Any June 2015 Moms?



  • penguinlibrarian
    penguinlibrarian Posts: 33 Member
    Congrats to all the other other expecting ladies! I'm due June 25th and it's my first baby. :smiley: I'll be 20 weeks and I'm currently 165 lbs (and 5'11'')...I was actually 169 when I found out I was pregnant, which was the chubbiest I've ever been. So overall I'm down 4 lbs, but I know I'll be shooting up any day now.
  • newrhapsody33
    newrhapsody33 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi mamas! I am also due June 25th. This is our 4th baby. Before getting pregnant, I lost 15+ lbs using MFP to track food and taking tae kwon do. I'm still taking tae kwon do (and hope to keep going right up to the end!), but I'm not currently logging food. Will return to that this summer.
  • ahannum31
    ahannum31 Posts: 16 Member
    20 weeks tomorrow here :) Gained 11 pounds so far but am fine with that. It's about on track for where I have been in previous pregnancies, so trying to keep things under control for the second half. I've never gained under 50 pounds with a baby so that's my goal and of course, healthy baby.
    I'm eating with the Trim Healthy Mama plan and counting calories. Still working out- I do RIPPED, Zumba, some time on the elliptical here and there... Just trying to stay smart. My family is moving when I'll be around 38 weeks pregnant (across the country most likely) so taking advantage of a good gym while I can and using the exercise to keep stress as under control as I can... :/
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey Ladies! 22 weeks yesterday and plugging right along with this baby- number 3. My weight kinda jumped after Christmas. I went from a 6 lb. gain to an 11 lb. gain in like, a couple weeks. But now it's balancing out and I'm holding steady at +13. Still higher than I'd prefer, but I'm dealing with it:) Still staying active- I do a workout video a couple times a week and walk 3 miles the other 2-3 days. Plus, I chase around 2 toddlers all day every day :).
    This pregnancy has been a bit different in that it's our first time not finding out the gender. Because of that, it's been really hard for me to think long and hard about the baby- I have NO idea what it is! It wasn't like this with my girls- they had names long before they were born. Is anyone else with me in this boat??
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    I am also 22 weeks pregnant, I had a big weight jump from 5 pounds to 11-12, but my doctor seemed ok with that. Currently I am at 148lb (started at 135lb), have been maintaining that for the last 2-3 weeks actually. I am very active: I run 20+ miles a week and do 2 days of strength training, plus my full time job keeps me busy. So that's why I am not concerned about my weight too much. What else can I do, right? :) This is our first baby, and we do know it's a girl :) We have a name that we're keeping a secret till she gets here. I feel her kicking on a regular basis, but not enough for my husband to feel it.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I hit 22 weeks this week! That marks a complete five months in... It's going so fast. Yikes!

    Still haven't shared the news with everyone, but we're sharing as we see people now. Kinda fun, kinda sobering. Still a mixed bag as far as emotions go. I'm not exactly excited, but getting there. Had to travel to D.C. for work earlier this week and realized that in a couple of years I'll be able to take him, too.

    Tried to go shopping for our son last weekend and ended up buying nothing. I think we may be the only pregnant couple to walk into a baby store at 5 months pregnant and not buy anything!! I giggled to myself a little at all the excited mamas leading their very lost-looking mates around the store with carts loaded with all sorts of stuff. As for me and my husband, we both ended up shopping sort of separately but pointing things out to one another here and there. I think we were just overwhelmed. We're both kind of minimalist, so it was shocking to see just how much stuff is out there for babies!!!

    Feeling much better other than the heartburn that I get from just about everything! Some days I forget I'm pregnant for hours at a time or wake up in the morning and don't remember until I start getting dressed) I still have a day or two every week when I get nauseous and vomit, but it lasts a few hours at a time instead of all day every day. Thank goodness for that.

    The little boy inside me is quite a mover. I was nervous about how I'd react to feeling him the first time, but it's gotten quite normal to me. When I don't feel him for a while I miss it. My husband got to feel it for the first time a little over a week ago, and it was fun to see his reaction. :D
  • ahannum31
    ahannum31 Posts: 16 Member
    Jill- yes! We didn't find out with our third & by the end it drove me crazy lol. Found out as soon as I could this time!
  • Coln
    Coln Posts: 1 Member
    jsimm2127 wrote: »
    Hi ladies! I am due with my 4th (and final) June 21. I have been such a slacker. Only gained a few pounds so far but I am overweight to begin with so I am hoping not to gain much.

