What is everyone's rate of weight loss per week?

KFraz02 Posts: 13 Member
Hi, Just wondering how everyone's rate of weight loss per week is. I am losing super slowly, about 1 lb. Every 10 days or so then the scale goes back up before another brief drop.


  • Sharon_Small
    Sharon_Small Posts: 3 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Actually 2lbs is about the max per week to keep it off. I've been taking a nutrition class and restarted myfitness pal three weeks ago. I've lost 5lbs total and I am confident it is working. I am focused on being active (40min mixed workout 5x/wk) and monitoring my caloric intake while making sure I get enough nutrients too. It is tricky and I've had to make adjustments as I go and discovered I have too few proteins and calcium (I used to eat a lotta fatty cheese and I stopped but I now realize fat-free is better than eliminating since I still need calcium), but it's working. After 40 we tend to be less active but we don't adjust our caloric intake. That adds up to extra pounds. Also I've noticed my digestion has slowed so I take enzymes at lunch and dinner plus I have fiber rich oatmeal for breakfast most days. You may wanna give that a try. Good luck to you and don't give up! If you need inspiration, google "Blue Zones" and read about 100 year olds and their secrets to living long and healthy lives!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I'm aiming for .7/week. 1 lb gave me too few calories and I was starving, but .5 gave me more than I normally eat in a day, so... I was pretty much nailing it for awhile but then back injury followed by the flu has slowed it down a little.
  • KFraz02
    KFraz02 Posts: 13 Member
    Do you "eat back" exercise calories? Like if I burn 300 calories in a workout then MFP will add 300 calories to my total calories left to eat.
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    If you have lots of weight to lose 2 lbs a week is common and "easy". You may not think it is, but things get real challenging later.

    Losing under 20 lbs and being close to BMI it's usually best to shoot for .5 lbs a week.

    Half a pound a week doesn't seem like much, but it's a bunch when you're close to BMI level or in normal body fat range. You have to be spot on with calorie counting, exercise, diet choices and adjust according to results. It also doesn't help that water can make your weight fluctuate dramatically. You have to stick with it.
  • KFraz02
    KFraz02 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree Rogsman. I just have 20 to lose and am close to the 10 lb. Mark. The last 10 lbs are going to be really tough.
  • I'm content at 1-2 lbs per week. MFP tells me my calorie goal should be 2000 for that. So far I haven't been unbearably hungry with that. Makes me feel like I can sustain it for the long term to meet my goal (5-6 months). I don't think I could do even short term if I felt hungry all the time.

    I usually stay at my 2k limit even on workout days. But if I have a surplus and feel really hungry then eat and don't beat myself up about it.

    I guess I'm trying to be gentle rather than militant with myself. Something new for me!
  • hezemakiah
    hezemakiah Posts: 157 Member
    1 to 2 lbs per week.
  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    I'm trying npt to weigh myself every single week, but I'd say between 1-1.5lbs a week.
  • jonjaxmom
    jonjaxmom Posts: 77 Member
    .5 to .7 lbs per week. Slow and steady wins my race!
  • Being over 40 gives me the benefit of a better understanding about how quickly time goes by ( wasn't that six foot tall kid just in diapers?) I am content to know that even slow weight loss will mean I look and feel better by summer. Different mindset and different objectives around weight loss than I had in my "want it now" thirties!
  • ratso1969
    ratso1969 Posts: 7 Member
    I lost 7 pounds in 28 days that equals 1.733 pounds a week.I don't expect the same #'s for my next 28 days which is March 12.
  • JimFsfitnesspal
    JimFsfitnesspal Posts: 313 Member
    I have lost about 1.5#/ week, but I shoot for 2 or 2.5 and I think I would have lost less if I had low expectations.
  • LuckyStar813
    LuckyStar813 Posts: 163 Member
    Being over 40 gives me the benefit of a better understanding about how quickly time goes by ( wasn't that six foot tall kid just in diapers?) I am content to know that even slow weight loss will mean I look and feel better by summer. Different mindset and different objectives around weight loss than I had in my "want it now" thirties!

    I agree with that! I am happy to not be gaining. But hoping to lose a pound a week.

  • brendo204
    brendo204 Posts: 1,225 Member
    500grams per week
  • Exercisewoman
    Exercisewoman Posts: 52 Member
    IM aiming for 1lb a week so if I gain or lose more it will roughly work out to my plan. I'm hoping to lose 28 lb in 28 weeks. So far on target.
  • wannabthin1831
    wannabthin1831 Posts: 31 Member
    I am going for 1-2 per wk- I'm 44 and female . At my heaviest about 4 yrs ago I was 198. Since starting logging and regular cardio 3xs a week it's coming off- I am more than 23 lbs lighter than I was 4 yrs ago. Been logging for 28 days; in that time have lost 5.4 lbs so it's going the right direction. I will be really excited when I am out of 170's- hopefully in the next 3 wks. I know I won't lose the same every week . What matters is consistent cardio and making the best nutritional choices I can good item by good item. Weight loss in the 40s is heavily dependent on nutrition, consistent cardio, and consuming a deficit of calories. Once I have broken into the 160s I am going to resume doing the total gym and see if that kicks up loss more. I wanted to lose more fat before lifting. Also the scale doesn't tell the full story as much as cardio endurance and recovery and inches lost! Non scale victories are just as important!