Weekly Warrior Mini Goal Challenge 2/15 - 2/21 (2015)



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hello Everyone!!

    Good job on checking in! I see successes!!

    Have an awesome day!

    Mini Goals week 2/16 to 2/22:
    1.) Stay in green on calories - Yes
    2.) Get 6.5 or greater hours of sleep 5 days - No, less than 6
    3.) Feb goal weight: >>>379 (start weight 388)

    1.) 1/7
    2.) 0/5
    3.) 0/9


  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Hello lovely warriors!! Here again. Checking in and reading everyone's posts. You are all so encouraging. Great goals, let's rock them!!!

    1. Check in 3 times. 2/3. I am here. :D
    2. Exercise 3 times. 2/3. Bought Zumba DVDs. Worked out yesterday and again today. Even made the kids do it with me. It was a hot mess. Lol. :p
    3. Did ok with water today. Could have drank more.

    Have a great hump day tomorrow!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Love reading everyone's goals and progress and encouragement :)

    Monday and Tuesday Progress:
    1. Healthy food choices: Fairly healthy Monday and great choices Tuesday
    2. Yes on hydration goal both days
    3. Stay in the green: Monday only over by 17 and stayed in green Tuesday
    4. On track with exercise
    5. success with managing stress with meditation

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Dysmart- That happens to me ALL the time when I use my iphone or ipad, and it is sooo frustrating! I'm trying to just use my desktop now for posting in groups.
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Happy Wednesday! I know that we can have a good day.

    dysmart- I agree about the good vibes. I also hate when I lose my posting. good job with your logging and vitamins, now to tackle that exercise goal. you can do this.

    Susan- terrific start to your week. I like the mediatation to manage stress. keep it going.

    lananita- great going with your dvd. too funny about the kids joining in. whatever it take. keep making those smart choices this week.

    Molly- nice job with your staying green. keep working on that sleep. I know you can succeed. remember it doesn't need to be perfection, just improve on the day before. keep it going.

    Mak- your week is starting off well. nice work with the checking in and the logging. I hope you are able to get in some of that exercise. you can do this.

    Hearts- such sweet and kind words that you posted. you are right we do all effect each other and are all special. it helps so much to have support and to give support and to see the success and the struggles. I so appreciate all that you do to keep us going. I absolutely love your pictures and quotes and words of inspiration. I love your sense of humor as you make me smile all of the time. Have a good week. You so deserve all good things.

    My goals 2/16 - 2/22
    1. Log 4 days
    2. Green 3 days
    3. 3 days of exercise
    4. 60,000 steps

    Tuesday check in
    1. 1/4
    2. 0/3
    3. 1/3
    4. 18227/60,000

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I just now posted this helpful article on how to fuel our workouts, I found it really helpful, hopefully some of you will as well! :)

    Food as Fuel - Before, During and After Workouts
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Hello ladies. Hump Day check in! 3 days in a row. Woohoo :D

    1. Check in 3/3. I am here. Lets see if I can make it 5 days in a row.. New goal.
    2. Exercise 3 times. 2/3. I have not worked out yet but I still have time.
    3. Drink more water. I did a little better today. even had some when I came home.

    Not a goal, but so far this week I have actually logged all of my food everyday.

    Have a great day tomorrow gals!
  • dysmart
    dysmart Posts: 36 Member
    Wednesday check-in

    My goals 2/16 - 2/22
    1. Log everyday 3/7
    2. Exercise (not including walking) 4 days 0/4
    3. Take my vitamins daily 1/7

    Hope everyone has a good night!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I see successes!! Quick check in!

    Good night and keep up the good work Warriors! You all Rock! (*) <3

    Mini Goals week 2/16 to 2/22:
    1.) Stay in green on calories - No on Tuesday and yes today!
    2.) Get 6.5 or greater hours of sleep 5 days - No, less than 6 both nights since I am still up now and have to be up early tomorrow to face the below zero temps! Brrrrr!
    3.) Feb goal weight: >>>379 (start weight 388)

    Tues and Wed Check-in:
    1.) 2/7
    2.) 0/5
    3.) 0/9


  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi all!

    1. Checkin - Missed my Wednesday check in. But I'm back for Thursday!
    2. Log every thing as I go - I have been doing well with logging and logging throughout the day.
    3. Get in 3 workouts - still 0/3

    Have a great one!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Happy Thursday. Quick check in before bed.

