Please, introduce yourself and set your goal here

lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups

I'm Isabelle and I lost quite a bit of weight over the last year. What helped me the most was sharing everyday with a small group of people. As simple as that. (ok I moved my *** a lot too)

Anyway, that's why I wanted to start this group to have this opportunity again and to give the same chance to people who want to do it.

My goals:

-Workout at least 25 mins a day 5 days a week
-Guitar practice 3 times a week
-Report daily in this group
-Drop the last 15 pounds

So please say hello, I'm looking forward to know you and your goals and your story. ;)


  • SRJennings
    SRJennings Posts: 126 Member
    Hi. I only started this phase of my weight loss journey 9 days ago. This is my 3rd time having to lose the weight in just over 10 years. I am very serious about meeting my goals and I find having people to check in with is very helpful. Thank you for starting this group!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Susan and welcome !

    Glad to have you on board !
    Always great to meet people who are serious about their goals and having people to share is indeed very helpful in my opinion.

    I would be happy to know more about what your goals are and what your plan is.
    Thanks for jumping in and we will do it !!
  • Aoiusagi121
    Aoiusagi121 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello peeps.

    Here is a little introduction about myself. I'm trying to get motivation back on me because i don't wanna loose track of what i have accomplished over the years. I have been very emotional lately and almost a promised i made to myself years back ago before i started to loose weigth and beign healtier.

    Ive been kicking it back with basic cardio work outs now for two weeks @ the gym... next week im starting real training with a professional trainer (double the word lol) and im just hopping is gonna be for the best... I really just wanna be around people who can motivate and be motivated around each other and hopefully this small group is what can turn into :)
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Hi swigta !

    Great to ear from you. You seems motivated and already 2 weeks in that is wonderful !

    I hope you will enjoy the professional trainer. I tried it in the past and it was helpful to me, big motivation boost!

    Let us know what you did today
  • VTorres26
    VTorres26 Posts: 20 Member

    My goals are

    -Workout at least 30 mins a day 3-5 days a week
    -Lose as much weight as I can (healthy way)
    - Get away from bas sugar
    -Have more energy to play with my kids
    - Move around more
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Hi VTorres and very welcome !

    Glad to have you here it's a step in the right way.

    I like that "Lose as much weight as I can (healthy way)" I saw in your profile that you divided the amount you want to lose in smaller milestones and thats the way to go !

    It's a long journey ahead of you but the wonderful thing is that with some patience and dedication you CAN do it. My advice would be don't rush it and don't give up.

    One thing I learned about weight loss is that: "it's long" once I wrap my head around that fact, it worked !
  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    Hi, I'm Kris.

    I want to get back into my old active habits, I used to dance in high school and college and I ran I good bit pretty regularly. Now I wouldn't say I'm fat but I'm not fit either. So my goals are primarily to be more active. I've started running again, so I've set myself a goal to reach 10 miles this year and my husband and I have a few free weights at home so I've set one goal to actually use them at least twice a week and and another goal to get a six pack for this summer (or something close to it lol). My profile says I want to get down to 100lbs but I won't be disappointed if I don't reach that goal because I know (especially with running and strength training) I'll be gaining a bit of muscle on this journey, so weight really doesn't matter to me.

    Also I guess I could add a little personal info about myself just to get it out there. My husband and I hunt, bow and rifle hunting for deer during the fall/winter, and turkey hunting in the spring. It's something we get to do together outside in nature and plus it puts good lean meat on the table (nothing processed or injected with hormones), we're the type that hunt for meat not for horns (the horns are just a bonus if you can get them to stand still long enough). I've only just recently started bow hunting and found that it is a great workout for my arms and surprisingly my stomach as well, even as a hobby. We usually don't start practicing with our bows until after turkey season ends so I'm hoping to get a head start this year by using those weights. Also, on the weekends, my husband and I try to be active by going hiking, biking, kayaking(in the spring and summer), or just out for walks in general with our dog (who has started to get a little pudgy as well). I don't have any kids (yet) but I do have three beautiful fluffy fat cats that sleep all day and bug the crap out of me at night lol. I have a wonderfully boring office job that I love (lol oxymoron I know). I only say that cause some days are so busy and I love it, and then other days it slows down to the point I'm sitting here trying to force the time to go by faster lol. Though I really do love my job, I'm still holding on to my dream of becoming an astronaut/ballerina/doctor (you never know, it could happen).

    Well I've blabbed on long enough, so HEY! to everyone and I'm excited about joining this group :smiley:.

    ~ Kris
  • nanavickig
    nanavickig Posts: 30 Member
    hi everyone my name is vicki. I lost 34 lbs a couple of years ago but then had binging problems and put the weight back on again so now i've started again about 3 weeks ago and so far lost 9lbs, i have overcome my problems binging problems by knitting while watching the television and i have started reading in my spare time so i don't get bored and eat. i feel so much better it's like a weight has been taken off my shoulders i'm no longer obsessed with food! Good luck with your weight loss everyone, i look forward to hearing all about your losses!! Please feel free to add me for extra support and accountability! :-D
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Kris !

