Weigh in 02/01/15



  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, ladies. Don't laugh. You know that research and data are my gig, so I'm going to explore what's available. Last I read, BodyMedia had the highest scores on calorie burn, so it makes you wonder why Jawbone has just dropped it. But I guess they're using the BodyMedia technology in their Jawbone products. It's all about the bottom line.

    Knowing that, I sent another, quick polite e-mail saying that since they'll be losing a customer who is now paying a monthly fee for their website, I hope they might reconsider my warranty period as dating from my receipt of this replacement unit. It will probably do no good--but hey. A gal has to try. :)

    I will NOT get a chance to walk tonight. I got my a** kicked today at work! I'm still trying to catch up from not having much connectivity on Monday and a number of new deadlines came up, so I just logged off moments ago. I have a nonwork meeting to attend tonight that I can't miss, and I have to run by PetSmart to get food for the kitties before that. What a day! I'm glad tomorrow is Friday.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    By higher calorie burn, do you mean the unit is telling you you're burning more (hence it's more accurate)? I love my fitbit, but I don't rely on it being 100% accurate of what I'm burning. It just needs to give me a baseline. No matter what, I try to stick to the same amount of calories taken in each day. If I happen to burn more calories that day than normal, I don't eat more to compensate. That's just me though.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    I think the reports are saying that the burn reported by bodymedia units is more accurate than other devices. I'd have to go back to see in which direction any of the devices, including bodymedia, are off. I don't know if they tend to report greater burns than actual or less. I don't eat more when I have a day that I have a higher burn rate either. I consider those days a bonus. All that said, I don't think any of the devices out there are 100% accurate. I was impressed with bodybugg because when I faithfully logged food and added in the 200 extra a day for human error and bad food labels, I could pretty well predict my losses.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    You can do the same with FitBit Sarah. It's called manually adding in calories.
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    Sarah - I'm a stats/data person as well. LOVE reports. You are corrected that the BB and BM do measure the daily burn most accurately because of the way the unit sits on your body. HOWEVER, the FitBit options (particulary the Charge HR) really offer other details. Like Kelly though - the ONE is more discreet (I clip on bra between cleavage and it's not noticeable to me or others around). Using MFP for food logging you can also add in your additional 200 cals. Time to ditch the BB/BM and move over to the Fitbit arena. We're all here waiting for you (hurry up...we have a challenge that's starting Sat morning).

    On another positive note. Today is my weigh day for my diet coach (wish he'd change that title) and I'm down 2.5 from Tuesday. Working hard to have a GREAT reduction on Tuesday!!

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Yep, I think it is the way the unit sits on the skin and measures different things. I've also always kind of wondered about the long-term effects of having that thing sitting there!

    Great news about 2.5 lbs. I find that when something out of the ordinary comes along and I eat and drink more or different things that I usually do, I'll have about a three pound spike that then levels off if I'm careful to go back to my usual intake/burn. Sounds like you quickly got back on track.

    I barely made it to the pet store and then to my meeting last night. When I got home, it was after 10 p.m. and after the day I had had, I was too beat to do anything. I haven't uploaded yet, but I probably had about 2000 steps all day. Man, I couldn't stand many days like that one back to back. Today's not quit so bad, and tomorrow--drum roll--is Saturday. :smiley:
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sarah, I'm so excited you're considering getting a FitBit!! I just got the Charge HR, and I love it! It's very comfortable on my wrist. You can push a small side button to see the time and date (set how you want on website), your steps, your heart rate (I checked it and it's very accurate) the distance you've walked today, the calorie burn so far for the day, and the flights of stairs you've climbed. As my daughter would say, "It's awesome sauce!" Oh, and with Lois's help, I figured out how to get caller ID notifications on it! (Thanks Lois ;)) You don't have to use your phone with it, but like Lois said, it's fun! (These ladies are killing me with the challenges!) The website is great! I use My Fitness Pal to log food and it syncs with FitBit just great. Like Kelly, I don't (or try to not) "eat back" my exercise calories. When I don't, and also when I pay attention to the macros, I lose pretty well for an old short lady! :D

  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Lois, good job on the 2.5 loss!!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Awesome job Lois! I figured that would happen when you said you went up lots from Super Bowl. It was probably water retention and now you've zapped your body back into it.
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    SarahMaxx wrote: »
    14,000 steps around the house, Lois! My goodness--I don't think I've ever done that! My house is small (2000 sq ft), and I have one of those compact kitchens that makes cooking easy (provided there's only one cook), but it does limit movement.

    I haven't uploaded today, but I made it through the Superbowl without eating a singe chip of any kind. (Chips--particularly tortilla chips-- are my weakness.) I had one piece of pizza, although it was loaded with meat, and one small chicken salad on a croissant sandwich, and sparkling water. We left quickly after the game and didn't see any impaired drivers, although it was snowing and the roads were a bit "greasy." All in all a good night.

    Happy Monday everyone. Kelly, take care of that cold and feel better soon.
    Sarah - my house is only 2400 sf. I believe it was from the anxious pacing..haha
    SarahMaxx wrote: »
    Good Sunday morning, ladies. Thanks Light for letting me know about the fitbit groups' steps. More than 10,000 steps a day is amazing. With my 10+ hours a day at a desk, I almost never break 10,000 steps, but I CAN set a new goal to break 10,000 on weekends.

