April 2015 Due Date Club



  • H_Jack
    H_Jack Posts: 48 Member
    HI everyone! I'm waaay late to the bandwagon, I know! :) I'm currently 30 weeks today (due date is April 16th) with baby #2, a girl. My first is also a girl - turned 3 in December. I had used MFP after her birth to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 130 and that's about where I started when I got pregnant this time around.

    I have gained about 15 lbs so far in this pregnancy, but wanted to get back on MFP to track the *quality* of foods I eat. I do not have any specific numerical goals I'm aiming for at this point, but I'd like to spend my last 10 weeks making sure I'm eating protein- and fiber-rich foods in preparation for labor. I also take a once-a-week prenatal yoga class, but want to spend some time daily doing small stretches and exercises.

    I just thought I'd record everything in one handy place. Plus, MFP will certainly be useful once I get to post-partum and need to start losing again!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Welcome H_Jack! I wish I could say I've only gained 15! You are doing great!

    Robynn, soo exciting you've got a date! Sorry about the gestational diabetes, though. I have a friend with that and it's been great for her weight, so there is a silver lining. You've def been through a lot lately! Hope things are going better.

    I am 29 weeks today and still feeling terrible. Each day I feel like I've hit a breaking point but somehow I am still surviving. The latest has been a violent cough that keeps me awake at night for hours. I just can't stop coughing, and every time I cough, I pee. On top of the pregnancy stuff, we are getting slammed by storm after storm here, rendering quotidian activities all the more difficult. I am just trying to keep myself focused on the spring, which is the end of so many winters and the joyful start of many new kinds of life.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies

    Sound like we ALL need spring to get here. I had another really bad HE day last week and ended up in labor and delivery to get IVs. Not fun at all, but I can't even tell you how much better I felt after getting re-hydrated!

    I recovered enough to go on a quick trip to the southwest to get my hubby's internship lined up for the fall and my parents kept our toddlers. Still was throwing up most of the time there, but at least I didn't get dehydrated again.

    @Robynn412 - Yay for April 14th! As long as everything goes well that will be my induction date too!

    Have my first 2-week appointment tomorrow. Its an odd feeling for the pregnancy to be both flying by and crawling at the same time. I remember being just miserable by 36 weeks last time... and that's ALREADY setting in so I hope that the next 9ish weeks go by very quickly!
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 436 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm due April 20th and I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with our first baby. Has anyone else had issues with the baby having a little fluid on their kidneys? One cleared up but the other has minor fluid. The OB wanted to check in 2 weeks which will make it the 4th US. My hubby thinks that is one too many. What are your opinions on US?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Welcome @imadorkable!

    I wouldn't be too concerned about having additional U/S. I know several women with Gestational Diabetes that get an U/S once a month. If it were me, I'd just be happy to see my little one again!

    Last night I had the sweetest experience with my little guys at home (1 & 3). They were being totally crazy and my 1 year old was holding his Mickey Mouse stuffed animal so I asked him if he could "rock" Mickey while I sang a song. I sang a lullaby my mother used to sing to my siblings and I and he rocked and rocked his Mickey Mouse. A few minutes later my 3 year old ran and got another stuffed animal and said "he's crying! sing again!" So I kept singing while they rocked their babies. I gave them empty baby bottles and they fed them, pretended to change their diapers, burped them, then we swaddled them and put them to bed after more rocking and singing. It was a great transition to bedtime and my heart was melting the whole time! These boys are going to LOVE having a newborn baby brother.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Welcome imadorkable! Congrats on your first pregnancy! Re: the ultrasounds -if you're concerned, talk to your practitioner about the value of the ultrasound. How "necessary" is the 4th one? Would it enable your birth team to be prepared for some kind of possible intervention at the birth? A lot of women do get very frequent ultrasounds, but I also know others who refuse them out of concern.

    Mormonmomma: that is SO CUTE!!!!! Awwww! One amusing response my little guy has to the question of whether he wants a brother or a sister is that he yells "Sister!" every time. I don't think he knows what the difference is, though. I'm hoping for a girl: maybe he knows something I don't?! :)

    I'm now 30+ weeks and counting down eagerly. Some days I've felt ok (a coworker told me I was "rocking pregnancy" last week... little does she know!), most days are a struggle. The bad weather here has been a boon in that I've had to stay home from work, but that can't last forever. I'm really grateful to my husband for taking care of all the snow removal, although the not-pregnant me LOVES to shovel. I did get out there and did some minimal clearing, just for some much-needed exercise.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hope you are all having better weather than we are (-8*) but I bought some new herbal teas (Red Raspberry Leaf and "Pregnancy Tea") so hoping those can warm me up a bit!