    That is a nice introduction. I love it !

    I like your goals and the fact that you stay active with your husband, this is a great support you already have.

    I to am an outdoor girl. Never hunted but I must say bow hunting seems interesting. Lately, I'm stuck inside more than I can stand and I can't wait for the opportunities to get back out there. (I'm in the process of buying a piece of land)

    Anyway, it's great to have you here. Hope to hear from you often.
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Hey Vicki !

    You did it ounce you can do it again. 9 lbs in 3 weeks is just "wow" a lot !! Good job !

    I'm happy to hear you've overcome food obsession and found solutions that works !

    So this time you will lose it and not put it back on right ? :wink:

    Best of luck and I,m happy to have you in the group !
  • nanavickig
    nanavickig Posts: 30 Member
    I forgot to mention, I am doing a half marathon with my husband on 26 april and my short term goal is to lose another 10lbs before then to help me run it better/easier! I have also been doing at least 3 miles a day running, cycling or walking, i have done this since 1st jan this year. I am a nana to 2 gorgeous granddaughters aged 4yrs and 6mths and i live in the UK.
  • JenWhite4022
    JenWhite4022 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi; I'm Jennifer and I'm restarting my weight loss journey after having my son on November 5th. I managed to stay within 10 pounds of my previous weight but would like to much less than my previous weight. I want to lose this weight for myself, my husband, and kids so I can be a better mother/wife for them.

    I like to work out but have a hard time fitting it in to my schedule so I've started working out on my lunch break. My personal goals are:

    Get down to 130
    Workout at least 4 times a week
    drink more water
    stay true to my goals, while still having fun!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    @ navavickig

    Wow ! Amazing looking and active nana you are ! ;)

    Great that you fixed some clear goals, you're already doing amazing for what I can see.

    Since you're doing a lot everyday, I invite you to write in the daily check in since you are such an inspiration !

    Keep up the good work !
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    @‌ Jennifer,

    These a great reachable goals and I love it ! You will do it !

    Congratulation on having your baby boy!
    You seems really busy but remember we are there for you when you need motivation !

    It's great to have you on board !

  • librafitness3
    librafitness3 Posts: 7 Member
    Hola! I'm Rowan.

    My goal is to lose about 50lbs without slipping into bad habits... then actually MAINTAINING it, lol.

    Good luck everybody :3
  • dmt366
    dmt366 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I've just joined MFP a few days ago and am working to shed 25+ lbs. Last year was very stressful with several ill family members and I pretty much turned to baking as therapy. Now I'm working to get back to taking care of myself and getting my health/fitness back.

    My goals include:
    Daily tracking and reporting food intake on MFP
    Daily planning for meals and workouts - with 1 free day per week
    Lose 10lbs before March 25
    Be able to button and wear my favorite jeans by March 1

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Welcome to both of you !

    Rowan, you are right "maintaining" can be hard be also sometimes it can be easy if you truly change some habits.

    Dana, these are nice and clear goals. I like it. 10 lbs by march 25 is quite a challenge!
    It'sgreat you're back taking care of yourself, always a good thing.

    Best of luck to both of you ! You are welcome to join in daily reports and share what you did everyday towards reaching your goals. I'll be happy to hear more from you.

    Lets do this people !! Go go !
  • hky43
    hky43 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this whole thing, but am hoping that by joining a group, it'll give me the accountability and support I need to regain good habits. About 2 years ago, I lost 35 pounds. Sadly, I've let it creep back and I need it to go away again. I'm nearing 50 and want it gone. My main goal, other than the obvious weight loss, are to workout 3 -4 times a week, train for a 5k, and eat better. I'd love to have the weight gone by April 17th, but 15 pounds by then will make me happy. Sounds like a lot, but hopefully, I can do it.
  • Hi everybody!

    I'm Marissa, and I've used MFP before to lose 40# and it rocked. However, that was right before nursing school (AKA the most stressful two years of my life, lol), and when I looked up I'd gained half of it back! I've been back on here for 9 days, but I've found what I miss most is the camaraderie from last time (there were several girls at my office that did MFP together).

    - Log ALL my food, every day (not just when I'm staying on my pre-planned meals).
    - Lose 30# total, no real deadline just to get down to my goal weight.
    - Lose at least 10# by this summer (would love to lose 20# but don't want to set too aggressive of a goal and then fail and get discouraged).
    - Get a daily workout in (I used to walk my dog 2-3x per day, but can't anymore due to some issues on his end).
    - Do better on the weekends (the BF and I tend to eat horribly on the weekends, because we're always either at one of our family's houses or running amok trying some new restaurant, and what's the point of going to that cute little Italian place for a salad?!?)
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Welcome to both of you !

    It always makes me happy when I see new members ! :) Thanks for joining !

    That's what I want this group to be about, support, accountability, camaraderie ! I know it truly helps!

    Good luck with your goals and please join us in the daily reports to share daily !