Tall ladies looking to shake the last 10 pounds

Hi! I'm 5 11 and currently weigh 147 pounds. In the past I was a lot heavier but managed to loose about 30 pounds slowly over the course of two years, settling at 140 (my ideal weight as I have a very small frame). Over the last year, I gained back to 156 since I slacked on watching my food- I'm getting it down now and would love likeminded friends on here.


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'9" and currently 161. I started out at 183 and got down to 153, but got off track over the fall & winter and am looking to get to 145 or 150. You can add me if you'd like and we'll get those goals!

    P.S. I like your profile pic... that was a good movie.
  • morganlee82
    morganlee82 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi ladies! Tessylog - you sound like my weightloss twin! My current weight and weight range is similar. I'm 5'11" (also smaller frame) I'm at about 147 now, but my body likes to creep up to around 155-160 when I'm not eating as well as I should or just 'showing up' to my workouts. And it all lands into a lovely muffin top! 140/142 is my ideal weight and I would prefer not to be going up and down in weight as that's unhealthy, so once I get there I will be more focussed on maintaining. Bookwork - great work! I see you are a super active member, so obviously that pays off.

    I'll also say that I'm a mom of a five year old, so. I weighed more than 210lbs at the end of my pregnancy. he was just shy of 9lbs at birth, and just big and muscly, not chubby (which I love in babies but he just wasn't!) so I did something right, but my body just LOVES to pack on pounds when I let it!

    I hate to 'diet' - I love enjoying great food, wine, etc. but in moderation so that I don't feel deprived. With my busy schedule, I try to fit in short but effective workout as well.

    Looking forward to having some friends to keep me motivated!
  • tessyslog
    tessyslog Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks fellow tall ladies! @morganlee82‌ mine goes STRAIGHT on my muffin top too. We must have really similar bodies. That's an incredible weight loss after your baby- you should be proud! It's those damn 7 pounds that get you after such a long road though. At the moment I'm spending a few weeks eating only around 1200 calories to kickstart things, but will up my calories soon because realistically it's not a good longterm plan.

    I'm hoping to put an end to the yo yoing once and for all once I reach 140! I also love love good food but I can see the mistakes I made in the past that allowed me to gain when I went from 180-140. Number one id say is I stop weighing myself and I let my Sunday cheat day creep into other days!

    @bookworm_847‌ thanks yes I love that film! I'm actually a ballet teacher so found it pretty true to life :smile: don't be disheartened by your recent gain- we can do this!
  • morganlee82
    morganlee82 Posts: 8 Member
    @tessyslog - thank you for the kind words!! I'm aiming for around 1300 which is really hard, but it just motivates me to exercise! Even if I can get in a short workout or an extra walk, it means I can have glass of wine with dinner or chocolate while staying within (or at least near) my goals. I know what you mean about learning from mistakes - I got down to 141 last summer and went on vacation... and then just let go after that and the lbs creeped back on. I think it need to stay committed to tracking 'maintenance' calories after I reach my goal.
  • mrslaurenwebb
    mrslaurenwebb Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'10 and currently weighing at 162lb, I have a 6 month old baby and I'm looking to lose my remaining baby weight. Ideal weight is around 147lb for me. A lot of weight came off as soon as I had my little boy, but I'm really struggling with the last 20lb. Any support would be great!! I've been working out 2-3 times a week with a personal trainer, with limited success! xx
  • susshotter
    susshotter Posts: 1 Member
    I'm full time mum (UK) of two toddlers. I lost 50lb doing weight watchers 2 years ago but it's creeping back on. I'm 5'10 and 192lb, and would love to lose 22lb for starters by the summer. Would value support and accountability, for weekly weigh in and to share food diaries. I started today and so far, am doing OK!
  • garyandkimber
    garyandkimber Posts: 156 Member
    Hi! I could use some extra support, too!

    I am 5'8" and weight about 164 right now. I am down from my highest weight of 183 and am looking at a goal weight of around 158. May go a little lower but not much since I am big-boned, as they say. :) (This was around what I weighed in college/when I got married, and I looked thin but healthy.)

    Now that the finish line is in sight, it seems harder and harder to stick with counting calories and exercising. Or maybe it's just harder to motivate myself to do anything as the short, gray, cold days drag on? But I digress...

    I would love to get the last weight off by mid-April when we are planning to go on vacation with some friends. And I could use some people to challenge and encourage me!
  • angielisa75
    angielisa75 Posts: 46 Member
    I am 5'11 155lbs. I have just given up alcohol in hopes I can get down to 145. most of my weight goes to my thighs.
  • kimtober
    kimtober Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I could use some extra support, too!

    I am 5'8" and weight about 164 right now. I am down from my highest weight of 183 and am looking at a goal weight of around 158. May go a little lower but not much since I am big-boned, as they say. :) (This was around what I weighed in college/when I got married, and I looked thin but healthy.)

    Now that the finish line is in sight, it seems harder and harder to stick with counting calories and exercising. Or maybe it's just harder to motivate myself to do anything as the short, gray, cold days drag on? But I digress...

    I would love to get the last weight off by mid-April when we are planning to go on vacation with some friends. And I could use some people to challenge and encourage me!

    We're very similar! I'm 5'8" and my highest was 185 after having my second baby. I've been doing MFP for a year now and am at 149 which is lower than I ever thought I'd be. However, I still have plenty of jiggling going on so I'm working on getting rid of that! And I seem to be stuck around 149 but I'm not terribly concerned about losing more at this point.

    It's definitely harder in the winter. I try to do some workouts in the house but it's not the same. Lately I've been braving the cold to get some walks in.

