Weigh In 02/08/15

It's been a good week!!! Very pleased. I'm in that "zone" when your target is clearly in your head and nothing is going to stop you! I LOVE THAT FEELING! That boat means the world to me and my butt WILL be on it's bench!! Thank you all so much for helping me get there!

Starting weight: 166.8
Last weight: 162.8
Today's weight: 160.4
Loss: 2.4 !!

Total Loss: 6.4
7.4 pounds to go to boat weight (153)
17.4 pounds to go to where I'd LIKE to be (143)

I did something different this week and it's appears to have paid off. I was disappointed in last week's loss. It was a loss, and I was pleased - but I know I am being so good. I *wanted* the 1 1/2 pound goal I'd set - the one all the numbers said I should have gotten.

I took a good hard look at the goals I'd set. I do not know if my Fitbit automatically recalculates food intake/calorie burn numbers as you lose weight. So I reset my own goal numbers. I found that to lose weight one is supposed to take their present weight x 7 to find their current calorie intake limit. I changed that goal number (lowering my intake by just under 200 daily.) To lose 1 1/2 pounds weekly I need to "lose" 750 calories a day. I changed my calorie burn number to reflect my new intake number plus the 750 extra I need to burn. I don't know if that's what did it, but I am over the moon with 2 1/2 pounds!! I am logging all my food and eating healthfully with three meals a day AND my daily beloved glass of wine. TWO glasses in fact!

If I can get 1 1/2 pounds again this week..........check it out girls - I'LL BE IN THE ONE-FIFTIES!!

And congratulations Kelly on making the 130's. I just could wipe the smile off my face!! Good for you kid........you're going to look just SMASHING on vacation this year!!!!!!!!

Six pounds. Just 6 pounds, and I have 10 weeks to do it in. I am ready, READY!!!! (That's what the coach yells when she puts you in position to start paddling. That's going to be me. READY TO START PADDLING!!) Check this out!! That's me!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10eQ6Wf7maM


  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Great loss Cheryl!!! It's always so motivational when you see the numbers on the scale dropping. As much as that shouldn't be EVERYTHING, sometimes.. it is. Sometimes, the "do it for the healthy body and healthy mind" crap... isn't motivational enough.

    Weigh in for me is tomorrow and I'm not really looking forward to it. I've noticed that this week's food here has been super salty lately. I'm trying to flush it out with water today.. but we'll see. I'll probably end up back in the 140's :(
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Wow! Fantastic loss Cheryl!! You're almost to your dragon boat ready body! And thanks for sharing the cool video . . . awesome :D

    My weigh in is tomorrow also. Hope all the steps over the weekend did more than just make me sore!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    SW: 150
    LW: 139.8
    TW: 140.3

    Although I already knew that was going to happen.. it still saddens me a pick. At the same time, it made me realize how much salt intake affects my weight. Last night's supper was indulgent for me too as I had whole wheat spaghetti with meatballs and sauce (but too much of it) as well as a banana pudding for dessert. It was all soooo worth it lol

    Back at it today! Stepping...stepping...stepping!
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    Ah Kelly, that just sucks but your head is in the right place. We ALL (obviously) know you are exercising. One indulgent meal and a momentary snapshot of a number does not tell the whole story. Keep doing what you're doing. We all know it does pay off in the end. You'll show a loss next week. Hope your pasta was good! I love treat day!! Sarah, we are having a "work week challenge" on the fitbit site. You'd best be walking to Maine tonight if you want to keep up. I am #1 right now. I know that within the next several hours as the time zones evolve I am going to be pummeled. Oye!
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    SW: 238
    LW: 188.2
    TW 186.2

    Down 2 but that's still up from pre superbowl and WAY up from pre holidays. I need to buckle my butt down and really stick to my meal plan. Cheryl - you're so right on the self adjustment...I totally get it. My diet coach is on me about my overall carbs daily. I'm just over what he wants and guess what?!?! The darn weight ain't coming down...even with all of my "stepping". So I guess I'd better get back to following his direction!!

