Introduce Yourself



  • fm32439
    fm32439 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all!! I'm Fallon! I joined MFP about a year ago and didn't stick to it! I am seriously motivated now and can't wait to check in throughout the day!!! I am 29 years old. I live in Florida and work the night shift as a nurse. I have a wonderful husband and 3 beautiful children!
  • JourneyToADecade
    JourneyToADecade Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone,
    I'm Gena, and this is my year to get my sexy back! Please feel free to add me. Good luck on your journeys everyone :smile: Let's do this!!!
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    I am working towards losing 107lb. I am frustrated at the moment. I have been working for over a month exercising (556 minutes last week), but the scales say I have not lost weight. It is easy to become a little down.

    I have recently moved to a new state, and feeling a bit isolated.
  • fabulouslysweet
    fabulouslysweet Posts: 26 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My name is Audrey a wife and a mother of 5 girls and this group really caught my attention cause its exactly what I'm trying to do. I had lost the weight and got to my goal size, then going through some personal issues I quickly packed the weight back on. So I know if I did it before I can get my sexy back again and I'm stronger than ever and more motivated. But I get those days where the mirror is not my friend and I hate that I have to leave the house cause none of my clothes fit right and I feel hideous. So thank you those who are in this group to offer encouragement and look forward to sharing mine
  • hi i'm stephanie from atlanta,
    over the last 2 years i've gain 30 pounds due to eating to hide my emotions. I realized that i can't continue going down that path so i want to get health again and feel good about myself.
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello.... I'm Sherry, 53 and brand new to site. I need to shed 35lbs.and really hoping I am capable of doing it, have had health problems and don't want to continue on that path.
  • MagicalFlames
    MagicalFlames Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Ashley (26). And I joined this group, because I am finding my sexy for the first time in my life. I have always been told I was pretty and even beauitful, but I have never felt it. I want to feel sexy --- not because anyone told me, but because I think I am. And just to clarfiy, I don't feel like I need to be a supermodel size to feel that way, I just want to feel healthy.

    I have actually been apart of the Fitnesspal website for some time now, but I have never really utilized it for all it's potenial. See, I have battled with my weight for most of my life and I have had a little sucess here and there, but nothing reallly substanial. I now realized that was because I didn't have ther modivation and determination to change. I have that now ... but I know that the journey is going to be hard.

    As of 04.23.12, I am 370 lbs. That is not my heaviest weight I have ever been, but I have gained about twenty pounds since the start of Feburary. So I know that the best way to lose weight is to have an overall goal (which for me is to get my weight down to 180 lbs with a body fat percentage of 24%), using short term goals to get there. Currently my short term goal is to lose 30lbs by May 31, 2012.
  • BexBlueye
    BexBlueye Posts: 5
    :flowerforyou: Hello everybody! I am Becka. I just joined the site and this group yesterday. I am also just getting started on my "bringing sexy back" journey. I have known for a couple of years that I have needed to get myself back in shape but had fallen into the trap of procrastination and defeat but I recently started going to the gym and now I feel ready to start living a healthier , happier life.
    My goal is to loose between 30 -50 pounds and maintain a healthy weight and level of fitness.
    I am striving to make better food choices, to hit the gym 2-3 times per week, learn moderation and keep a postive/motivated attitude. I am excited to be on this journey and happy to be moving toward my goals. I wish everyone here success and joy in their own journeys.
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    Hi all been on MFP since January finaly decided it was time to get back in shape it was tuff in at the start. Like everybody I struggle at times and need a nudge .Im on the site daily kinda nice to see im not the only one who has to work hard to lose the weight. I go to the gym 5days a week for a 1-1.5 per day, have 3 kids 14-10-6. always looking for new friends who use the site.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Hi my name is Jackie, 33 y/o & presently living in the Philippines. Its been a struggle for me trying to get healthy in a place where everything is served with white rice which I'm trying to minimize as much as possible plus with all the foods high in fat & sodium. I've been here in MFP for more than a year now. Although I already reached my goal weight but still not that quite happy about my body & right now my goal is to get my body fat percentage down from 21% to 17%.
  • Hi, I'm Carah and recently joined MFP. I wanted to continue my health venture but found I was lacking motivation and support. I have generally always been a big kid, even though I was a very athletic child. I played lots of sports, but have always been big. I was my heaviest and weighed in at 267# and decided it was time to kick it into gear. I find my biggest issue is food! I love to eat good food, and usually it's really bad food. This problem kills me but I have been working on it and am down about 30# so far. I'm looking for some good friends who are working towards becomming fit and healthy too. Really looking for motivation and support. :flowerforyou:
  • AnneU93
    AnneU93 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi My name is Anne. I am a 19-year-old from Denmark. I used to have the body that every other girl was so jealous of, but then I was put on anti-depressives and because of those I put on 25 kg (55 lb). I am finally in recovery and have been taken off the medicine, but it is still affecting my body and making it very difficult to lose any amount of body fat, but I am determined to get back into my old jealousy creating body! :happy:
  • Mslove9801
    Mslove9801 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I am 36, live in Washington state and just recently got divorced. I put on too much weight while I was married after having kids and I am determined to get healthy this year! The divorce did a number on my self esteem but clean eating and exercise is really helping.

    I am doing clean eating, intervals on the treadmill, yoga, walking my dogs and am thinking of adding weight lifting, but there are only so many hours in the day! I also work and go to school full time along with being a mom to two teenage boys. Writing this down makes my life look so much busier than it is! I make sure to take time for myself and once a week I just veg on the couch to decompress for a few hours with a good book or every once in awhile a Netflix marathon :)

    Nice to meet you all!
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