New to Board, looking to make a friend to support each other.

Helen_805 Posts: 3 Member
Hi, I'm Helen and I'm 32. I have 48 lbs to loose. I'm very short, so the extra pounds are extremely unforgiving. I just started my diet/exercise today and restarted myfitnesspal altogether for a fresh slate. I have dieted like a yo-yo over the last few years and I'm tired of never reaching my goal.
I also have some medical problems, so my medications have taken a toll on my metabolism, memory and weight. I know that exercising again will help all of those things. so I need this on so many levels.
I hope I can make at least 1 friend in here for so we can support each other. Good luck to all of you!!!


  • shera114
    shera114 Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me, I log in pretty regularly and would love having new friends to support that might help me as well... Good luck on your journey :)
  • sweetp4141
    sweetp4141 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Helena! Feel free to add me... I log in at least once or twice a day. With some support and motivation, you WILL make it!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have been on MFP for years and I am not going anywhere. Also feel free to check out the challenge in the announcments. We are starting week 5 of a weigh in challenge, feel free to join in. We also have a fit test so we can find new ways to measure success and tomorow will start a Miles challenge. Set a goal for yourself and track your mile (or kilometers if that is how you measure). Welcome to the group!
  • thekatielong
    Hi Helena!!
    You are more than welcome to add me. I feel the same past 3.5 years I have been struggling with medications to treat a few problems I have and I have been gaining weight like crazy. I am happy you finally said enough, that's what I did and started this program and so far so good :) Sad part about some medications it does take a toll on the memory, mine got so bad I forgot where I was or was going a lot of times and had to Google myself back. So hear hear to technology, making life easier for most of us. I hope you stick with a program and us!