    1. Check in 4/3. Woo hoo
    2. Exercise 3/3. Yay
    3. Drink more water. Did ok today.

    I feel like I am getting g sick but I am not letting it be an excuse. Lets finish this week with a bang. Have a great Friday
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Happy Friday! We can finish the week strong as we head into the weekend. Remember that whatever smart and healthy choices you make, get you closer to where you want to be. so if it isn't perfect, it is okay. just keep going.

    lananita- Excellent job with your goals this week. I hope you do not get sick but this is a difficult time of the year. keep it going strong.

    Mak- excellent job with your logging and good job checking in. I know that you can tackle that workout goal. You are strong and you can push ahead. good luck.

    dysmart- you are making progress with your goals and that is a good thing. keep resolving to get in some exercise and take a look at what is getting in your way. then make a plan to overcome that roadblock. I know it is tough but you are tougher.

    Hearts- hope you are doing well this week. thanks for your posting. just take today and make at least 2 smart choices for yourself. you are so worth it.

    Molly- good job with your green days so far. you can have some more I just know it. sorry that your sleep is such a challenge. keep working on it. have a great weekend.

    My goals 2/16 - 2/22
    1. Log 4 days
    2. Green 3 days
    3. 3 days of exercise
    4. 60,000 steps

    Weds-Thurs check in
    1. 1/4
    2. 0/3
    3. 2/3
    4. 39,302/60,000
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello my friends!

    1. Checkin - Friday check in - check!
    2. Log every thing as I go - another good day with logging and logging though out the day.
    3. Get in 3 workouts - still 0/3

    Here's to a great Friday!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Happy friday!!! I really needed this week to end. I have done well with my goals but ready for Disney. I know food wise it will not be the greatest. I will try to log what I eat and I sure will get a lot of walking in.

    1. Check in 5/3 love it.
    2. Exercise 3/3. I won't work out today but will be walking lots this weekend.
    3. Drink more water. Not so good today.

    Have a great weekend warriors.
  • dysmart
    dysmart Posts: 36 Member
    TGIF check-in! Hi everyone! B)

    My goals 2/16 - 2/22
    1. Log everyday 5/7
    2. Exercise (not including walking) 4 days 1/4
    3. Take my vitamins daily 1/7

    The last 2 days I have been having "lady troubles" (MENOPAUSE JUST GET HERE ALREADY!!!!) so I'm not sleeping and super uncomfortable & want to curl up in a fetal position. I'm hoping by tomorrow I feel like my normal self!

    Forestrose-Thank you for your words of wisdom and motivation! : ) Hope your weekend finishes out as strong as YOU are : )

    La_nanita- Awesome week! Have fun at Disney! (I'm sure you will get in a billion steps).

    Molly-Hope you get some better sleep...

    I don't think I have one female friend or co-worker who gets good sleep... :\

    Have a good night!

  • dysmart
    dysmart Posts: 36 Member
    I just now posted this helpful article on how to fuel our workouts, I found it really helpful, hopefully some of you will as well! :)

    Food as Fuel - Before, During and After Workouts

    Great Article! Thanks for posting!
  • dysmart
    dysmart Posts: 36 Member
    MAK_01 wrote: »
    Hello my friends!

    1. Checkin - Friday check in - check!
    2. Log every thing as I go - another good day with logging and logging though out the day.
    3. Get in 3 workouts - still 0/3

    Here's to a great Friday!

    Great job logging & checking in- the logging in was pretty much the only goal I was consistent with ( and I even put my workout clothes out and set my alarm for 4 each morning).
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday!!

    Hello Friends!

    Have to shoot for better hours of sleep next week.

    Thanks for encouraging words!

    Have a great weekend!

    Mini Goals week 2/16 to 2/22:
    1.) Stay in green on calories - Yes!
    2.) Get 6.5 or greater hours of sleep 5 days - No, a little over 6 hrs but not enough...
    3.) Feb goal weight: >>>379 (start weight 388) - lost 1 pound :smile:

    Thurs Check-in:
    1.) 3/7
    2.) 0/5
    3.) 1/9


  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hello all!
    Forestrose thank you for your support!
    Dysmart hope you are feeling better! Thanks for your support!

    1. Checkin - Saturday check in
    2. Log every thing as I go - another good day for both.
    3. Get in 3 workouts - still 0/3 but I did d a lot of walking around yesterday. We spent the morning and afternoon at the auto show. It was fun!

    Have a great weekend!

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