How do you deal with urge to binge?

This is my response to a different post on different group ... but thought it could be applicable here ...

How do you deal with the urge to binge?

This is personal and different for everyone. You'll have to try different things and find what works for you -

For me, it's yoga and tea -

I have recently restarted yoga - I had been going to a class every week - but was finding it hard to fit in. I downloaded "pocket yoga" on my iphone - and just this week finally did one of the 30 minute sessions (they even have short 5 minute sessions you can choose) ... Oh my god - I was amazed with the calm and peace I felt after doing it. I have set up my yoga mat in the basement - and for now it's my go to spot (instead of the fridge or snack cabinet).

Then tea .. I find the ritual of making it (filling the tea pot, waiting for the whistle, steeping it, waiting until it is cool enough to drink) ... Makes me pause - then drinking it warms up my insides and gives me comfort ..

Then if I'm still hungry, I eat! Then log it, own it and and move on ...


  • not2old2move
    not2old2move Posts: 23 Member
    Sounds like you have found something that works for you. That is great!!