    I almost made that yesterday. I was feeling a bit down with all the frigid temps, wind (gosh, high winds are rough when it's cold), long work hours, and family issues. So around 5 p.m., hubby (who is down with neck pain) suggested that I call my mall walking friend. We typically just walk together when we happen to be at the mall at the same time, but we had exchanged phone numbers. So I called and she was in the same "kinda down" space I was, and we agreed to meet at the mall in 30 minutes. We put in a more than an hour at a brisk pace, and I burned close to 500 calories during that time frame. Yeah!

    Cheryl, at our height more than a pound in any week is a great success, and particularly in cold weather. Sounds like you're a little north of me. I'm in Maryland, and we only got about 4 inches during this last storm. We're looking at a "wintry mix" today.

    We've been invited to watch the super bowl with some friends whom we've known for more than 20 years and who are moving to NC soon. Hubby does not want to miss the last chance to spend super bowl Sunday with them, since it's kind of tradition, but I'm a litttle concerned about driving home on potentially slick roads with a lot of post-ball game impaired drivers. I'm also thinking about all the tempting ball game food. And mentioning that, it's time for me to get to the store to buy some things to take that are more healthy. I think we're doing a yogurt chicken salad and a fruit salad to offset all the pizza and wings.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone! (Lois, the news clips about the golf tournament last week reminded me of how pretty the mountains are around Phoenix, and I thought of you every time.)

  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    Sarah, I am going to join the chorus and wail "GET A FITBIT!" You won't be sorry. I did start with the Body Bugg and am on my second Fitbit and I LOVE it. There is no comparison. Most importantly - think about this. You continue to pay a monthly fee. Buy a Fitbit and you are done. NO fees at all. The money you save will pay for the Fitbit over time.

    When I was "shopping" there were two things I remember being of most importance. That fee was one of them. The second is that Fitbit does not have a replaceable battery. When it dies, she's dead and needs to be replaced. My first Fitbit was more than 2 years old when I unfortunately washed and dried it on my pants. I killed her. My first Fitbit was the "ONE" and I loved it. I think it was $100. If she'd have lived a normal lifespan it was worth more than $33 a year (and I would have spent more than that just maintaining Body Bugg.) My second Fitbit is the "FLEX." This one is worn on the wrist. It's a very small writstband. What I do like about it is the fact that it measures ALL activity. The "One" did not accurately capture my dragon boat paddling. It's VERY strenuous and I wanted credit for it! What I do no like about it is that you do not see "numbers." There are 5 little lights and when you check your progress it is broken down in quarters. My daily goal is 10,000 steps so each quarter for me is 2500. When I reach the first 2500 the first of the 5 lights comes on. When I reach 5000 the second light comes on and so forth. Dale has the "FORCE" (which has been replaced by Sheesh's "CHARGE." His is also a wrist band, but he does have the numbers for everything. I think if I was going to replace I would spend the extra money and get his.

    If you'd like to send your cell phone number or email, I'd be happy to show you what the reports look like. Also - you would LOVE the ability to chat back and forth continually and ADORE the challenges. I did not properly register myself for Kelly's challenge this weekend and almost cried yesterday when I realized it. Just trying to beat those fools, I walked 16,000+ steps yesterday. My Fitbit kept sending me the messages saying how good Cheryl was doing in the challenge!! Last time we did a challenge I was laughing out loud!! At one point in time I was out in front and came in. I had one shoe off when I got a message that Lois had passed me. I put that dang shoe right back on and went out again telling Dale "She passed me! She can't pass me without a fight!!!"

    I also like how Fitbit sinc's with MyFitnessPal. I get to interact with Lois and Kelly there as well. Their support really helps me so much. It does make a difference to have that constant reinforcement.

    I hope it works out for you!!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Holy cow.. we're on page 2. I think that's the first time this has happened! Cheryl, you crack me up. Great post!
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    Cheryl - you are a riot!!! Scout didn't win yesterday, but her grandma did (Sheesh)...and the mom (Me) beat her too.. Can't walk today, but as of yesterday WE were ahead of the little one! Doesn't matter that she worked two 12 hour shifts and was in -40 temps. Heck my feet hurt so bad at 20k steps, I put them in my pool (great ice bath). Sheesh and I both EARNED our 25k per day step badge!!!

    Sarah - see the fun you are missing!! And we're being active!! Get a Fitbit and join in! And Sarah - to get those darn steps in - I had to get on my dreadmill....watched - not one, not two, but THREE episodes of Grey's Anatomy!!!

    Weigh in is tomorrow....still dreading it.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Ha ha ha ha!!! I, too was laughing out loud over the weekend :D You guys are the best! I don't know if I'm going to do very well this week because I'm so sore today, LOL! But, GRANDMA won!! I was determined to not lose this time. I got invited to TWO workweek challenges this week. (you guys and local friends) Dang. Better get going . . . Congratulations to us on our new badge, Lois ;)

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    You ladies are amazing! On a day when I work 10-12 hours at the old desk (which is pretty much typical for me), it's hard to even reach my 8000 step goal. I do find that on weekends, I can break 10,000 steps because I'm walking around doing chores and running errands, but on those days when I don't get out of here until 7:30.... Tonight, I'm attending a county parks and planning meeting for my community that starts at 7 and probably won't end until 9 or later, so getting steps in will be a challenge. Thanks for all the fitbit info, though. I'm still trying to decide which way to turn and putting packing tape on my armband!! I should try duct tape. Isn't that the item with a million uses? :smile: