Weigh in 02/23/15

Starting weight: 166.8
Last weight: 158.8
Today's weight: 157.8
Loss: -1
Total Loss so far: 9.2 pounds
Goal weight: 153 (boat weight, 4.8 pounds to go) would like to be 143 in a perfect world

This has been such a difficult week, and together Kelly we've got to find that "it" factor again and get back on the ball. Your recent post sounds like I could have written it!

I spent one day out of town with my daughter and granddaughter at Columbus Children's Hospital (a 2+ hr trip.) lots of sitting, fast food - little exercise. And then the crap hit the fan. The weather has been purely awful. I've been without Internet most days for at least several hours, and housebound throughout.....except for shoveling snow which at one point I was sure was never going to stop. I'd shoveled 3x's and used the snow blower twice. I swore once my back started hurting wasn't doing it again........and sure enough, it was after midnight and I was out there again with the little snow blower. Yesterday, the temp went from below freezing to 37 degrees, and ANYTHING on the ground turned to ice. There has been driving ban so I couldn't get out - and a water main break on our hill so that I couldn't have gotten to town if I tried. The snow finally stopped yesterday and I didn't do one dang thing but sit in a chair all day watching movies with a TENS unit and heating pad on my back. I finally got up off my duff and went out yesterday - managing for the first time in days to get my 10,000 steps in. If the weather is too bad to walk, I have access to the college training facility (where they let the community members use the track for walking/jogging.) I have also many times recently gone to wal mart to literally walk the isles to get the steps. This week, no options were open to me.......and I think the "mental attitude breakdown" stems from that. Waa waa waa, poor me.

I know I didn't eat well this week. There is certainly food enough in this house that I COULD HAVE done a better job of it - I just purely didn't. I am absolutely thrilled that I lost one pound, I was afraid I hadn't lost any, or even that I might have gained. No complaining here.

I am participating in this weeks "Work Week Challenge" and Dale works tonight, but will be home tomorrow. I'm hoping having him here will help me correct my "nervous picking."

ONWARD ladies!! I am inspired by Lois's participation ( and COMPLETION OF) her first 10K!! We ARE doing so well........one pot hole does not a road close. Move it Kelly....Granny's gunning for you!!


  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Take the loss Cheryl! Although you say you are surprised by it, obviously your body liked the fact that you were doing something other than walking, as your exercise... even if you didn't like it lol

    Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from. You have no idea how much help it is knowing I'm not the only one feeling this way. I keep saying to myself.. ok.. it's time to get back on track. I start off my day so well and then by lunch I'm screwed. There I am eating too much bread and not enough veggies and protein. I know I'll eventually get out of this pot hole and I'm hoping it's today.

    Hopefully there's some relief in your snowy weather. We've been in the -30 to -50C range all shift and today it's actually supposed to warm up to -11C (12F) but it's supposed to snow all day. We're only supposed to get about an inch, but the winds are supposed to be pretty ridiculous. Then, tomorrow.. it's back to the cold temps again. I can't wait for Mexico!
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    WOO HOOO!!! Great job Cheryl!!! You've earned it. Remember, you're going to reduce by varied activities (not solely walking) AND shoveling snow is a huge calorie burner!!! You're focused and doing great!! Stay with it!

    Kelly - come on girl...Mexico is just around the corner and you are going to be a hot tamale in that bikini!!!! There's your motivation!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Thanks for the kind and motivational words on the other thread Lois. I really appreciate you girls <3 Although I haven't completely lost my motivation, I know I'm not bikini ready and Mexico is only 19 days away, so it's just not going to happen for me this time around. Maybe that's a part of the reason why I've lost some motivation. But.. it's time to get off my butt and go for a bit of a stroll away from my desk. Off I go.. can't let GRANNY get me. :p
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    Granny is taking you down sprout. You going to stand for that??? 19 days is 19 days. Make good use of them, you know your brain will be in a better place if you do!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    As expected my Fitbit battery was dead when I woke up this morning. I almost feel like I lost a pet lol
    I'm going to switch up my workout tonight and go back to my Turbo Fire videos. I used them last year and my body reacted to them well. I think it'll help instead of just walking on the treadmill.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    No fair!! You ladies are taking away all my reasons to complain (bad weather, family illness, extra work). Looks like these issue are part of life for a lot of us. Cheryl, you almost made me grateful that hubby was home when the snow hit here this weekend--but then I missed the workout of shoveling snow. We have monster snow blower that is owned by four homes on the cul-de-sac. In typically male fashion, the men got the biggest thing they could manage to get home--even though we have very short driveways!

