New here and want to know people with my problem!!

Hello. My name is Barb. I am 25 years old, married and have three wonderful children. About a year and half ago I had been diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. I did have a thyroidectomy and am now on Synthroid which has really messed with my metabolism and ability to lose weight. I live in Ohio and just graduated from Kaplan University. I have tried to lose weight for a while now but always lose my motivation and just get back into the "old habits". I joined MyFitnessPal so I could lose the weight and get healthy and so I can reduce the amount of synthroid I have to take.

Friend me if you are in my shoes!


  • Alynne23
    Alynne23 Posts: 2 Member
    I had a thyroidectomy last December. I thought the meds would solve my weight issues but I am also having problems with weight loss. My endocrinologist doesn't want to adjust my meds, she wants me to lose the weight on my own because she said I have to prepare for menopause. Uggh! I have weight gain, 96/59 blood pressure with resting heart rate of 86 and periods every two weeks. I am determined to get this weight off.