    Other than that I've been looking into natural ways to make labor easier... I remember doing this with my last pregnancies too and I don't know if any of them will really get labor going or not, but at least some of them are proven to be healthy for momma and baby anyways! I'm going to do LOTS of Pineapple - which I always seem to crave in the last 3-4 weeks anyways. I'm also going to add Evening Primrose Oil which I didn't do with my last two - so we'll see if it helps. Walking, sitting on the exercise ball at work... etc. It's not that I'm miserable yet, but I certainly remember how uncomfy the last few weeks are so trying to get everything I can NOW so that I can get as much relief as possible later.

    What are you all planning to prep for labor in the last month?
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    It's been cold and constantly snowing here in the Northeast for a few weeks, but I don't think we've hit -8! We are contending with the breakdown of our public transportation system, ice dams and roof leaks, herculean snow removal tasks, etc.

    Re: easing labor. I have heard a lot about raspberry leaf tea as a way of easing labor. The exercise ball I thought was for easing the discomfort while you are in labor, and pineapple & evening primrose oil were supposed to trigger labor (or so I heard, I may be misremembering). Other labor triggers: using the breast pump, sex, acupuncture. My previous labor was so fast and furious that it seems unlikely I could do anything to ease it, although last time I did make a tea from the new spring leaves of a raspberry bush. I might do that again; it certainly couldn't have made labor more painful! There's every indication that this labor will be the same, although you never really know. Just so wish the pregnancy were over already and my healthy baby in my arms! 9.5 more weeks...
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Hey ladies! Sounds like you 2 are doing pretty good...I don't know how you're doing it in those cold weather areas. My heart goes out when I see the pics on the news...so crazy! It just boggles my mind how you manage that on top of the regular stuff...just getting up, getting ready and out the door is difficult w/out your car being frozen! Hope you get a break soon.

    Momma - your boys sound so adorable. That would absolutely melt my heart, and make me so excited about bringing home the new baby. My 7yr and I went to a little helper/ sibling class at the hospital a couple weeks ago, and she learned about holding, feeding, diapering, swaddling...practicing on a doll...and sort of the basics of what baby does that first year. She left feeling pretty excited, and now it's a daily conversation of wanting him now, trying to make her understand he's got to finish baking in there. :smile:

    I went to the Gest Diabetes mtg a week and a half ago...and have been incorporating my daily blood sugar checks, have to prick fingers 4 times/day and test blood, not very fun. And report all numbers/meals back to them. That will determine whether they suggest meds/insulin...but so far, I've been w/in the goal ranges just with food/exercise. And being so close to the finish line, even if they suggested meds, I'm not inclined to take as long as my numbers remain steady like they are. I do think it's reflecting on the scale, I held steady for about 3wks straight (after being sick and then following new meal plan), and this week only a .5-1lb gain. Maybe the better choices are eliminating some fat while baby's gaining at the same time? It is forcing me into tracking again, and hoping I can just continue that after and get back into the weight loss phase a little easier.

    We had our 4th U/S last Friday...placenta has not moved, so still some previa going on. And now with the GD, they want to keep an eye on his size...so did full measurements and he was already coming in at 4lb13oz at 30wks5days! I've been dead on this entire time, but they said based on that, he's measuring about 32wks...yikes! Now, I can't necessarily blame that on GD...DD was born 10.1lbs, and I have a 6'6" hubby, so big babies are just in the cards...but it does make me a tad anxious if moving forward he does grow faster due to GD and Dr. maybe wants to take him sooner. We're already c-sectioning a week earlier than true due date, and so curious if they'd take him even sooner depending on size, I'm hoping not. Just want him to be ready. So, I have U/W #5 scheduled in 6wks to ck size again...I'm enjoying the multiple u/s's, feel like I already have a photo album of his life!

