February 22

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
Hey gang,
I don't know why, but I'm having trouble getting invites to the group to work. Carimiller7391 and kaliya89 (both from the morbidly obese group) would like to join the fling into spring challenge, but I can't seem to invite them in. Can someone else please try??? Thank you!

EDIT: okay, after trying several things, I finally just changed the group setting temporarily from private to public... I hope this works! I'll change it back after we add in anyone who wants to join the fling into spring.



  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    edited February 2015
    While I'm here, I'll do my check in. Yesterday was a day of ups and downs. Ups because I got my fling challenge stuff listed. Ups (because I made an appointment with a trainer to get set up on the weight equipment at the Y, YAY, FINALLY!!!). Downs because I don't know what is going on with some nerve compression running down my legs, which has been going on for months but I thought would get better when I could swim again. I'm not sure if it's the sacroilliac joint (always a problem for people with active Adult Still's Disease), or piriformis muscles (they always HURT!) or just plain old sciatica. I saw my chiropractor last week, which helped a bit, but now when I sit down, I'll sometimes get this sharp stabbing pain in my hip and I have to immediately get up, or lie back, or twist sideways. I'm really really hoping this will go away as I lose more weight, but I suppose at some point I'm going to need to go back to the stupid neurologist who told me a few years ago that I had a slipped disc but I was too fat for him to fix it. Oh.... thanks. I was mortified. So the other "down" part was that I fell into an old eating habit--when I got back from the gym (I didn't go until late evening, so I got home around 9 p,m,), I was soooooo hungry for carbs. Jim had brought home some wheat thins and cheddar cheese, so I portioned out a serving (15 crackers, 1 ounce of cheese), ate it slowly, savoring it, enjoying it, feeling no guilt because it was a reasonable portion and fit my plan. Well that was it... next thing I knew, I was shoving my hand back into the cracker box, the whole time telling myself to STOP, then the devil on my shoulder saying, "one more won't hurt... or three more... geesh, you burned 800 calories in the pool, EAT UP!"

    This is an ongoing problem for me. I'm so hungry after a long swim, and even being sleeved doesn't seem to make a difference. I think the problem is escalated because I have to take pain meds after a long swim for the joint pain, and so my give a *kitten* meter drops too and I make poor decisions. Sooooooo, part of my plan today is to work out a strategy for before and after the gym. Maybe a protein shake before and a protein bar after? Something I can regulate. Something easy so that I don't let the hunger blow up out of control. If anyone has any suggestions, please throw them at me!

    Okay, there's my Sunday novel. Today I have a ladies craft day, and I'm in charge of the meal (baked haddock and seafood chowder), so I need to get my booty in gear, go to the fish market (one of the great benefits of living in Maine... fresh haddock and lobster... yum), gather my crafting materials, and head out the door. We're making "spirit dolls" today, for healing and wellness. OH! Nancy, I'd like to make one for you! What color is/how long is your hair??

    I hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday, especially Zac who is probably lounging in a giant pool of steaming water right now. JEALOUS!!! When we're all skinny, let's have a hot springs MOBO MOTO retreat! Or even before then, LOL!

  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Karen - thanks again for inviting me to this group. I'm sorry you've been dealing with so much pain. :'(

    I can definitely relate to the eating too many crackers thing, except in my case I didn't even really start out trying to be good. I moved out on my own for the first time in August (well, not on my own, with my boyfriend), and ever since I haven't been able to stick to any sort of healthy eating plan. I've gained 20-30 pounds since then, bringing me up to a new high weight of 319.4 pounds.

    What really made me realize how big I'd gotten was when I got a new piece of clothing in the mail. I checked the measurements before I bought it, and it looked like it would fit. Then I got it, and it wasn't even remotely close. I measured myself today for the first time in months, and I'm no longer surprised it didn't fit. I'm way bigger than I thought I was! Plus my sister's wedding is in 3 weeks, and I need to make sure I can still fit in my dress. I tried it on over Christmas break, and I've only gained 1 pound since the start of the year, so it should be okay, but I don't want to risk it.

