Doing well almost three weeks post op.

Hi everyone,

I wanted to pop in and say that I made it through my VSG surgery very well and am back to normal at 19 days post op. I have been released to swim, so I plan to get in the water today and do a very VERY gentle swim.

I did find that my hair really got super since I haven't been in the chlorine, but the water is still calling me.

I am down from 261 to about 240 since surgery and down from a 298 all time high.

As for the recovery, the first five days were pretty hard, but after that things got immeasurably better hour by hour. The worst of it, for me, was the incision pain, but that is all gone now. I have been walking every day with the dog and going shopping just to walk. It is so snowy here that sometimes I would be taking my life in my hands to walk outside.

I love that I am no longer hungry. I am feeding myself well and staying in the range that the doctor set for me. I am so surprised that I don't feel weak or washed out. Just strong and energetic.



  • mae7365
    mae7365 Posts: 66 Member
    It's amazing how quickly you can get back to normal life activities.......but have a new way of looking at food. I'm almost 15 weeks post op, so I'm further along this journey than you, but I just can't explain to people how amazing it is to not have food control my life. Not that I'm not tempted by cake, cookies, chips etc., its just so much easier to either resist completely or have one bite and be satisfied.
    Good luck and congratulations on your weight loss so far!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member

    that is super! I am glad you are able to get back to the water you love so much! I was cleared for 'gentle' exercise after two weeks; no lifting, absolutely no abdominal stuff. I had already cheated a bit moving from walking on the treadmill to getting on the elliptical to see how it felt. The weather was still decent in mid-October, so I spent the last two weeks of my leave time getting out and walking the golf course! I had assumed I would be done with golf for the year when I had my surgery, but the bonus golf really helped me get my walking in in an enjoyable way.

    Have fun in the water! Don't overdo it and listen to your body!

  • rscpjim
    rscpjim Posts: 72 Member
    Good for you Jan! I too was so happy to be able to get back in the water. I was expecting a longer wait based on what I had heard here and other places.. When I was given the green light to swim again it was like YEAH! Anyway I swim everyday for the most part and have added bicycle riding again too. Had mine done Jan. 13th and am better faster stronger than I was before the sugery. And your right instead of feeling Bommed I feel energized and empowered!
    Enjoy the rest of your life!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Great report! Glad you are bouncing back so well and quickly!
  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Jan: Thanks for the great update. What a great feeling t feeling not to be hungry. That is good news that you are allowed back in the water so soon, enjoy it.
    You will find you have many more new experiences coming your way. Some will surprise you. All the best and keep you the dedication!
  • lorilbuckner1
    lorilbuckner1 Posts: 172 Member
    Glad your doing so well! :)