to move closer to our goals. Have a good Thursday everyone :D
  • Giget
    Giget Posts: 33 Member
    Good morning to all! I have been back and forth on this site...Do good for a couple of week's then fall off the wagon:( Unfortunately my dh found out he has diabetes a couple of months ago and thankfully with a low sugar diet (NO SODAS) his readings have lowered and he has lost 20 pounds and is working towards another 20 which will be ideal for him....I am so happy with his success in I feel even more determined to catch up with him if you know what I mean....He had a bad habit of drinking diet sodas at least 4 or 5 a day...his job is very stressful and that was his habit....I don't drink cokes...I drink coffee no sugar fat free creamer....but I do love sweets:( enough of me....clipped my fitbit back on and here I go;)
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Happy Friday Eve all! T, I love the tree story!! I think we all have our rough days, and knowing that there is a supportive group of people in the same age bracket going through the same challenges is very helpful. We all know we can get past the hurdles and keep going. It may be a bit tedious, but planning really is the key. My entire day is planned out very early and it really helps.
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Go Giget! Excellent planning Bethlauren8!
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    Staying Motivated ~ Write down the pro's and con's of what you want to change (why do you want to change this? what's the benefit if I do and what am I loosing out on if I don't?). Keep records to track your progress. It is normal to have days where you don't want to do it and/or you don't feel like you're making progress or even moving backwards. When this happens...

    STOP ~ pull out what you wrote down (pro's/con's) read it out loud, remember why you're doing this. It is worth it, it is what you REALLY want. Remind yourself. May our goals outweigh our momentary satisfactions.

    CALL ~ a friend, check in here, go for a walk. Do something that interferes with what you're trying to change. Ideally - do something that directly interferes.

    REVIEW ~ think about your progress. Keep things in perspective ~ if you need a break then plan for it, keep it a small setback - you don't have to let it be a "forget it" and go back to old habits. Most importantly, figure out what is making you think or feel this way. Do not give up ~ it is WORTH it.
  • ColleenZ101
    Today is the first day I've interacted with other FP members and I believe it's going to be very helpful and thank you all in advance for your inspiration and great ideas. It's been a good day - rode stationary bike at lunch. I want to start toning as well - does anyone have a favorite upper body workout?
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    edited January 2015
    Terrific Giget! Good going. My husband just found out he is diabetic. I made him some sugar free banana pudding last night that he liked. I am a sugar freak, so this will be an adjustment for me also.

    Colleen, you can you tube a lot of exercises for the upper body. I do overhead press, bicep curls, pull downs for lats and rows for the triceps. I am a weakling so I only lift "medium".
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    I'm a diabetic too. Heavy whipping cream has no sugar to go on top of the sugar free pudding. Sugar free frozen pop-cycles. Look at Walden Farm Products at no sugar, no sugar alcohol, no calories. I get Walden Farms products at Albertsons, some people say Fred Meyer but I don't know if they carry them.
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    Good morning all. This week was difficult due to work stress. I am hoping to take some time this weekend and plan out my week to be more effective in the health department. I know once I get past a certain number of days of exercise it will just feel like a part of my day and not so hard. Right now though, I just feel so tired. How do you get past it??
  • monyokks
    monyokks Posts: 16 Member
    FourLynne, do you have a battle buddy --- someone to exercise with? That has REALLY helped me push past my "tired" days. Are you getting enough rest? I have been doing The Daniel Plan with some other ladies and have been reading a lot --- one thing was that when we're tired we tend to eat more carbs. Have you noticed that? I realized this was true of me. Right now I feel like I am coming down with a cold (I work in a high school --- high schoolers do NOT stay home with they're sick!), so I'm doing everything I can do boost my immunity: getting enough rest, drinking green tea, eating right and pushing myself to do even a little bit of exercise.

    The last 7-8 days were BEAUTIFUL here in Northwest Missouri (22 now, though), so my battle buddy and I walked at the park. IT WAS AWESOME!! We pushed ourselves to walk longer and went up this tough hill 2-3 times. We always feel better after exercise --- exercise produces endorphins, the "feel good" hormone. :smiley:
  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    edited January 2015
    HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! I've got to sit down today and plan for Saturday and Sunday! Have a super day everyone and stay on track for the weekend :D

    I'm with you ForLynne ~ I'm still "making" myself walk and like you, I know there will come a day that it's just a part of my routine day. I'm not sure how to get past feeling tired however I do feel like that when my thyroid medicine is not enough (no motivation for anything, just tired). Does anyone else have any idea's how to get past feeling tired?
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    edited January 2015
    I live in the south. I have found Walden Farms at Publix, Target and Earth Fare.
    FourLynne make sure you have rest days. Most studies find that overdoing exercise without giving your body a proper break is actually counter productive. Just make it part of the plan, I now know exercise is not optional and just do it. some days are better than others, but at least I am moving.
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Fourlynne I had one of those days yesterday. I was sooo sleepy I didn't want to do anything except crawl into bed! But after reading some great inspirational posts I just forced myself to do my exercises. I felt so much better when I was done and had the energy to cook dinner AND do the dishes
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    YAY Friday! Colleen, welcome, definitely start with some simple bicep curls, dumb bell presses, and push ups. I have wrist issues so I do standing push ups against a wall - they are just as good! Marekdds you will probably find after your learning curve that your husband's diagnosis helps you in your journey as well. FourLynne - if you are able to get over those rough times it will definitely get easier. They say it takes 4 weeks for something to become a habit. I have Epstein-Barr and I am tired every day, almost all day, but when I come home I force myself to walk because I know the benefits. Plus, I feel really good about myself when I am done, and even better when I see the extra calories I earned that I can choose to use or not depending on the night. It really is worth it.
  • ColleenZ101
    marekdds wrote: »
    Terrific Giget! Good going. My husband just found out he is diabetic. I made him some sugar free banana pudding last night that he liked. I am a sugar freak, so this will be an adjustment for me also.

    Colleen, you can you tube a lot of exercises for the upper body. I do overhead press, bicep curls, pull downs for lats and rows for the triceps. I am a weakling so I only lift "medium".
    Thanks! Sometime it's so overwhelming to wade through all the information - I'll narrow my search a bit. Someone gave me a bowflex, all hooked up and ready to roll... after I take off all the clothing it is currently holding.
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    LOL Colleen!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    Colleen, there is a book "New Rules of Lifting for Life" by Lou Schuler. It is basically for, well, older people. You can pick and choose what you are capable of doing. The easiest exercises assume you have never exercised.
  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    Today has been a good day for me....I went on the threadmill this morning and went on a long walk this afternoon....finally made over my 10,000 steps on my fitbit!
  • monyokks
    monyokks Posts: 16 Member
    Yay, poutchikins!! That's my goal to walk over 10,000 steps a day! B)