Success stories!



  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    So amazing, all of you!
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    Amazing! This reminds me of all of those early morning infomercials, without the gimmick!
  • ryan1221
    I was 340 lbs on January 1. My wife helped me get started on the low carb diet. I gave it a try and got more into it. I've been reading and finding what works best for me. I have lost 33 lbs in 7 weeks. I agree it is not a diet, I just changed my eating habits. Now with the weight loss I am able to start working out without getting sore feet and knees.
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    ryan1221 wrote: »
    I was 340 lbs on January 1. My wife helped me get started on the low carb diet. I gave it a try and got more into it. I've been reading and finding what works best for me. I have lost 33 lbs in 7 weeks. I agree it is not a diet, I just changed my eating habits. Now with the weight loss I am able to start working out without getting sore feet and knees.

    Amazing, Ryan. Congratulations!! Keep on keepin' on and keep us posted on how the workouts progress. I'm recovering from foot surgery at the moment and am SO looking forward to some pain free workouts myself.
  • annieboomboom
    annieboomboom Posts: 176 Member
    Wow, wow, wow. These are amazing and heartfelt journeys. Anyone who has struggled with weight can only cheer your successes.
    It inspires and it motivates.

    I am large boned and "wear" my (over) weight not too badly. But I exercise A LOT and have for years. I even use to run. I strength train and know I have some substantial muscle weight.
    But I am fat. 195. with a tum. I hate , hate , hate situps. don't go there.

    I am not using the scale because in the past, it never moved , unless up. So, I gave up. Gave in. Convinced this diet was a rouse.

    This morning I stood in front of the mirror and noticed my thighs seems narrower. Something looked different. My face is thinner, and I want to believe my tum looks better but maybe not yet. But there are small changes. Small changes are what keep me moving forward.

    But here's the thing: I have energy, I sleep better, I am not starving. I will have a blood work up soon to check my lipids.


    Hope others share their successes. Great brave stories.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,049 Member
    Love all of these successes so much!!! Awesome, inspiring and amazing work everyone!!! I hope one day I may be able to post my pics and stats in a thread like this LOL
    I hate , hate , hate situps. don't go there.

    Annie, (if you choose to take it on board), my physio says that "*nobody* should be doing situps, or ab work. *Maybe* elite athletes, but even then, there's little point. Ab muscles are there, you just need to remove the fat layer to see them."

    They always used to hurt my back anyway so I gave them up on the spot.
  • mebeep
    mebeep Posts: 38 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Thanks everyone, and I love hearing these stories! Kudos to all of us!!

    @strawmama As a big bootie girl myself, I have to say that the most amazing change for me in your photos is your backside curve!!! Have you done anything to help the process along exercise wise? I'm just curious because I like my curve, I just don't want it to be as pronounced that it makes everything stick out! LOL

    @rmath76 Thank you - it was a name I picked out for my knitting business years ago, but I realized that I wasn't willing to work for peanuts, because no one wants to pay what a person's time is worth! LOL

    @shadesofidaho‌ If you are handy with computers at all, I used Microsoft Word to make one picture partially transparent, changed the settings on both so I could put one atop the other, grouped them together, and the cut/pasted them into PowerPoint so I could save it back to a single image. Before I did this, I resized both pictures for best resolution and lining up my facial features... I was wanting to find out if there is an app anywhere that will resize pictures based on facial recognition! Anyone? And your differences are amazing! To me, one of the first places we can see differences is our faces, because of simple proportion and water... :)

    @itcphotog It's good to see someone on around my same schedule with similar progress!! Nice work.

    @ShawnaDrew I'm going to write more about this later, but I wanted to tell you that I think I've just had the biggest NSV of my life. I've always been a stress/emotional eater. Today I had a massive episode that sent me into a 30-45 minute rant with my best friend, just to get back to functional (luckily I was at lunch). Normally, this type of stress would have resulted in me eating an entire bag of "fun size" candy bars, three or more king sized candy bars, family sized bags of doritos or fritos or lays - the WHOLE THING, an entire large jar of nutella, or any number of equally binge worthy eating sessions. I was utterly flabberghasted to realize a few hours later that even though I was eating lunch at the time, I never craved more food, I never even once thought of food as a stress relief, I didn't have a sweets/carb/junk instant compulsion/addiction/craving. I thought about going for a walk, but a frustration earlier contributed to this issue so I didn't. I thought about listening to some loud angry rock music, but it faded before I got that far. I thought about making sure I got more fat later because my meal didn't have as many calories as it should have maybe, so I started thinking about what fat bombs to make tonight, but not right then... Drinking more water, yeah, sure. But my formerly inescapable coping technique was decimated off the face of my current existence - or it went into hiding/WitSec.... I'm still reeling from this realization, but if nothing else, if I never lose another single ounce, this alone is reason for me to continue eating this way...

  • hippygirl325
    hippygirl325 Posts: 223 Member
    I have lost 36 lbs since Dec 22nd on keto and I have been feeling great! I have progress pics on my profile.
  • bananabeannn
    bananabeannn Posts: 110 Member
    For those of you having success - how many carbs did you eat while losing? I know I am weighing myself too often, but weight loss feels really slow and I'm about about 20-30 net carbs a day. My hunger has noticably decreased....just want to see the scale MOVE dammit!
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    I try to eat under 20 net, occasionally I will slip, I went a little crazy Saturday with the peanut butter, and I think I got up to 40, but that was the first time in a couple of months.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @hippygirl325‌ The different in your progress photos is AMAZING! And just in a couple months???? Wowza. :)