    I am pregnant with my fourth also and due June 22 2015. I've found I've gained the least with this pregnancy, I was at a healthy weight pre preg and perhaps having three little ones helps with daily exercise ;-)
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    FINALLY bought something for the big man this weekend! Bought his stroller and four little outfits. Just one newborn sized and three in the 9-month size. I think mostly I'm going to stock up on onesies and footie jammies. :D
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    The only things I purchased so far are children books. We did renovate the baby room though: freshly painted walls and ceiling, new outlet covers, brand new carpet. Just need to make the closet baby-friendly. Oh, and furnish the room haha. The whole shopping for babies process seems so daunting for me...I just can't get excited about it for some reason.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I'm with you, mischka! This weekend was the first time I actually felt ready to make some purchases. Before that I was just overwhelmed and unenthusiastic about it all. So much weird stuff out there, and I am naturally a fairly simple/minimalist person. But we've been scoping out that particular stroller for a couple of months and it was getting hard to find, so we figured we'd better nab it while we could.
    The room bit is a different story! I have ideas, but as of right now the room is a fully furnished guest room and the closet is the storage space for all of my various hobby stuff. I'm thinking we'll wait on converting the closet, since his clothing will fit into drawers for a while. I am working on cleaning out a lot of my craft supplies to make room. Giving away most of my fabrics (rarely sew anything these days anyhow), made a bunch of paper rosettes for various holidays to use up my scrapbook paper supply, and probably going to give away anything I can't find a use for.
    Gotta figure out the rest of the room still. But hey - I've got almost four months! Ha ha...
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    This is my second baby, and we have almost everything we need already. I am on the lookout for a new stroller though, and we'll probably need to pick up some NB and infant-sized clothes because of different seasons.
  • sar0380
    sar0380 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm due on June 22nd with baby #3. I just got a fitness tracker to count steps and to try to get motivated to get back to being more active (1st trimester was rough). Feel free to add me... would love to give/get motivation from other mamas due at around the same time!
  • cerimariegillett
    cerimariegillett Posts: 35 Member
    i'm due in july :) I'd love to make friends with some other mum's to be who are maintaining their fitness journey. I've just satarted back at tracking and fitnbess after feeling pretty groggy and struggling with my blod sugars for about a month. Feel so much better after getting a hold on my food situation. Feel free to add me
  • CFishback23
    I'm due with my 1st on June 8th. We're having a little girl! 10 pounds of gain so far at 24 weeks so hopefully I can keep it under 20 because I started the pregnancy overweight. I set my goals to losing half a pound a week just to keep myself in check because I was told a 10-20 weight gain would he sufficient for my pregnancy. I'm trying to become active again because I won't lie - I haven't been the best so far. Haha. Good luck ladies!
  • cerimariegillett
    cerimariegillett Posts: 35 Member
    I'm due with my 1st on June 8th. We're having a little girl! 10 pounds of gain so far at 24 weeks so hopefully I can keep it under 20 because I started the pregnancy overweight. I set my goals to losing half a pound a week just to keep myself in check because I was told a 10-20 weight gain would he sufficient for my pregnancy. I'm trying to become active again because I won't lie - I haven't been the best so far. Haha. Good luck ladies!

    Me too CFishback
    I've started back with some low impact classes and walking. I feel so much better
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I am amazed at how much this little guy is moving! What an amazing thing. :)

    Super busy weekend ahead, but I need to brainstorm how I'm going to fit in some fitness time on top of all the other obligations. My doc cleared me to continue with weights as long as I feel good, but I've been seriously slacking. I didn't anticipate how off my game I'd be after being sick for the first couple of months after finding out I'm pregnant. My workouts have been like once every couple of weeks instead of 5 days a week. I did find a fun short workout that involves really light weights (they say to use 3's or 6's but I'm using 15's and 20's) and is only about 15 minutes long, but I still can't seem to squeeze that in since when you add on time to dress, shower, and redress it's more like 45 minutes! I'm making excuses here. Gotta knock that off.
  • cerimariegillett
    cerimariegillett Posts: 35 Member
    I am amazed at how much this little guy is moving! What an amazing thing. :)

    Super busy weekend ahead, but I need to brainstorm how I'm going to fit in some fitness time on top of all the other obligations. My doc cleared me to continue with weights as long as I feel good, but I've been seriously slacking. I didn't anticipate how off my game I'd be after being sick for the first couple of months after finding out I'm pregnant. My workouts have been like once every couple of weeks instead of 5 days a week. I did find a fun short workout that involves really light weights (they say to use 3's or 6's but I'm using 15's and 20's) and is only about 15 minutes long, but I still can't seem to squeeze that in since when you add on time to dress, shower, and redress it's more like 45 minutes! I'm making excuses here. Gotta knock that off.

    I hear ya!
    I have scheduled in two classes a week.. only done 2 mind you
    but that and again some light weights at home.
    i've felt so Tired tho
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Yes,cerimariegillet! Tired is right. Even on days when I feel like I have energy it's hard to make working out a priority because there are so many other priorities that I need to catch up on. Being pregnant is tougher than I thought, and my heart goes out to those that have REALLY tough pregnancies!

  • cerimariegillett
    cerimariegillett Posts: 35 Member
    :D I know! NikkiSixGuns - I feel terrible because i'm only half way through but sometimes its a struggle for me to do more than lay on the sofa! I guess we can only do what we can and then get back into a routine post baby! (when we have even more to do- at least we will be awake)