    Cheryl - CONGRATULATIONS MY FAVORITE BON BON!!! You are so going to have a seat on the boat..after all you have that awesomely cool carbon paddle that just did not get enough use it's first year with you!! Let's get it done!!!

    Cheryl - how the heck did you get that video to load? I'm pretty techy and I couldn't figure out how to post a picture. You'll have to give me direcitons.

    Kelly - you're killing me Sprout!!! I don't know how you do it, but damn you are impressive. Even working your shifts and those crazy temps! You''re inspiring!

    OK..been on my butt too long and head to fourth place so I better get moving. Today's meeting, I'll probably stand and step in place and have everyone laugh at me...haha

    Sarah - you gotta get a fitbit!!
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Kelly, that is so insignificant and HAS to be from sodium. There is no way it will stick with all the exercise you're getting!

    Good loss Lois! Two pounds is a lot! Today is my weigh-in:

    SW: 156
    LW: 134.8
    TW: 133.2
    Loss of 1.6 lbs.

    My goal weight is looking more possible to me now. :) Off to the treadmill.
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    hahaha Lois... I was thinking the same thing!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Man! Four hours of conference calls today, and none were the type that let me move away from that screen. At 4 p.m., I'm finally taking a quick break and thought I'd post my weight and also say thanks for all the encouragement and feedback and info about your challenges.

    Were your ears burning last night? As I walked with my mall walking buddy, I told her about my upcoming device decision. Part of me doesn't want you guys to know how much I have to sit during the day. :\ And comparing myself to people in different circumstances can start the old pity party.

    But thankfully, you guys have been lovingly prodding me, so it's making me think about ways to move more than I am--even given my 12 hours of moving only brain, fingers, and eyes. And improvement is improvement. I told my walking buddy about the Maine comment, Cheryl. And when reached a point where she needed to get home to eat, we laughed and said that I should probably stay awhile since I had to get to Maine by midnight! And I did--for a couple of more laps. :)

    Oh, and I enjoyed the video. You were in my neck of the woods at National Harbor. I'm about 20 miles NW of DC. I haven't rowed in a real boat in quite a few years (used to attempt to kayak), but when I was going to the gym, rowing was my thing.

    Well, like I said, I have only a few minutes, so here's my stats:

    SW: 155
    LW: 146.4
    TW: 145.2

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    Sarah - AWESOME REDUCTION!!!!! stay focused. You can do it!
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    Here I am, coming in late as usual. I thought life was going to lighten up but then I got slammed with several tough days. Congratulations to all of you for your weight losses. I hang my head knowing I'm not working it and without the added exercise, I will be stuck right where I am. Just got to start doing it but it's hard with my current work days. And then I think of Kelly and Sarah and I know it is hard for everyone. No excuses, it is my choice and I need to start moving it more.

    I had an all day seminar on Fri and they fed us sandwiches at lunch... which seems just fine but I can NOT do processed meats because of all the salt. I kid you not, I went from 178.0 on Fri morning to 182.8 Saturday morning. Geesh. It comes off slower than it goes on, too, let me tell you. I have managed to get back down to 181.6 but that is still 3.6 higher than I should be. Hopefully, I will show a lower number by the time this Saturday rolls around again. Now... to go get 1/2 hr biking in before I fall into bed.

    Keep up the good work, hopefully I'll be joining the gang soon. Sarah, your sitting and step counts are probably going to be right in line with mine. I'm hoping it won't be too much longer and I'll be able to start getting out for a walk at lunch time like I used to. Just not there yet with the work load/staffing.

    Loved the video :)
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Just checking in before I get in the car to drive to grandbabyland for the Valentines weekend. I gave it my best shot on the challenge this week, but I'm going to be stuck in the car today. Kelly, you had a great day even with your commute . . you're my role model, ha ha!

    Light, good job hanging in there. . all day seminar and all. And, Happy Birthday :) (Saw it on Facebook) Hope you had a good one.

