February Challenge - Weigh-in; Report #3 - February 17, 2014

grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
Weigh-In #3 and we are half way there:

@mxchana: Can you copy today's post here from weigh-in #2? You were too fast for me. Must be because of all those stairs you are climbing. I can't do that at all. I'm doing stairs, but no more than 3 flights at a time. I am so impressed! If you beat me in the future, feel free to start the new weigh-in post, I don't mind.

For me this week, I'm down 3 pounds!

SW 2/3/15: 151.5
2/10/15: 151.5
CW 2/17/15: 148.5!
GW 3/3/15: 147.5

Non weight-related goals:

Resistance Bands: Goal 2X/week. Reality 0
Meditation: Goal 3X/week. Reality 2

I did do Tai Chi class once this week. One of my meditations was a meditation class. I also took chair aerobics.

Like so often, I did have a big water-weight gain this week and then a whoosh! It gets frustrating that way, but at least it only took two days to lose the 7 pounds!

Fasting this a.m. as I have to go for some labs. I am seldom "hungry" in the morning so that isn't hard for me, at least.

Hope everyone else had a good week. However, since so many of us are stuck in this frigid weather, it is tough to stay away from the comfort food! I would kill for a couple of big bowls of chili with cheese and sour cream.




  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Whatever it was on Saturday--super sore leg--I only had just over 14000 steps, but my step total is well above that for the rest of the days. The morning step average has stayed over 100,000. I'm adding other things with weight to have weight bearing on the spine. Gonna stay this height and not gonna shrink no more!
    One pound loss down to 150 logged on my regular weigh-in day Sunday. After two years of this journey, I'm on the cusp of a "normal" bmi.

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Good morning - WTG to Charlie and Sharon, not just for the weight loss (which is wonderful) but for sticking to it!

    I was surprised when I looked at my Fitbit dashboard for the week. The lowest day was about 16,300, the highest about 22,500 with an average daily of 19,241. I walked 57 miles last week
    I've also avoided my two identified binge foods, even though I've had lots of opportunities to buy them. When we were at Sam's Club, they had this huge box (think vending machine restock) of Skinny Cow candy bars, which so far I've successfully avoided even TRYING. I picked the box up, remembered that what the box weighed is what I would add to the scale in, oh... about three days when I inhaled all the bars, and set it back down. I splurged on fresh raspberries instead.

    Don't know that I'll try to beat or even match my steps this week; it was a weird week that allowed me lots of opportunities to walk, but I'll still commit to at least 15,000 per day.

    I'm ready for spring!!!
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Up a pound and a half. 'Nuff said.
  • redzz16
    redzz16 Posts: 31 Member
    I've stayed the same for 10 days now. If I was anywhere near my goal I'd be happy, but I'm not so I have to take a closer look at things. I had my grandson over this weekend and I was playing with him, turning him upside down and I pulled a muscle in my back. :s (The "little guy" is almost 30 pounds) I've done it before, and it's no big deal, but it means taking it easy for a couple days and leaning on the heating pad.

    I need to get this scale moving downward, and get back to exercising this week. :D
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Maintaining well just below my goal...so that is good.
    And managed over 10,000 steps every day for a weekly total of over 103,000. So well on track with the challenge!

    Well done to everyone for sticking to it!

    SANGSTER63 Posts: 38 Member
    This week I stay the same. I walk 2 time this week.Watch what I eat and ran after my grandson. Hope everyone had a nice family day yesterday. LINDA :D
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited February 2015
    Official weigh in was last Saturday [14th], weight was 174.4 lbs, which was 2lb down on previous weigh in on the 7th

    Plus this now means I am no longer classified as "overweight" and am now just inside normal BMI range

    All just as well because it is Pancake Day and I have just scoffed loads, some savoury, some sweet. Good job it only comes round once a year
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Big congrats to Farway on reaching that magic bmi number. Hard work and perseverence is paying off. Linda, keep on chasing that grandson!
    I've gone back in and reset my ticker, and again reminded it it's supposed to put the ticker in all by itself. Let's see if it worked!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited February 2015
    OOPS! So this is the third report already! Time flies when you're busy writing down every morsel you eat and every move you make. lol-022.gif

    Here is my report, previously posted in the wrong spot (thanks, Charlie, for alerting me):

    I am very pleased to report that I achieved my goal - exercising at least 40 minutes each day - 7 out of 7 days this week! In the process I have released another 1.5 pounds.

    One of the exercises I do is to go up and down my stairs. For a long time the most I could do was go up and down 5 times in a row *gasp* *pant* - but this week I got up to 7 a couple of times, and once even 8 - still *gasp*ing and *pant*ing but - I did it! ~ Kathy

  • PrairiePride49
    PrairiePride49 Posts: 45 Member
    My goodness; you all are so inspiring! And it is great to hear of your successes. Weight wise I am down 1.8 this week so my total loss is 3 lbs. I am happy with that. I do want to lose it slowly but surely! (Not true- I would like it to fall off, but know that isn't going to happen!!!!!) I would like to see a loss every week! And if I keep logging that will happen.I did not do the exercises every day like I had planned so that is something I need to improve upon this week.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Got interrupted by an issue, but back on track. :smiling:
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    farway wrote: »
    Official weigh in was last Saturday [14th], weight was 174.4 lbs, which was 2lb down on previous weigh in on the 7th

    Plus this now means I am no longer classified as "overweight" and am now just inside normal BMI range

    Congrats Farway, I just saw your awesome results! Doing the happy dance with you.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    This thread is now closed. Go to Weigh-in #4 to post tomorrow's results!