    I'm really excited about this "Fling into Spring" challenge. This is coming at the perfect time!
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    And I didn't see anywhere specific to post this, so hopefully it's okay that I'm putting it here!

    Fling into Spring Goals:
    • Fitness Goals:
      -20 minutes of exercise 5x a week (I'm thinking Zumba Express M-F)
    • Nutrition Goals:
      -Track everything (except the day of my sister's wedding).
      -Drink at least 10 cups of water a day.
    • Weight Loss Goals:
      -Goal: 311 by 3/22
      -Dream goal: 305 by 3/22
      -Super dream goal: 300 by 3/22
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Welcome, Kaliya! So glad to have you here!!
    And yes, sounds like fling spring is perfect for you. Let's do this--back on track, raring to go.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hiya everyone!!!

    Karen, I am so sorry you're dealing with so much pain.

    I, too, am very excited about the "Fling into Spring" challenge. I am 1 day shy of 4 weeks since having gastric bypass surgery. The weight loss is going slow. But I honestly feel better than I have in a very long time. I can walk up the basement steps without being out of breath.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Fling into Spring goals:

    Continue to track all food in MFP
    Drink 3-4 20oz bottles of mix in's per day (can't do plain water)
    Continue to follow my plan for my weight loss surgery
    Fitness goals:
    Work on my walking 12 week plan.
    week 1: 1 mile/5 days a week in 24 minutes
    week 2: 1 mile/5 days a week in 22 minutes
    week 3: 1 mile/5 days a week in 20 minutes
    week 4: 1.5 miles/5 days a week in 30 minutes
    Back, chest, shoulders, triceps and biceps
    Glutes, quads, hamstring, calves, abs
    Saturdays: REST DAY
    Weight loss goals:
    Goal: 3/22 295
    Dream goal: 3/22 290
    Super dream goal: 3/22 285

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Yay, Cari, you made it! I'm so glad!

    I don't know how to make a communal spreadsheet, but maybe I can just start a Fling thread for a weekly goal check in. Your and Kaliya's goals look great. I noticed a difference already this weekend; just having these as my "must do" made me prioritize and plan better.

    As for the pain stuff, I've been dealing with crappy AOSD for ten years now, so I'm pretty used to it, but it pisses me off when it interferes with my fitness goals! I'm in the process of getting back on my immunosuppressants med cocktail after 3 months off (because of infected incisions from bariatric surgery), so things are definitely looking UP!

    Hope everyone enjoys their relaxing Sunday night... BECAUSE TOMORROW WE WORK OUT. BWAHAHAHAHAAA! Sorry, I was channeling Jillian Michaels for a sec.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Hi all....I am posting late....and will have to post even later today (It is 0445 am here on the 23rd),and I need to get ready for work. I will post later today. Glad to see some new/old faces on here! Looking forward to this challenge as I really need a kick in the butt! I have gained and gained since my trip home over the Xmas holidays.

    Karen, my hair is short and sort of blonde....out of the bottle blonde!! At my age I am afraid to go a la natural!! Would be totally gray! Yikes!!!

    Catch up later!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    edited February 2015
    Have a good day at work, Nancy! I started your doll, but she doesn't have a face or hair yet. I can't remember how to post a pic, so I'll change my profile pic to my own doll, made for me by my awesome artist friend Ariel. I love mine!!!
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    Here are my Fling into Spring goals:

    Log food daily on MFP
    Walk dog daily
    Lift weights 2 times a week (2 is all I can really manage with the musical most every night)
    Prepare my lunch at home (don't eat out for lunch)

    Weight loss goal 3/22: 380

    Karen, I was in fact lounging in a fantastic hot spring when you posted haha. It was a great weekend. I managed to burn a ton of calories between the regular basketball and the water basketball. I was also able to eat fairly well so that was a nice plus.

  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Gosh....I could have a ton of goals, but realistically I would set myself up for failure.
    Zac, glad you are back in one piece and that you had a nice time and got some exercise in too!!

    10,000 steps in 5 days a week
    Strength training (weights) 3 times a week
    Do yoga on the weekends
    Keep my calories down each day
    Take one day at a time!
    Weight loss goal by 3/22: 10 pounds less