TODAY ~ How's your day going? share, encourage, support, successes, struggles, questions



  • TheJourneybyT
    TheJourneybyT Posts: 122 Member
    ATTENTION ~ I'm saying good-bye my friends. I bought the Fitbit Charger HR and it turns out that they have a website like this one that's all set up with their devices. It has been fantastic to get to know you all ~ wishing you all the very best!!! T
  • monyokks
    monyokks Posts: 16 Member
    Since JourneybyT has left and deactivated her account, does this mean the group will also be deactivated (since she started it)?
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Congrats poutchikins!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    We could just friend each other and give support that way.
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    The most I've done is 3800. But I use the step app on mfp and use it for around the house and running errands. I hate walking so I do dance aerobics for my exercise. I love to dance!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I think we are still able to be in this group if we all want.
  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all. I would still love to be part of this group as I have only just joined and could use some support from you guys. Should we start another group or just carry on as it is? Let me know.
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I believe since we are all still writing and replying that the group still exists, it's just that T is no longer running it. I plan on staying here and enjoying everyone's tips, ups and downs, and general camaraderie!
  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, me too...
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    And me!
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    Today I did one of my favorite things, Cook. Made a huge pot of veggies soup (130 cals per cup), working on whole grain bread and an apple tart for dessert. Trying to make it mostly sugar free for my hubby.
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    Today I will be prepping my southwest chicken chili for tomorrow. I have no idea how many calories it is, but I will break down the ingredients and do my best to figure it out. You seem to be doing well with the sugar free cooking marekdds. Good job!
  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    I'm staying too. Bethlauren if you put ingredients into recipes it'll figure it out for y. Sounds goo what time should I be there? Lol
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    LOL! Well Kheinl, since you live in CA if you start driving real early in the morning you should get to my part of AZ by late afternoon. I'll start serving then!! Thanks for the tip abut the recipes - I will try it.
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    Thank you all for the encouragement. I took some time this morning and read up on posts, including "inspirationals". It sure uplifts and encourages me. My weight was a bit up today, so going to have some repair work to do this week.

    Unfortunately, I do not have a work-out buddy Monyokks. I wish I did have one in close proximity to where I live. However, I live in the country and my closest neighbors...are Amish, lol. So not near enough to friends or gyms. However, that's here at home but it did get me to thinking that I could start something at work or right after work. It will mean determination to walk out the door on time though in order to make it happen. So, my first "mini-goal" is to start walking out the door on time and taking advantage of the gym on base. I can use their equipment for free! I have a feeling if I start putting this into practice, someone is going to want to join up with me. Thank you, again!
  • lilyandree59
    I am also staying on...I enjoy reading everyone's posts and look forward to them.

    I live on my own and don't enjoy cooking for one so today I am going to cook up some vegetables, chicken and a small roast so that I have meals for the week. This way I won't be tempted to grab fast food on my way home.

    The reason I kick started my healthy plan was after trying on a dress for an upcoming dinner and realizing that it did not fit quite right. I have 24 days before our organizations' President's Dinner so I need to stay focused!!!!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    FourLynne you have chosen an excellent mini goal. I walk at work (by myself) round and round the campus. I know that if I miss my afternoon walk for whatever reason I still have that. I bet someone will join you, especially if you ask around.

    24 days is a lot of time Lilyandree, I'm sure you will see a positive change in the fit of your dress - not to mention everywhere else.

    I got up this morning really early to use the bathroom and feed the cats. I weighed myself and was down 1.5lbs. I watched a little tv and decided it was too early and laid back down. I got up again, used the bathroom and weighed myself and was down 2lbs. I put my clothes on, did a two mile walk and weighed myself and was down 2.5lbs!! I know I will be tempted today so I am eating very little before I go to my friend's house. Of course, that could back fire since I will be hungry when I get there, but I know there are some things I will want, and I want to leave room for them.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    I'm in. Fourlynne, I understand. I live 4 miles to the nearest gas station, much less anything else. Mini-goals is an excellent idea. I started walking and the first day got about half mile and wanted to call the paramedics. Now I can do 5k's (I don't run it all), so you can do it. Just compete against yourself.
  • lilyandree59
    Excited this morning...I thought if I lost 10 lbs or so my dress would fit much better...well I'm down 5.2 to date so halfway there! I tell you though, it's is much harder to lose 10 lbs these days but I have to remember that it took 4 1/2 years to put this 60 lbs on so I can't expect it do disappear quickly.
  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    Well done is paying off! I am up and down and so this week, I plan to be very strict with myself...intentions are to see it through!!!!