Daily report 2015-02-13

lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
So people. What did you do that you are proud of today ?

Let us know!


  • SRJennings
    SRJennings Posts: 126 Member
    I am proud that I made myself get through the entire 45 minutes on the stairmaster. But I am thrilled that I figured out that my fit bit will count the steps as long as I do not hold onto the handles! It is a very good day! :p
  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    Well I haven't been able to workout yet today, but I did pass up free donuts in the break room because I had already brought my own healthy snack to work with me today :). Oh, and all this past week I've been parking in the farthest parking spot I can find from where I'm going to up my step count so I'm happy about that too :).
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Good job Susan !! Yay ! If I remember well stairmaster is quite hard isn't it ? 45 mins is great !

    Kris, congrats on skipping donuts and parking far... and it's not to late for a little workout !! ;)

    As for me I did:

    -30 mins high intensity cardio
    -30 mins playing guitar
    -15 minutes walk
  • nanavickig
    nanavickig Posts: 30 Member
    Today i cycled 12 miles on my stationary bike, I ran 3 miles and I did 2 sets of 15 push ups and squats, I stuck to under my calorie goal and i have eaten higher protein and lower carb than i usually do! Mostly i am proud that I haven't binged or even thought about snacking, it has been 18 days since my last binge!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Wow Vicky ! You impress me ! Keep up the good work ! :)