    The best part during the u/s the tech switched to 4D to get different views, and she got the most perfect view of his face dead on, and printed us the 4D pic, wasn't expecting that! Just so amazing...to be able to see his features, he's a carbon copy of big sister! A little weird to see already, sort of felt like that was the only surprise left after seeing I'm in love and can't wait to have him in my arms!

    We're in the home stretch ladies...can't believe how close we are, gone by fast.
  • Jaiymerz
    Jaiymerz Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm with H_Jack! Due April 16th as well and joined MFP late to also track my quality of foods. I'm up 17 pounds and still working out a little - walking and lifting light weights. Any recommendations on how to get more protein without eating meat all of the time and satisfying a sweet tooth? Tall order, I know. Nice to meet you ladies.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Welcome @Jaiymerz‌!

    I've started having ALOT on Braxton Hicks and am generally uncomfortable already - at 32 weeks and a few days. I know we are supposed to want out little ones to cook as long as possible, but as soon as he's "allowed" (is that 36 or 37 weeks now?) I want him to come!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi Ladies! We haven't seen any action here for awhile!

    My latest update: I'm at 32 weeks, still have a really low mood and no energy. I know that won't change, and I'm just trying to get through each day and remind myself to be positive. Eight weeks seems like so little compared to what I've been through, but still so long considering what's ahead. The heartburn is like whoa, but at least I'm doing well in terms of actual aches and pains. I find out on Wednesday whether the placenta has moved up, but the midwife reassured me that chances are really good and they will do another check at 36 weeks, so this is not the last word. I'm scared, but feeling more confident on that account.

    Lately I've been concerned with my weight gain, even though it's been steady and has followed more or less the pattern of my last pregnancy. Nonetheless I am now at the highest weight I have ever been in my life, and I hate that feeling. Even my face looks and feels fat & I feel lethargic. I am fitting into the maternity clothes I wore in the final weeks of my last pregnancy, and that's kind of scary with two months to go. In my mind, I know this is just what it is and there's little I can do to change things, but I can't help but feel icky and dowdy.

    Welcome Jaiymerz! Protein: quinoa and protein shakes are good alternatives to meat! The Bradley Method recommends liver, although that is controversial and still meat. It is high in protein, though.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Morning all :)

    I'm starting to feel like the end is in sight! 6 weeks from today I will likely be at the hospital being induced, but I certainly wouldn't complain if baby came a week or two earlier than that!

    I'm still feeling pretty crummy, and am sad that I'm not one of those "glowing" pregnant mommas, but I'm getting to the point where I don't care about faking it anymore. I ache, I still vomit, I have heartburn, and I get major heat flashes that make me feel like I'm going to pass out. But I am growing a beautiful little person inside me and I can't help but be proud that he is growing strong - even if my body is miserable in the process.

    We are getting to a point where I almost feel ready to bring him into this world. We bought a mini-van, and we are cleaning out our condo to make room for 1 more. We are in a 2 bedroom unit, but in July/August we are moving into a detached home and I am so excited to spread out a little bit! I can't imagine how cramped we will feel as a family of 5 in a 2 bedroom.

    My mom gave me a plaque for Valentines day that says "If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!" and I love it - this is probably going to be one of the craziest, hardest times in my life but I know I'm already overwhelmed by the amount of love in our little family and I can't wait to see how baby #3 makes it grow even more!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi Ladies!

    I just got back from the ultrasound and THE PLACENTA HAS MOVED!!!! I can have a natural birth now! The baby was looking healthy and was head down, too. I also saw the baby's face and my first thought was that it looks just like my present son's! It's weird that, through all that grittiness and movement of the ultrasound and in still an early stage of the baby's development, the resemblance was so obvious. There was something magical about seeing the little foot move and imagining putting a teeny little sock on it. I am so relieved that the placenta has moved.

    Mormonmomma: you've had a rough time of it, but you are getting so close! Next month is OUR MONTH! We've just got to hang in there, wait it out. I wish I were glowing, too, but it is what it is and we can't really change it. I just try to put my head down and take it day by day. I'm trying to set little things to look forward to in order to get through the weeks, e.g. this week I'm taking my students to a play and my husband & I are going on our first "date" since our son was born almost two years ago. Then next week I have Spring Break, so I'll be able to do some nesting and there's a big children's resale event that I'll be going to with a new pregnant friend, and my local La Leche League chapter has a meeting. That will get me through to 34 weeks.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    @TheLaser‌ - Hooray on the placenta moving! So happy for you!
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    That is great news Laser!!! So happy to hear! And we are so close...keep hanging in there Momma...all the crappiness of these months will hopefully disappear immediately when you're holding that new little guy in your arms!!

