I'm really disheartened

princesskiren Posts: 21 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
Hi all,

I wa so excited last night as I weigh myself on Mondays and when I got onto the scales this morning I noticed I still hadn't lost anything! I worked so hard the last week too! I also did 2 days of the Jillian micheals 30 day shred workout! I'm so upset and gutted! I had worked so hard!

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've been on the 5:2 diet since 6th jan 15 and have lost 10lbs. My current weight is 138lbs and want to lose another stone! I stick to 500calories on FD and I have less then 2000 on normal days!

Please help me, should I be doing anything different? I feel so disheartened by this as it's now the second week I've stayed on 138lbs

Thank you very much xx


  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Congratulations on the 10lbs loss!!! I can't really offer any advice as I've not long started. I just wanted to say congrats
  • princesskiren
    princesskiren Posts: 21 Member
    Aaahhhhh thank you Karen. I hope it goes well for you. I'm absolutely gutted about the last two weeks. I hope you're finding it easy xxx
  • cal0rina
    cal0rina Posts: 111 Member
    I agree with Karen, you've lost 10lbs!
    As you have been working out hard you may have gained muscle, are you measuring yourself? Often the tape measure moves when the scale doesn't .
    Also give yourself credit for the health benefits of fasting
  • princesskiren
    princesskiren Posts: 21 Member
    Hi cal0rina, thank you, but I have not measured myself! I used to think that was 'another thing' on the diet! Saying that I did measure myself this morning and thought I'd keep a log of that too now. I know I should give myself credit, but I'm just gutted! But I must admit I do feel so much lighter and less bloated ever since I started this. I hope your doing well xxx
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    I have only be doing 5:2 since the new year, and find that my weight goes up and down like a YO YO. but the trend is down. Just stick with it as things do move eventually.
  • princesskiren
    princesskiren Posts: 21 Member
    Hi marmitegeoff, thank you for the reply, I definitely will stick to it but I may do the 4:3 this week to see how I get on with my weigh in next Monday. Do you all weigh once a week? Xxx
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    I weigh every day, then put the weight into a ss to calculate the 7 day average, this is the figure that I use. In fact it is a weighted average. eg todays weight X 7 + yesterdays X 6, etc, then divide the final total by 28. This smothes out all the shorter term ups and downs. I know that when I do a long bike ride I will put on 2 / 2.5 kg, but this is just water retention in the muscles as they are repairing themselves, it takes about a week to dissipate, so it does sqew the trend a bit.
  • princesskiren
    princesskiren Posts: 21 Member
    What is ss? Sorry to act so dumb but I am very new to this xxx
  • lulu1066
    lulu1066 Posts: 122 Member
    ten pounds is great. agree with everyone else that it does go up and down on a daily basis, so look at the big picture and don't be disheartened.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lost 10lbs in six weeks and you are disappointed?
    That's quicker than expected - especially when you only have a stone to go.
    Your expectations would seem to be a little ambitious! :smile:

    If it helps the last 4lbs I lost took me 3 weeks to lose 1lb and then I lost 3lbs in 3 days.

    I weigh daily - the daily fluctuations are interesting rather than demoralising to me.
    If you weigh infrequently there's a chance you are comparing a "false" high or low to your previous weigh in which also may be a "false" high or low.

    However you prefer to measure infrequently you really need to change your expectations from weekly to a longer timescale or maintenance will mess with your head once you get to goal.

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I guess ss is a spreadsheet - just a way of calcualting an average.
    Dont get so hung up on weight - you've done great so far. What height are you? Another stone would take to to 124 pounds, yes?
  • scentered
    scentered Posts: 11 Member
    I understand PK, that it can be a bit disheartening to find that your weight has remained the same, when you seem to be trying really heard. I joined MFP on 11th January, with a starting weight of 147 lbs and a goal of 133 lbs. At 5'6", with a 'sedentary' lifestyle, my calorie allowance is 1200 calories per day. I've stayed within this limit faithfully. I lost 6 lbs in the first 3 weeks. The next 2 weeks I had no change, and yesterday I recorded a loss of just under one lb. Nevertheless, I can really see and feel a great difference, especially with my clothes. I am though now considering the 5:2 method. Would like to loose a bit more that an average 5 ounces a week!!!!
    Well done though. Just imagine 5 x 12" Church Candles, and recognise that that's how much fat you have shed - brilliant!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited February 2015
    sijomial wrote: »
    Lost 10lbs in six weeks and you are disappointed?
    That's quicker than expected - especially when you only have a stone to go.
    Your expectations would seem to be a little ambitious! :smile:

    If it helps the last 4lbs I lost took me 3 weeks to lose 1lb and then I lost 3lbs in 3 days.