    My strategy has been to lose slowly and fairly easy. It was easier than I thought it would be but I didn't put any time goals on it and obviously 35lbs in a year isn't a whole lot. But I'm happy with it and now I just want to tone for the summer!
  • owllovemama
    owllovemama Posts: 1 Member
    Im 5'9" - 155lbs....I'd really like to be back at 145. My muffin top needs to go!! I DO NOT want to buy a whole new wardrobe just because I snacked too much these last few months! I am drinking a gallon of water a day and cutting back on carbs. I have also cut way back on my wine (booooo) in hopes to help trigger some weight loss! I work out almost every day - cardio and weights. I hate you last 10 lbs!!! :o)
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    kimtober wrote: »
    Hi! I could use some extra support, too!

    I am 5'8" and weight about 164 right now. I am down from my highest weight of 183 and am looking at a goal weight of around 158. May go a little lower but not much since I am big-boned, as they say. :) (This was around what I weighed in college/when I got married, and I looked thin but healthy.)

    Now that the finish line is in sight, it seems harder and harder to stick with counting calories and exercising. Or maybe it's just harder to motivate myself to do anything as the short, gray, cold days drag on? But I digress...

    I would love to get the last weight off by mid-April when we are planning to go on vacation with some friends. And I could use some people to challenge and encourage me!

    We're very similar! I'm 5'8" and my highest was 185 after having my second baby. I've been doing MFP for a year now and am at 149 which is lower than I ever thought I'd be. However, I still have plenty of jiggling going on so I'm working on getting rid of that! And I seem to be stuck around 149 but I'm not terribly concerned about losing more at this point.

    It's definitely harder in the winter. I try to do some workouts in the house but it's not the same. Lately I've been braving the cold to get some walks in.

    My strategy has been to lose slowly and fairly easy. It was easier than I thought it would be but I didn't put any time goals on it and obviously 35lbs in a year isn't a whole lot. But I'm happy with it and now I just want to tone for the summer!

    If you're not too worried about losing more at this point, have you thought of just doing a body recomp to get rid of the jiggle you want gone? There are some good threads & groups for Stronglifts 5x5 and New Rules of Lifting for Women. I read the New Rules book a while back-- it had a lot of good information, but I found that Stronglifts was easier to follow. There are also some body weight programs like You Are Your Own Gym and Convict Conditioning (I think it's called) if you don't have access to weights or just don't want to try it at this point.

    There are some posts where ladies have posted their before & after photos showing the results of strength training.

    Good luck!

  • kimtober
    kimtober Posts: 52 Member

    If you're not too worried about losing more at this point, have you thought of just doing a body recomp to get rid of the jiggle you want gone? There are some good threads & groups for Stronglifts 5x5 and New Rules of Lifting for Women. I read the New Rules book a while back-- it had a lot of good information, but I found that Stronglifts was easier to follow. There are also some body weight programs like You Are Your Own Gym and Convict Conditioning (I think it's called) if you don't have access to weights or just don't want to try it at this point.

    There are some posts where ladies have posted their before & after photos showing the results of strength training.

    Good luck!

    Thank your for the suggestions! I'll definitely look into those. I've been doing basic strength exercises at home and I've noticed some improvement, but I'm ready to challenge myself a little more!
  • lulufee317537
    lulufee317537 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi people! I'm 5'10" and currently 185 lbs, 30% fat, trying to get down to 165 lbs, 20-25% fat. I exercise a hella lot doing weight lifting, martial arts, pilates, running, and hiking. Starting here on MFP I saw that I simply eat WAY TOO MUCH. So hopefully tracking my calories will help me reach my goals. And hopefully I can stay true and log everything I eat :wink:
  • angielisa75
    angielisa75 Posts: 46 Member
    By the way I love being tall......Be proud to be you...:)
  • I want accountability partners! It worked for me 12 years ago when I lost 50 lbs. Kept around 143 to 135. Sometimes swing up a bit. I am 5 9 and 148. Up 10 with holidays and my father dying. Need motivation and ability to "compete" with others so I stay to my daily plan. I exercise every day and plan to eat 1200.
  • mkozmik
    mkozmik Posts: 79 Member
    edited February 2015
    @morganlee82 @tessyslog Make that Triplets! 5'10", small frame, long & lean. My gain goes straight for the muffin top and I have a shield of fat over my abs.

    I'm at 151 shooting for 135-140. I maintained at 145 for a long time and then it crept back on and I want to move the scale a bit lower this time. I'm eating a bit more...1480 cals (500 cal deficit) and some of my exercise calories. I'd be glad to add you as well.
  • roc85
    roc85 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm 6ft and am in around 175-178. Aiming for 160/165. Feels daunting. Have always exercised regularly (walking, cycling, jogging, weight training, whatever seems fun) so food is definitely my issue. I snack like a mo-fo on high calorie stuff (nuts, dried fruit etc) and my portion control is pretty bad.

  • morrlaur
    morrlaur Posts: 5 Member
    Hey all! I am another tall girl - 5'9" and currently 160 lbs though I would like to be around 145. I got down to 152 or so this summer when my stepdad died very suddenly and I just kind of let things go. I have been doing lots of yoga and am trying new things, like pole class...so far I seem to be doing ok but I haven't been back long. Portion control is a huge problem for me so I love this site.
  • morganlee82
    morganlee82 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi morrlaur - I would love to try pole dancing! Seems like a great way to work out and build confidence!
  • morganlee82
    morganlee82 Posts: 8 Member
    And sorry to hear about your step dad :(