EVENING ~ Please share tips to stay on track in evening (after dinner - before bed)



  • monyokks
    monyokks Posts: 16 Member
    Did someone say chocolate? :p
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I did really well today and have enough calories left over (479) to have half a chocolate chocolate chip cookie and milk! I bought this bakery cookie knowing I would be halving it and having it for me treat at least twice. I contemplated fourths, but really... :blush:
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    good job bethlauren
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Yeah I love breakfast. Who doesn't love bacon?? I refuse to eat that turkey stuff. I'll give up a whole snack if I have to. Don't have it that often but when I do, I'm gonna enjoy it!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I love bacon, and I also eat turkey bacon. I buy Hormel precooked bacon in a bag at Sam's. 25 calories for a tablespoon. It makes it so easy. I usually have one egg (70), one tablespoon of bacon (25), and one tablespoon of shredded cheese (44), and I am actually satisfied for several hours. Now that I know hash browns are only 70 calories I will buy them and add them too.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I find that if I have protein at breakfast, I stay fuller, then I am less likely to over do it the rest of the day. I am bad about late night snacks. try to get a little fat and protein in then and a bit of sugar - nuts and dried fruit.
  • Giget
    Giget Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone!! Just started back and hoping that I can stick to it this time!! My favorite night time treat is the sugar free pudding made with fat free fair life milk which is high in protein....with the two combined it's only 80 calls for a satisfying snack....oh and a little whip on top;)
  • ImNancyLynn
    ImNancyLynn Posts: 36 Member
    Hey just joined the group today! Loving the night time snack ideas.. its the hardest time for me! I end up going to bed early sometimes because I cant control myself!! Its just so hard for me. I do try to save calories for the evening though. Planning makes all the difference! Moving away from the kitchen is key for me, but it doesn't always work! Thanks again and I look forward to more posts in this group! Nancy