    Sarah, that's a great loss! And, just so you know, you don't have to compete in the challenges on FitBit. It's up to you, and you know we support whatever you do. We all have periods of time with little "stepping" . . no big deal. We're all just doing our best, and supporting each others efforts. It's all for fun. Well, except for Cheryl. She takes it very seriously, LOL! :D

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Thanks, Sheesh. Happy Valentines Day!

    Light, I meant to log last night and let you know that I was glad to see your post. I had been thinking about you. I know that you and I share some of the same struggles with work. Hubby loves Greek food, but one Greek meal can spike my weight 3 pounds because of the salt. Feta is nothing but salt! It is temporary, but a real downer when I see that jumbo number of the scale. Next week will be better. Hang in there--and a belated happy birthday, too.

    Have to run. Happy Friday to all. :smile:
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    thanks for the birthday greetings, everyone :) This was a sweet birthday, best I've had in years, with such an outpouring of love sent my way. Thanks for being a part of it :)

    Thanks for the support, too :) It's a slow go right now but hopefully things will lighten up enough for me to get back to active status instead of where I am now with the exercise. I'm down from this this time last week but I haven't lost all the water weight so that is disappointing. I thought it would be gone by now but when I look at this past week's sodium level, I'm a bit higher than I probably should have been. Will have to devote extra attention to it this week- my scale still shows the water percent as high (as do my legs, LOL) Anyways... off to get some food logging done and then some housework.
    Happy Valentine's day, everyone. Sheesh, enjoy those little ones. I am getting blessed by a Skype call from mine.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Having a blah past couple of days... and since I'm an emotional eater, it's showing in my weight. I'm not eating a ton, just too much salt. I have 28 days until Mexico and I really need to get with it. What I really need to do is get back to logging my food! It seems that when I slack off with it, that's when my weight starts increasing. So today.. I'm back logging. That's my goal for today.
    Happy Valentine's Day ladies <3 Although I'm single, it's going to be a good day. I'm going for Sushi for Supper with 3 of my girlfriends and then we're going to see 50 Shades of Grey :o Should be a gooder.
    Have a fantastic day!
    Congrats Sheesh on the step win!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Headed out to the mail tonight around 6. It was snowing, but we had just gotten in from running errands about an hour before that and the roads were okay. It was snowing harder when I headed out--but hey, the mall is only 3 miles away. So I figured once I got out of the neighborhood and to a main road, everything would be fine.

    Scratch that thought! I got a few blocks from the house and it started pouring snow, and the wind started blowing the snow sideways. So I decided to make a loop and come home. I turned left, knowing there was another light about a long block up. But suddenly, all I could see was white. I couldn't see any buildings or trees, I couldn't see that traffic light which should have been very visible.

    Man was that scary, and was I ever grateful I decided to make that left turn and that I didn't get out on a busier street. It was snowing so hard, I could barely find my next turn, and when I did, I knew there were cars parked on the right-hand side of that road, as there always are, but I couldn't see any. So I just moved toward the center of the road and kept going. I was so very grateful that there was a car coming out of the residential road we live on, so I was able to figure out where to turn. I do so hope that person wasn't going far, though. I'm also hoping that all the folks who went out for Valentine's dinners will make it home safely

    I've driven in lots of snow, but I've never tried to drive with little visibility. Kelly, I'm sure you must know exactly what I'm talking out. Anyway, I came home, and hit the old dreadmill for 40 minutes, and I hope to get back on for another 40 before bedtime.

    We're supposed to have wind gusts up to 60 miles an hour later tonight, so I just hope the electricity will stay on. And tomorrow, with the wind chill, they say it will be 20 below zero here.

    Because of some night-time commitments this week and having to work late, I've been on the treadmill for 3 nights running. It will be interesting to see if I tend to burn more or less in the same amount time doing that vs. mall walking.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    yikes, Sarah. Glad you turned around to go home and glad you are okay. Doesn't sound like a good evening to be out .

    Kelly, hugs and hang in there...