Goals for this challenge



  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    freyjac wrote: »
    My Goal this challenge is to actually make my goal this time. I actually gained weight during the last one.:(


  • CStellaGo
    CStellaGo Posts: 273 Member
    My goal is to get back on track and reconnect with my support group. I want to lose the 10 pounds that I have gained through the stress of the last 6 months and go back to my happy self!
  • superveggiecat
    superveggiecat Posts: 113 Member
    Goal setting time!
    Hi, I'm Dorian, sorry I am late to sign up. I am new to MFP (OK secretly I signed up ages ago but never did anything with it) and new to getting in shape, so my goal is really to start setting healthy habits - making it to the gym regularly, eating more fruits and veggies every day, and eating fewer cookies.
    Lose a pound a week (so get from 217 to 210)
    Go to the gym 5 days a week.
    Participate in this challenge/become an active member of a fitness community.
    Slowly transition from just the elliptical machine to elliptical AND slow jogging
    Start resistance training.
  • freyjac
    freyjac Posts: 205 Member
    Tress i am sorry to hear you have to go through this challenge. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    Tress, wishing you good health and a speedy and complete recovery. Sending you good thoughts. Please let us know how you are doing and what we can do to support you in your journey. Best, best wishes to you.

    My goals for this challenge are to ride 420 miles on my stationary bike and to drink 42 gallons of water. These goals are attainable and even exceed-able goals, which is what I seem to need these days. :smile: I have been keeping track of all sorts of data on myself, which tends to keep me more committed to following through, even when I "don' wanna." I also hope to reach my ever-elusive weight goal of 145. I've been there/ done that, but just can't seem to get back to that weight -bouncing around in the 147-150 range for so many months now.

    Best wishes to everyone in reaching your goals!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Welcome, Dorian!

    Do you have a particular resistance training program you are planning to follow?
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member
    My goal for this challenge is to lose as much as I can without stalling out the whole time. Last challenge I just held on to everything. Only lost a couple lbs. Would like to get closer to my goal weight this time. 131 this morning want to reach 120 NOW !!
  • superveggiecat
    superveggiecat Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks Stephanie!
    I have no particular training program to follow. My plan is to start out light, and hit a different muscle group each time I go to the gym. Day 1: core; Day 2: upper body; Day 3: Lower body. Repeat. That way there's a 48 hour break for each group, and I keep each gym visit to ~1 hour. (I have yet to figure out how I'm talking myself into lunges. I hate those things.) I think it's important to limit the number of exercises per day and time it takes, so I continue to convince myself it is "no big deal" to go to the gym.
    Day 1: Sit-ups, back raises, hip raises, russian twists
    Day 2: Rows, push-ups, assisted pull-ups and dips, overhead presses, free weight shoulder exercise
    Day 3: squats, lunges, adductors, abductors, dead lifts.
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    1.) Tress, I know I don't really "know" you, but you are an amazing person. Your motivational and upbeat attitude is staggering, and really, really awesome <3

    2.) I haven't been as present these last few weeks, and that is going to change. I've been stuck at 150 for months and months, and THAT is going to change. My wedding is in exactly 7 months. I have 7 months to get to my goal weight, but more importantly goal fitness levels. My fiance and I are eloping on a 500 mile bike ride in Europe. I've done plenty of long distance riding, but I want to be fitter, stronger, and most importantly faster. I also want to look darn good in my pictures ;)

    3.) That being said, my goal for this challenge is 145 lbs, a 6 lbs loss. My overall goal is between 130 and 135 probably. That's about 0.5 - 0.75 lbs a week. I plan on doing this by eliminating beer and focusing on non-processed foods. I really do think the beers I have at weekly happy hours and movie nights are my downfall. Too many carbs, and it usually leads to poor eating decisions. Does anyone have any advice for someone trying to cut-down on (not necessarily cut-out) alcohol consumption?
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    ChiaGnome, I don't have any advice on alcohol consumption, but just wanted to say your wedding plan sounds positively wonderful! What a great way to launch your lives together! I hope we can both reach 145 by Easter. I will be rootin' for you!
  • sivilmeow
    sivilmeow Posts: 9 Member
    Last challenge I couldn't seem to get to my goal, so I set my goal more attainable. I adjusted my calorie intake and I'm starting to lose again! So I'm hoping to get the 240s out of the way and start working on the 230s!!! It would be amazing if I could reach 30 lbs lost near late March. :3
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    sivilmeow wrote: »
    Last challenge I couldn't seem to get to my goal, so I set my goal more attainable. I adjusted my calorie intake and I'm starting to lose again! So I'm hoping to get the 240s out of the way and start working on the 230s!!! It would be amazing if I could reach 30 lbs lost near late March. :3

    You can do it!
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Reaching the 230s was awesome for me, I'm sure you'll get there in no time!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    My plan is to start out light, and hit a different muscle group each time I go to the gym. Day 1: core; Day 2: upper body; Day 3: Lower body. Repeat. That way there's a 48 hour break for each group, and I keep each gym visit to ~1 hour. (I have yet to figure out how I'm talking myself into lunges. I hate those things.) I think it's important to limit the number of exercises per day and time it takes, so I continue to convince myself it is "no big deal" to go to the gym.

    I think this is a good plan--it's really important to build the habit first, so I agree with the keep it simple and not too long so it seems fun (or not that overwhelming) until you really catch the bug (and even after--it doesn't have to take that long). Having exercises in mind when you go in and not just trying to figure out on the fly in the gym makes it feel so much easier too!

    I'd recommend writing down what you do while you are there so you can build on it in the next session focusing on the same exercise. Trying to rely on my own memory was one of the mistakes I made in early days, and one reason I spun my wheels on weight training for a while (although I actually do think I learned a lot during those less focused times).

    Lunges really do get better, IME--I used to hate them, and now I quite like them, and squats are my favorites!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I think I've said this before, but I also love your wedding plans, Chia!

    On the beer, depends what the difficult bit is, but for me when I quit drinking (although I understand you are just cutting back) it was the social aspect that seemed difficult, and just having something else in mind to get (diet coke, soda water, whatever) made it easier--it's amazing how standing there nursing something else doesn't feel any different, even in a crowd where everyone else seems to be drinking (but who knows!). I initially assumed it would feel weirder or be more awkward than it ever was.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    As a cancer survivor I can relate to what you are going through. I had a really bad time after as I got out of my routine, and got depressed. I had to have a complete hysterectomy and ovary removal. It was tough to go through and quite scary. I gained and gained afterwards, I guess I just let the depression hit me. I finally got the help I needed and got better. 97 pounds gone I have so much strength. My Dr. ordered me to get the weight off as the type of cancer I have has a higher percentage of returning if I remain overweight.

    Please know we are there for you and if you need support, we are here. Good luck to you, and your healing. I do hope you have a strong support system at home.

  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    This weeks goals are:
    1. Mix up my training program. - I work with a trainer one day a week and we are going to mix it up.
    2. continue to drink water. I drank more water last week and it showed in the scale.
    3. add fruit before workout to help fuel the burn.
    4. try to fit in one more class this week.
    5. Have fun in the snow! We got 10inches of snow this weekend! I have snow pants, snow boots and warm coats. Going to play in it like I was a kid again.
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member

    5. Have fun in the snow! We got 10inches of snow this weekend! I have snow pants, snow boots and warm coats. Going to play in it like I was a kid again.[/quote]

    That's the most fun goal I've read yet! Hope you had a blast!

  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I did have fun in the snow!!! We still have snow!

    My goals this week are to drink that water!
    Dance dance dance at Zumba
    Lift weights this week.
    Play with the grandkids!!!