Mother of 3 Needs Friends and Support!

Hi! I'm Veronica and I've got 3 boys 6, 4 and 7 months. I've been hanging on to quite a few extra pounds. I'm 6' and currently 206 pounds. My goal is to be 168 or close to it. I try to exercise when I can and make better choices. I am mostly trying to lose fat, but I also do some strength exercises when I can. We recently moved and don't have friends in the area and I need help staying focused and sharing trials and successes. If anyone of you is up for it, let me know!


  • mommaporter11
    mommaporter11 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey there! In right there with you. Just had my second baby in December so I'm struggling to lose the baby weight this time around!!
  • lm0106
    lm0106 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm in a similar situation, I have 3 children aged 5 1/2, 3 and 6 months. I currently weigh 236lbs which is horrendous! I'd like to get to 196 initially. I usually do well at these things for a couple of weeks and then lose all motivation so it would be good to have some support also. Friend me if you'd like
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I have 3 children at home under 3 years old and a teenager who lives with her father. I'm my heaviest yet at 236. My initial goal is just to get out of the 200s, but eventually I'd like to get down to around 160. My husband and I moved to Houston almost 2 years ago now to be near his family (because we need help with these kids!), but I haven't made any friends aside from at work, and I just started a new job not quite 3 months ago--and I work with skinny people! So I definitely need this community here to keep me motivated and on track, especially since my thin coworkers keep bringing fudge, donuts, and muffins to the office this week!!! I'll be your friend, Veronica! :smile: