Can you adjust daily calories to reflect 5:2 fast days?

Jmatacz Posts: 14 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
Hi all,
I'm relatively new to 'actively' using MFP. Is there any way to adjust or daily calorie goals so that it reflects the 5:2 WOE?

I.e 500cal 2 days, 1800-2000 the other 5?

Thanks in advance.


  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Well, I am not exactly sure if I know what you are asking but that hasn't stopped me from answering in the past. ;) I think what you are asking is if you can tweek the diary so you can have 500 calories on two days and your normal calories the other days. The short answer is "no". However, here are three ways around that:
    • Just record your calories as is (2 days @ 500 and 5 days @ 1800-2000). When you complete the entry for the 500 cal days, MFP will lecture you about eating so few calories, which you can safely ignore. I promise the MFP police will not show up at your door.
    • Just record your calories as is (2 days @ 500 and 5 days @ 1800-2000). Don't complete the diary for the 500 cal days. While your friends will not know you have completed your diary, it will save you the lecture.
    • Just record your calories as is (2 days @ 500 and 5 days @ 1800-2000). For your fast days just Quick Add 1300 calories to get up to a liveable amount then complete the entry. Diary will be completed and no lecture will be given.

    What you cannot do is program your fitness goals to accommodate a 5:2 week where 2 days are at very low calories and the other 5 are at normal calorie levels.

    I hope this is what you were asking. If not, post again with a clarification and I am sure someone will be able to help you.
  • cal0rina
    cal0rina Posts: 111 Member
    Same as above, however I set my weightloss as zero and activity as sedentary, which gives me over 2, 000 still to play with.
    I like upsetting the computer in the same way I like to ignore the satnav lady ;)
  • Following this think I'm going to do the quick dad calories x
  • Jmatacz
    Jmatacz Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the answers. You were spot on (sorry I was clear as mud) and I have been tracking fast days strictly by the other days more leisurely - yes get a lecture from MFP which is funny. Never been told I have eaten too little before ;)
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Jmatacz wrote: »
    Never been told I have eaten too little before ;)

    LOL Nice, isn't it?
  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    I set at maintenance, record fast days as is, and get the lecture. Adding spurious calories to stop the message is counterproductive and makes the Net Calorie graphs useless.
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    you can set spurious calories, complete the day, then delete the extras this puts the graphs back as they should be.