    I weigh daily - the daily fluctuations are interesting rather than demoralising to me.
    If you weigh infrequently there's a chance you are comparing a "false" high or low to your previous weigh in which also may be a "false" high or low.

    However you prefer to measure infrequently you really need to change your expectations from weekly to a longer timescale or maintenance will mess with your head once you get to goal.

    ^^This! Absolutely.

    Monday is always my highest weight of the week and fluctuates more than my Saturday morning weigh in. Why?
    A little bit of indulgence, more grain carbs, higher sodium, more exercise on the weekends. All of this leads to water retention. My Monday weight is usually 1-3lb higher than Saturday morning. My Monday fast takes care of most of the retained water.

    Keep your eye on the trend. If you weigh daily, analyze the fluctuations. What did you eat the day before, new exercise routine, where are you in your hormonal cycle, etc. These can all cause water retention.

    Weightloss is not linear. My experience with my own weight - 1 big weekly loss is usually followed by 1-2 slow weeks. There are times in my cycle, when I lose well, in others I can do everything right and lose nothing. I've been on 5:2 for almost 2 yrs. Knowing how my body reacts to certain variables keeps me sane ;-)
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    ss is Spreadsheet. 10lbs is excellent. I was just saying that on this way of life my weight goes up as well as down. I find that the average is more reassuring.
  • shoegal_81
    shoegal_81 Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with the others 10lbs in 6 weeks is amazing & you should be proud of yourself.

    I have only been doing this for 4 weeks & have lost 6lbs.

    Please don't be disheartened that you haven't lost this week & stick with it. Look for non-scale victories like measurements and how you feel in yourself. Have you been on the 5:2 website? I find the forums on there really motivational.
  • princesskiren
    princesskiren Posts: 21 Member
    You all have been so fab with the replys. Thank you, I was so upset this morning but reading every single post it's made me understand that I've done very well and it's only been 2 weeks where I've stayed the same weight. I'm 5ft4 and know I have not got a lot more to lose. My goal is till September as I get married then, and I know that's a lot of time I have, but it's seeing the scales that upsets me, especially when there's no change. I have started to measure myself now so I hope I'll notice the change in that. Thank you all once again for being so kind and giving me that re assurance! Sometimes reassurance is something we need to carry on going xxx
  • princesskiren
    princesskiren Posts: 21 Member
    I guess ss is a spreadsheet - just a way of calcualting an average.
    Dont get so hung up on weight - you've done great so far. What height are you? Another stone would take to to 124 pounds, yes?

    Thank you, I'm 5ft4 and yes I would like to be 124-126 xxx
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    I would like to add that you may want to take your measurements. Sometimes we don't lose weight but we do lose inches. And if you are exercising, you may be gaining muscle which burns more.

    I agree with everyone not to focus on the short term with 5:2 or it does get discouraging. If from month to month you are losing, you are doing the plan right.
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    I've stayed the same for 3 weeks now and I believe the fault is in my non-fast days.
    You stated you're under 2000cal's? Maybe you need to look a little closer at those calories.
    I think you've done Fabulous so far so lift that chin up!!!
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Just to add, I've only just started 5:2 and up until now I've lost 7lbs since January 5th by calorie counting and exercising daily (Jillian Michaels Body Revolution plus some walking and gym based cardio). It's been really hard to lose that weight, but I've averaged around 1450 calories per day in total. I'm pretty similar to you in terms of stats though I don't know your height (I'm 5'4").

    You've done really really well to lose more than that eating around 2000 on your feast days and 500 on fast days.

    Now that I've started 5:2 I am eating around 550 on fast days (gradually getting down to 500) and on non-fast days I'll have 1500-1600 maximum. By doing this I'm hoping to lose 1.5lbs per week, though I don't yet know if this will happen but we will see!

    If things have slowed down, why not try eating a little less on feast days, or maybe try going lower carb on feast days. I generally find that if I eat over 150g carbs the scale goes up and it's a really long time before it comes down again.