Different cycles post - baby?

All right everyone. When my little was just over 6 months old I got my first post - natal period. Everything was normal just like how it was before - the length, heaviness, etc. Now I'm late for my second post - baby cycle. I'm quite sure I'm not pregnant, but I took a test to be sure (negative). I'm just curious if anyone experienced longer or shorter or just different cycles after having a baby? Mine used to be quite predictable. I'm only four days over so I'm not overly concerned so much as curious. Thanks! :)


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I got mine back at 4 months even though I am BFing and its completely different. My cycle is much longer than it was before and heavier :( . I also used to be quite predictable.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    With my first, when it finally came back, it skipped a month. I was pretty freaked! lol But then it was regular again. I was 9-10months PP and it seemed to correlate with cutting down from 2 pumping sessions to 1 at work. With my second, I didn't get it back until a year PP, but I was a sahm at that point. I don't think it skipped a month that time, but was just normal again. In the month or two leading up to it, though, I kept thinking I was pregnant b/c I would get pregnancy symptoms...incredible sense of smell, food aversion, hormonal, etc. Once it finally came though, all was good! LOL

    So, maybe its like what happened to me the first time and your body is just getting used to the cycle again and you'll get it on time next month?
  • Thanks ladies! I think that must be what it is. Pregnancy tests are still negative and I really just don't feel pregnant either. I know that sounds weird, but last time I can't really explain it, I just knew I was pregnant. lol

    Yay for unpredictability...