Week 5 Day 1

RS3khon Posts: 67 Member
- it felt difficult, as usual, with all the workouts we do for the first time
- watching the video and doing the moves, i noticed i do less reps because I'm slower, ill be working on that
- i also took it very easy with the jumping, and modified it for the sake of my knees
- a very manageable/doable video - i'll be looking forward to building my strength with it
- my triceps are going to hurt tomorrow !


  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Sounds great! I expect I will also be slower than the people on the video like I am with the week 4 workout because they are so fit - as long as we do the best we can do and it doesn't have to be the best that Omar or Anita or Natalie, etc. can do.

    I think it's going to be good to have my rest day instead of cardio on day 3 by the sounds of it.
  • RS3khon
    RS3khon Posts: 67 Member
    @mellie289 so true! just do the best you can do and be happy that you gave it all you could :smile:
  • Soybeaner
    Soybeaner Posts: 126 Member
    Difficult as usual. I felt ok until the last set of crabs. Then I was thinking "What? How? Ow!"
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    edited February 2015
    My Week 5 Day 1 will begin tomorrow. My work schedule changed as of today, so Monday's are now 8 AM to 7:30 PM. I can't fit a workout into that day - it's too long! I have no such excuses the rest of the week. I'm glad to have a rest day before starting Week 5 since yesterday was my last Week 4 cardio. Sounds like I'm going to need it.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Well, now... that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was scared when I previewed the disk! LOL! I really thought I wouldn't have the strength to hold myself on one arm in those pushups in circuit 1.

    They go way too fast for me on the one-legged squats. I'm flopping all over the place off balance. I think I need to try them at my own slower pace next time and just focus on my form.
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    Wow! That was tough. Really stepped up.
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    Holy triceps!!! Anyone else feel like their triceps are going to explode when doing the crabs??? My arms are so sore!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I can't do too many of those... yet! Maybe by the fourth time we do this disk.
  • harieta
    harieta Posts: 135 Member
    Oh my God! What have I done to deserve circuit 3?! My chest, shoulders and triceps were already finished before the cardio interval! I could only do series of three of those cable punches! And the last set of crabs... :astonished:
  • harieta
    harieta Posts: 135 Member
    And the next day I went shopping - I could barely hold the hangers up, to have a better look at clothes! :) Then I thought I didn't really need anything!
  • healthymomkc
    healthymomkc Posts: 19 Member
    Ow. Ow. Ow. My triceps are going to be sore tomorrow. The Yoga in the beginning.. Thank god it was just a warmup. Chatarungas -- not a fan!
  • harieta
    harieta Posts: 135 Member
    Oh, I hate that too! Too uncomfortable for my wrists. I try to do that using push up handles and they feel a bit better. The wrists, obviously, because the arms are still in agony!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I hadn't thought about push up handles. I should get some of those. I have an Iron Gym workout bar I bought for chin ups that could be for push ups, but it wouldn't really work for me doing this.
  • harieta
    harieta Posts: 135 Member
    Oh, they are good! I used them for the push ups with side planks, crabs, everything that involves supporting my bodyweight on my palms! Apart from the lying tricep extension which I do on my fist.
    Without the wrist discomfort I can perform the exercises much better.