Hello - I'm new

hi my name is Sharon, I'm 59 (just - in January) and I need to shed 28 pounds to get back to looking like me again. I'm post meno and I live in the UK. I know it's harder when you reach a certain age and at the moment I'm suffering with a lower back injury (not sure what - getting it checked out this week). I was wondering if anyone has had success as an older girl and with limited movement? I can walk ok, in fact just did 4.5 miles today at a good enough pace to get a sweat on, but can't jump around as much as I'd like to. Any tips or inspirational stories to help me with this please? I hate the inner tube that has attached itself to my waist and I hate having a fat back. Got a lovely wardrobe full of cloths that don't fit me! Have one vice which I know I will have to give up (red wine) but don't smoke, never have. Happily married, no kids, small dog that is now going to get lots of walks. I would really like to shed this weight by early June - do you think this is a reasonable time scale ? Anyway love to hear from anyone who might like to buddy up or anyone who has had success - just to give me a boost - cheers x x


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Hi Sharon, welcome! It sounds like you're on the right track. Walking is the best exercise to start with. It'll give you a good, solid base to build from.
    Don't worry too much on a finishing date. Slow and steady will get you there. Lose it too fast and it'll come back on.
    I've maintained for over a year now but I think I've gained a few pounds back this winter, so I'l cutting back a little before it becomes a big issue.
  • Thanks for your reply - I have done this before, shed 40 pounds only to put it back on again! Determined this time that I won't do that again. I am really pleased with my first day, but I know I am in this for the long haul.its a bit depressing to be starting again to try to shed this weight at 59 but I know it can be done, just have to suck it up and get on with it! Onwards and downwards xxxx
  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    Hi Sharon, I'm new as well. Decided to get serious about it. I've cut the carbs and calories, just need to get motivated to exercise. Doing well so far. It's easier than I thought it would be. A lot of support on this site. I work 4-10 hour days so the last thing I want to do is come home and work out. I can walk around the building at work on breaks which is nice because it's indoors. I know i'll get back in the swing of things soon. Good luck to you and welcome!!!
  • Perhaps we can do this together? Yes I've cut out the carbs so no bread, rice, pasta and I do enjoy a big mixed salad so that's ok. Also think I'm going to go down the soup route if I feel hungry as they are mostly low cal and as long as you don't have bread with them you're ok. 10 hour days must be tough, you would be exhausted, but I'm trying to get at least 40 minutes of walking done per day - about 300 calories so it should start adding up. Just fed up with the way I look and want to wear my lovely cloths which I can't do at the moment. Could kick myself for putting back the weight I shed a couple of years ago, but I know you can do it, no matter what age. It just takes a bit longer! Good luck to you too xx
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome from someone else who lost weight and slowly put it back on. I'm determined to make it stick this time. Started tracking in January and I've lost 10 lbs now. Soup works really well for me, it's warm and filling, and not too many calories. I've got a long way to go, but am confident I'll get there.
  • Wow 10lbs is a lot - well done you. I think in my first week I might shed about 5 pounds so happy with that. Had a bit of a naughty night last night with the booze, but didn't eat too much. Everyone else wanted Chinese food and so I had prawns in black bean sauce with green peppers - lowest calorie stuff that I could find on line Chinese wise. But the booze was another story. Oh well today's another day and I am back with a vengeance. Must give up the booze, repeat after me - must give up the booze. Good luck to you and as you and I both know we can shed it, it just takes time. I think last time (which was about 4 years ago) I shed three stone (42lbs) in about 6 months - what did you shed and how long did it take you before?
  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome Sharon. Wow! 42 pounds in 6 months is amazing! The biggest thing to remember is don't get discouraged. Walking is huge I think, or whatever cardio you are happy with. I've had back issues as well, so not a lot of jumping around for me. I do some weights at the gym though, 3 times a week, pushing myself as hard as I can, and cardio twice a week (treadmill, arc trainer, elliptical), then if the weather cooperates I try to get some walking in at home over the weekend. If you don't have weights, try some body weight exercises, no equipment necessary.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    I know what you mean about the booze (had a few glasses of wine this weekend, but it's not something I do very often). About 15 years ago I lost 90 lbs in a year doing Weight Watchers. Slowly, I've put it almost all back on and it's not healthy. We WILL do this!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Hi, I 57 and eat healthy but need to focus more on exercise and just being more active. I've lost 16 pounds and have a little more that 40 to go. Now that my sons are older, I'm enjoying being able to focus more on activities that I enjoy.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Welcome Sharon and Julia!
    Julia, I'm in the same boat as you; I eat healthy but I tend to eat too much junk food if I'm not careful. I've been focussing more on exercising regularly (3x a week or more) and making that a routine in my life.
    Looking forward to getting to know you both.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Thanks Paytra, I have also set a goal to do some type of cardio at least 3 times per week.
  • Well keeping up with the walking and happy to report down another pound and so that is 7lbs since I started this or put another way, it's a quarter of what I want to shed. Not finding it too tough - ocassional cravings for sweet things and the booze but keeping them at bay. Today going to walk to the pub around 6pm which is about 2 miles away and then after dinner ( yes going to eat but going to watch what I have) - walk back home again. I calculate about 400 calories, so might treat myself to some wine, but only a little. Hopefully keep things going next week too. Hopeful that I will shed this weight by Juns - how's everyone else doing?
  • Deborahmaria
    Deborahmaria Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new to fitness pal. I just retired about 2 months ago and already I have gained weight. I joined weight watchers and a gym. I'm glad to connect with this group so we can go through this journey together.
  • JuliesGotAPlan
    JuliesGotAPlan Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I am new to Fitness Pal. I have been dabbling around with the tool and struggling with motivation for a few weeks. I feel it is time to join a support team.

    I would like to loose 20 lbs by spring. I am 53 old vegetarian and just quit smoking in November. Quitting smoking was easier.

    I have a stressful desk job and commute a total of 3 hours a day. Between the alarm clock going off at 5:00am and returning home a 7:00pm, I don’t have time to pre make meals and work out.

    Any suggestions?
  • drilsarge
    drilsarge Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, My name is Ila and I am 55 turning 56 this July. I have been on MFP a couple of times and have just gotten back into logging in every day. I am on a 45 day streak now. I started at 236 pounds and am down to 209. I was doing Slim4life and it jump started me, and couldn't afford to continue on with that so kept the good things I learned from them and started logging again here.
    I work full time and do shift work. I just got off a 7 day stretch of Midnights and didn't do any exercising while on them. I walk with Leslise Sansone and did a 3 mile 50 very brisk walk today.
    Any help I can get from anyone would be very much appreciated and welcome. I am looking for help in keeping me motivated.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Although I have never in my life really enjoyed exercise, I have even more trouble with giving up the junk food. Although I have cut down on it a lot since I started this journey, I still want too much of it - mostly sweets.

    I do a lot of walking, plus try to get to the gym three days a week.