Whats your goal?

Hello everyone. One of the best ways to accomplish your goals is to write them out and define how you plan to make it happen.


  • Slaphapy74
    I started my weight loss journey this year at 285 lbs. 1 Month later I am at 271 lbs and would like to continue my weight loose of 2 lbs a week. This month (feb) I plan to incorporate strength training to assist me in my weight loss goals.
  • LR856N1
    LR856N1 Posts: 26
    Congrats on that. I am 190 and plan on losing 30 pounds at 2 to 3 pounds per week. When i started i was 220. I feel stuck at the moment but getting motivated.
  • Slaphapy74
    Great job losing 30 pounds. I am using the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet to reach my goal of less that 220. I am tracking myself with a speedsheet I made in excel and so far have dropped more than the 2 pounds a week that I set as my goal. I think it is due to the diet and complete lack of carbs (other than vegetables) that the weight and inches are coming off fast. I hear you on the loosing motivation. I think its the brain trying to get back to the old easy way of life You can do it though. I am trying to think of it as the time is going to pass anyways might as well do with the time what I want this year
  • lennonluvr
    lennonluvr Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there. I want to lose 50 pounds. I started at 180. I am down to 176. I am slowing starting exercise in my routine. Strength training for toning up my arms, tummy and thighs.
  • dragyou
    dragyou Posts: 83 Member
    My goal is 210 and keep it off.. Also to learn a lifestyle of proper balanced nutrition..
  • josalee2014
    josalee2014 Posts: 4 Member
    My goal is to get healthy. I am not getting any younger.
  • LR856N1
    Very nice guys. looks like we all are sharing this common goal of health. Remember to open a discussion if you want me and our new group to chime in. Im trying to get as many judgement free people to visit and journey with us. thanks again.