11 years out-Gastric Bypass Patient

toniwalks Posts: 8 Member

I am a 55 year old female who had Gastric Bypass surgery nearly 11 years ago (2003). Overall I feel like I've done pretty well. I started off at 5'1 and 271 pounds and lost 111 pounds the first year but never made it to my "dream" goal. Now, 11 years out, I've put back on 40 pounds. After all I've done and gone through with the surgery, I don't want to get myself back up to the point of no return. So here I am. I know I need to focus more on protein, eliminate the soda's that I have become re-hooked on, drink more water and exercise more. I hope to be inspired by those currently going through their journey and maybe provide some insight I gained, during my own journey.


  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Hi Toniwalks: You came to the right place, there is a wonderful group of us on here and we are all in different stages. I also regained 50lbs and have lost almost 40 of the 50lb. Good luck, it can still be done it just takes a little more hard work and determination.
  • Victoria5639
    Victoria5639 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi. I'm one year out. The weight lost has slowed down. The fact you are working on the gain is awesome. If you need a friend to help just let me know. Good luck with it. Start with drinking your water. My doctor told me soda can stretch your stomach so stay away from them.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    So awesome to meet a seasoned veteran of the bypass! You got it before it became "mainstream". I'm a 2 year veteran myself. I've found myself playing with the same 10 lbs over the last 8 months or so. It's amazing how quickly it can be put back on!
  • tracy220
    tracy220 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! Your story sounds very similar to mine. I am 50 years old. I had the surgery in the fall of 2002. I was 5'6 and 298 lbs. I reached 133 lbs, but I did not stay there too long. Honestly, I felt like that was a little too thin for me. I felt best around 145. Unfortunately my weight has crept back up to 167. I am here looking for support and inspiration too!
  • toniwalks
    toniwalks Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, I've had a good week and am feeling very optimistic.
  • toniwalks
    toniwalks Posts: 8 Member
    Victoria, thanks for the welcome and the happy faces (likes) to my post. I know the soda thing is bad, bad, bad and have not had even one this past week...suckin' up the water though. I come from the days of watching fats, not carbs/proteins so I have had to have a change in mindset. It seems to be working though, I've had a good first (full) week.
  • toniwalks
    toniwalks Posts: 8 Member
    Tracy, If I can help you in any way, just give me a holla...:)
  • carpsm1
    carpsm1 Posts: 11 Member
    I am new here. I had RNY June 2002 and went from 340 to 110. I was up to 240 by 5 yrs. out, which kept steady until about 5 years ago when I started a very stressful time. I was up to 282 on July 29, when I decided I needed to do something. I am now 275. I did 1 week fast on Almased and lost the 7 lbs. but the past 3 days have decided I need food. My reason for doing Almased was it was a liquid protein meal replacement, and I was trying to go back to basics and simulate my eating after the surgery. It was pretty difficult and I had NO energy, but it broke the carb cycle for me and made me grateful for healthy food. So now I am eating Almased for breakfast and lunch and then a salad with protein and a little grain for dinner. I am a teacher and want to try this until I go back to school Aug. 18, then transition to a shake just for breakfast, then real food for both meals.

    I have been doing some research to understand how my weight got so out of control again after surgery. I knew I was eating pretty much all day, and really fear my new stomach has gotten much bigger because I can eat a lot now. When I am being honest I see the types of things I have been eating have mostly been refined carbs, and I have been eating them addictively. I saw recently that those are like total sabotage for us because they go down so easily we don't get satiety, and it's easy to just keep eating. I am trying to get back to basics and give my new stomach a chance to help me, but am filled with fear that the tool doesn't work any more. I am also sure there have been new findings in the field since the last time I paid attention, and I would like to learn new tips that may have been discovered.

    Truthfully, right now I am struggling to get back in touch with what the basics actually are....Like a lot of protein, a little carbs mostly from vegetables, and a little fat. Is this right? Also not drinking for an hour after a meal. Am I missing something?

  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member

    Truthfully, right now I am struggling to get back in touch with what the basics actually are....Like a lot of protein, a little carbs mostly from vegetables, and a little fat. Is this right? Also not drinking for an hour after a meal. Am I missing something?


    Great job getting back in the swing of things. I am still pre-op, but for water, my program taught it to us at the 30-30-30 rule: No water 30 minutes before eating, take 30 minutes to eat, no water for 30 minutes after.

    I believe the no water before is to keep from having a full pouch (so you will be *able* to eat a meal, the 30 minutes to eat is to help you feel satisfied, and also to eat slow enough to be able to tell when you have had enough, then the post meal 30 is to keep from washing the food out and making you hungry sooner.