    I've been feeling good...but these appt's are killing me. Been following GD meal plan and blood tests 4x/day for 3 weeks now...their very happy w/my progress, controlling just fine with diet/exercise...mainly diet. I refused to go on any meds/insulin, and swore I would figure it out with food...so proud of that.

    Because of the GD, I'm now on twice/week non-stress tests, and once/week ultrasounds to get measurements on his size, fluid level, etc. On top of more OB appt's, and the GD appt's, geez...just admit me at this point...trying to juggle all these appt's while still working the next 3 weeks is no fun! So looking forward to getting work off my plate and focusing on what's coming.

    Baby seems to be doing great...it is fun to see him more often, although I think by the end of this I'll have ended up with like 10 ultrasounds...which they say is fine, but seems so crazy to me! Of course again, everything is blamed on my age, and I'm sure fear of malpractice plays a part...better safe than sorry.

    I felt just like you Laser at my last regular u/s...they flipped to 3D for a better look at something, and got a close up right on his face...both my mom and me at the same time said, "It's Kaitlyn!" My now 7yr old daughter...but he is the spitting image of her as a newborn...shocking to be able to see the features so clearly. That really took me to another level, and I'm just bursting with excitement to meet him!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Good for you, Robynn, for sticking to the GD diet! I am sure that is not easy to do! And what a time sink to deal with all of those appts. I hope those offices aren't too far from your house/work.
    That's funny that you thought the same thing when you saw the ultrasound: I always thought babies kind of all looked the same on ultrasounds, but apparently they really are far enough along by this point to look distinctive. Tbh, I was not happy about them doing another ultrasound to check the health of the baby; this issue was never about the baby's development (unless the placenta had remained low over had moved into previa, I think). Why didn't they just check the placenta first and then if necessary do the full ultrasound? I mean, I was glad to see the baby and it definitely got me more excited about meeting him/her, but it did feel like the 30 min they spent checking development was superfluous.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Ladies, I just wanted to share with you that today is the first day I can remember in this pregnancy on which I woke up not feeling utterly miserable. Maybe it's because it's the first day of my Spring break, maybe it's because of the 45 degree weather (a huge change from the frigid temps we've had forever)... whatever it is, I'll take it for as long as it lasts!
    My class card at the local yoga studio ran out, but the next day my favorite yoga studio (which is far away and expensive) just posted a huge spring discount. My husband gave me the green light to head out there on Saturdays for prenatal yoga! That will take me through 39 weeks -hooray!
    My sister had a preemie born at 33w5d (who turned out fine!): it's hard to believe that I'm almost at that family milestone.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Good morning!

    @TheLaser - I'm so happy you had a good day and I'm hoping it sticks!! We have a bit of a heat wave too! We are supposed to get up to 61 today so when I get off work I'm taking my little guys on a walk to the park. So excited!

    @Robynn412 - I don't know how you are doing it with all those appointments!

    For my update... Still sick, and the insurance is still fighting me over the zofran. They'll only give me 20 tablets for a 30 day period. I'm allowed to take 3 a day.... in what world does that math work?? Anyways. I can get it filled next Tuesday again.

    My little guys have been sick. We've got some bug that they just can't seem to kick. I'm hoping that playing/running outside this afternoon helps them recover. Physical activity usually helps me get my lungs back on track after being sick so *fingers crossed*.

    I've got 5 weeks or so left and I can't wait! I'm getting super excited to meet this little man and see how he changes our family dynamic. I remember after my second was born thinking "How did our family ever feel complete without this boy?" and I wonder what this time will feel like.

    I've got the desire to start "nesting" but I don't have the energy to follow through so my house is a mess with a dozen projects I've started organizing, but never finished. I think this weekend I will make a list so I can actually get some of these projects checked off.

    Hope you are all doing great!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies! Another week closer!

    I'm not sure but I may be having my first cervical exam tomorrow to see where we are starting. Hope you are all feeling well - I've started getting killer heat flashes and my face turns bright red and flushed.

    Oh well - the end is in sight :smiley:

    How about everyone else? The group has dramatically slowed down on updates!