Help Please

I am currently almost done with my 3rd week of Turbo Fire. I am following the schedule that comes with the DVDs. I am getting very frustrated because I have only lost 4 lbs. It's not like I don't have much weight to lose either! I'm 5'5" and 184lbs. I would like to be around 150lbs for my first goal. I am currently eating around 1300 - 1400 calories a day.
Anyone have any suggestions?? Do I just need to stick it out?? Maybe 3 weeks is too soon and my body is building muscle?? I don't know. Any help or suggestions would be great!!!

Thank you!!


  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi Amanda!

    4 pounds in three weeks is amazing!! You should be thrilled! :D

    I am 5'7" and 182 pounds right now. I have lost 3 pounds in 5 weeks, of course I would have loved to have lost more, but slow and steady is the best way. I am hoping to start losing 1 pound per week, but it doesn't always work out that way :|

    Did you take your measurement before you started?

    Are you weighing everything you eat? How are you tracking your calorie burn?

    Hang in there, I think you are off to an amazing start!

    Amy aka Belight
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    I agree with Amy. 4 pounds in 3 weeks is actually pretty good progress. Stick with it and you'll be at your goal in no time.

    I personally don't have much to lose, so I'm only losing about .5 pounds per week on Turbo Fire but I'm starting to see definition in my abs (which I have NEVER had in my entire life)!! Plus my legs and arms have gotten a bit smaller.

    Make sure to take your measurements. They will tell you more than the scale. You are more than welcome to join our group for support too! We have an accountability thread that most of us post in daily to say which workout we finished. We also have a general chat thread to b.s. whenever we feel the need. ;)

    Seriously though, it's only been 3 weeks. Patience and consistency (with exercise and eating well) will get you a lot farther in the weight loss game than anything.
  • amandaw9311
    Ok ok you've convinced me. I guess I was just expecting this to have a quicker impact since I went from doing almost nothing to working out 6 days a week. Now that I've heard I'm not the only one I feel a little better.

    Thank you soo much for your feedback!!! I think being a part of this group is really going to help me out!!!
  • sharkmomtn
    sharkmomtn Posts: 44 Member
    Amy and jms are correct. You are doing fabulous! It takes time. I am 5'1" and I am at 169 lbs. I was dropping about 1lb a week but had a visit from Tom last Friday and my scale has not budged and I am going into week 6 of Turbo Fire. grrrrr

    But when I measured I am down in various places by 3/4 inches!! The scale is not always the best judge of how you are doing. Just remind yourself that you are doing this for a lifestyle change - as in forever and for good.

    I keep my measurements on my bathroom mirror where I can see at a glance what I have accomplished to help keep Ms. Negative - the little voice in the head that speaks sometimes >:) in check. And I try to remind myself that it took a while to get this way (overweight) I can't expect it come off in a month. Although I wish it would :D

    This group and is great and they will support you 150% all the way. Hang in there!!
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    First, congrats on the 4lbs! I am 5'6" and was 152 when I started this group at the beginning of the year. I had to stop with the scale and use pictures. My hubby took a pic and I looked about 3 months pregnant. People were actually asking me if I was too. I took a pic yesterday after my workout and could see my "no baby baby bump" is disappearing. Stick with it!
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    I feel u
  • calebandevansmom
    calebandevansmom Posts: 62 Member
    Sorry my phone is stupid. I feel you on losing slowly. I'm down almost 2 pounds. I'm 159.6 as of today. But my clothes are looser and my tummy is getting flatter. I'm looking forward to do my measurements at the end of this week. I just keep telling my self that being healthy is not temporary. It's a lifestyle change.