    Good luck with the restart!

  • adams3036
    adams3036 Posts: 2 Member
    Truthfully, right now I am struggling to get back in touch with what the basics actually are....Like a lot of protein, a little carbs mostly from vegetables, and a little fat. Is this right? Also not drinking for an hour after a meal. Am I missing something?

    *** Susan, when I read what you posted it sounded like you were talking about me. I am 7 years post op . I had the gastric bypass, starting out at 304lbs and when I basically gave up, I was at 178. Now I have regained weight & I am 228lbs. I have chronic regional pain syndrome in my right leg and foot as the result of a botched hip surgery about 8 years ago. Because of this any type of exercise even walking has been extremely difficult. I have all of the fears that you do as far as if my stomach is so stretched out & I have ruined it. My basic problem is that I snack all day from boredom, pain, depression etc. I don't eat allot at a meal but i may as well have because I have snacked all day. I also have zero willpower.
    Anyway, your post resembled my life. I wish you luck. If you want to check in with each other from time to time, I am game.
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    I had gastric bypass in 2007 weighing 288 lbs. My lowest was 147 lbs. but after 2 pregnancies and by over eating by 2014 I had regained and was back at 242 lbs. I woke up from this nightmare in a dr. appt when I saw my weight on the scale. So on Jan 2015 5th. I decided this was it. I was not going back to my hightest weight. Since then I have been eating healthier, I am wearing a Fitbit, weigh all my foods and log everything So far I've lost a little over 12 lbs. I have decided to go back to the basics and have upped my protein and lowered my carbs, I'm back to drinking all my vitamins, protein shakes like Unjury Protein and Pure Protein(which I buy at Walmart). I feel better already. I only work out 3 to 4 times a day with a dvds at home for 30 mins. But I find what really helps me keep moving is my daily step goal on Fitbit, I try to reach it Mon-Fri and relax on weekends.
    I wish I would have taken better care of myself during my pregnancies and afterwards and not gone back to my old eating habits. I hate that I found a way around my tool, I would snack constantly, so even if I got full after a few bites, I's drink water and I would wait a 1/2 hr and eat again and drink after my meals, and eat again and ate a lot of carbs.
    On Thurs, Jan 22nd I had an endoscopy to check my pouch and thankfully after almost 8 yrs it hasn't stretched. I know its working because I get full pretty fast the only difference now is that I listen to my body and stop eating once I'm full. Good luck to everyone. We did it once we can definitely do it again!!! One day at a time.
  • Your story encourages me. I'm 6 years post op, maintained beautifully until I got pregnant. I had a very pregnancy and was placed on a special diet where I was basically force fed. Old habits woke up and now, after 2 pregnancies, I'm carrying around an extra 50lbs. I started today, going back to basics and coming across your post gives me hope. :)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Toni, I was 55 when I had my surgery and am 3.5 years out from Gastric Sleeve, have not made it to goal and over the holidays allowed my eating to get out of control and regained 10. My addiction is coffee. I can't drink it black like I did presurgery, my smaller stomach doesn't like it that way any more. If I don't limit it, I can't get all my water in and my nutritionist made it very clear that coffee doesn't count as water. :) I am struggling to get the 10 pounds off and back into losing. Hang in there and good luck. You can do this, you know how and you have the tool of the surgery.

  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Welcome! You came to the right place! It's great to hear from someone who is years out from surgery, and to be reminded of the possibilities. You know what you need to do to get the weight off, and who knows, maybe you will hit that "dream goal"! :smiley:

    I am 18 months out and have lost 116 lbs, but have 40 more to go to reach the absolute top of my goal range. The last 2 months I have been pretty been at a stall, and the few months before that was SLOW like molasses. I see myself making more questionable choices as the days go by and I know this is why things are not moving along like they could be. I am determined not to re-gain ever, but I know I need to buckle down to do this.

    So, while I am still a newbie compared to you :wink: I am here with you. I came to the forum to post my "intentions" and found this thread.

    I need to incorporate one shake into my day again (afternoon snack), drink more water, drink less coffee (like Pat, I am a serious addict who has let it dominate my liquid intake like it did pre-op), increase my protein, and cut out the junk! (carby snacks) It's all my choice, and I know it, but my dang co-workers snack on the worst crap. Especially the girl whose desk is next to mine. Ugh, crackers, chips, candy, seriously! :neutral_face: I have the power to ignore it, yes I do!