Fat again...

jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
In 2009 I lost 65 pounds I was healthier than ever I left the 200s far behind. I lived like that for a full 2 years and then...well then I gave up gave in, made excuses. I started back hard core yesterday and I am remembering this isn't as bad as I remembered. I don't have to starve I can make wise food choices. I HURT today I know this too will pass...I have been in worse pain ( as of late I had a bad infection that hospitalized me and made me somewhat opoid dependent). I am not just a momma, I am also a nursing student, and I while I "sigh" failed last semester ( first school failure in my entire life) I got a few extra days in between semesters so I have decided it would be best if I spent those establishes what next semester will be like. I get up earlier...so we are saying 4 or 4:30 to workout. As of now I am doing the house, but when the semester starts their is a gym with shower right down the road from my job and from school. No excuses, if I leave the house either it is study or workout. I started taping my lectures, so I will be listening to those during my workouts. I am looking for some active mommy/student/also-working friends. Need some support. PS I totally eat cookies and pizza...that is right I work for them, or work them off....so I wouldn't mind some support from people who also love food.


  • griffyndoor
    griffyndoor Posts: 10 Member
    How's the new semester treating you? I'm not limiting foods other than to stay in my target range each day. I haven't made it to the gym yet, I seem to pick up a cold or the like each time I head back. Hoping it'll clear so I can get in on Thursday again. I've got a two year old who keeps me busy. Full time teacher enjoying my "slow" semester after having gone to school full time last year.
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    How's the new semester treating you? I'm not limiting foods other than to stay in my target range each day. I haven't made it to the gym yet, I seem to pick up a cold or the like each time I head back. Hoping it'll clear so I can get in on Thursday again. I've got a two year old who keeps me busy. Full time teacher enjoying my "slow" semester after having gone to school full time last year.

    I also seem to pick up a cold every time I start going to the gym again. Then I stop because I'm sick, repeat. So annoying! I am a full time teacher as well and I have a six year old. Are you gearing up for the new school year?