
I have found that working out or sharing success as well as your down falls with a friend helps you out so much more.. I would not have worked out 5 days this week had my friend not been there...I started curves, and its really helping... Now the accountability is here, lets help each other or rather help me log in and account for my food daily..( ive been slacking) I log Breakfast and then head to work and forget the rest...ugh Also still learning this program..any ideas ?? What helps you guys log in daily???


  • LuAOlsen
    LuAOlsen Posts: 17 Member
    I find that if I log my meals first thing in the morning then, 1- I don't forget and 2- I usually stick to it, and 3- I don't use all my calories during the day not leaving enough for dinner. Hope this helps
  • bahamamomma18
    bahamamomma18 Posts: 6 Member
    That's a great idea, I need to get better at this
  • LuAOlsen
    LuAOlsen Posts: 17 Member
    It will happen for you. It took me a long time to get all of this info to register in my brain. And with the help of my sister, I think I finally got it.
  • bahamamomma18
    bahamamomma18 Posts: 6 Member
    awesome!!!! share all your knowledge !!!! lol
  • LuAOlsen
    LuAOlsen Posts: 17 Member
    I think the key really is your fan club aka support group...I like fan club personally, makes me feel really I am grateful for my fan club and my new fans. Thank you for being my fan....I am happy to be yours. You can never have enough fans.
  • bahamamomma18
    bahamamomma18 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree , I need more!!!!!