    Yesterday was a "hit the wall" day for me in terms of stress. But today, I started my day, as promised in my post last night, with water on my desk and large bowl of oatmeal with banana for breakfast. Work and worry coupled with poor eating/drinking is a recipe for disaster for me.

    Kelly, I too could have written your post, and I'm sure that every one of us has been in that spot. You may not be able to lose as much as you'd like before you leave for warmer climes, but you have made progress. And I always like to remind myself of where I could be if I just gave up. I was edging up about 2-4 pounds a year. I weighed 155 when I strapped on my bodybugg five years ago. So I could be sitting here at 175 pounds instead of the 144 pounds that I keep cursing. Do I want to be satisfied at 144? Nope. I proved to myself that I can get below that, and I know that I felt better below that. I just have to find the mojo to get back down there and make it stick.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Forgot to say to Cheryl that I think you did great. A pound a week is a solid achievement for us shorties--in any weather. :)
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    SW: 150
    LW: 140.6
    TW: 140.8

    Ahhhhh... I keep going up. Although it's only by a couple decimal points.. it's still up. Further and further away from the goal of 130. I knew it was coming, as you could tell from my past posts. Something will eventually get me going.... but I would appreciate some warmer weather any time now. It's been soooo cold this shift (-43C today) and I think I may have a bit of the winter blahs. I'm in a good mood today though... so hopefully no one pisses me off and it stays that way lol
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    SW: 155
    LW: 144.4
    TW: 144.2

    If I was half as good at losing as I am at maintaining as of late. . . :|

    My average daily deficit showed that I "should have" lost close to a pound. Which just goes to show me once again that the numbers are just a guide. I think the reason that I did not gain, even though work, weather, and family illness have played havoc with my schedule, is because I'm doing better with evening eating. Just because my food log has a place for a late snack does mean that I need to eat one!
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    SW: 238
    LW: 183.2
    TW 183.6

    UP?!?!?!?!?! REALLY??!?!?!?!?! Let's get ready to GRUMBLE!!! Damn...ok...so NO fig bars night before weigh in...it has to be the dang carbs....Ah well. On to next week.

    Kelly - good luck to you today...I'm already GROUCHY and the day has just begun!!!

    Crap...lost track of time...gotta run to a meeting.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Man, we're a quiet group of late. I guess Sheesh is still vacationing, and I hope Laura (Light) is just busy, too. Still juggling extra work, family stuff, and the weather. We woke to several more inches of snow today. Same song, next verse! Did get about a 30 minute, really fast-paced walk in last night with a friend, and I'm now heading out to the mall to just move my body. I have sat far too long.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    Late as usual, but I'm here :) Work has been a bear for so long I'm beginning to think it's going to start being considered normal :( We have been working understaffed for over a month and the fatigue is setting in. And then in order to compensate, we are now coming in earlier and leaving later in order to get it all done... so I am treading water.

    I don't even want to put in my weight. I am up 2 lbs one day, down 1 the next, up 1/2 lb the next and down 2 the following. It's so up and down right now I don't know where I stand. Some of it is salt, some of it is carbs... and I know that because a couple nights I had eaten well all day and had such a craving for bread/crackers in the evening and even though I didn't "pig out", I was up 2 lbs the next morning. Seems to work better for me if I don't do carbs after about 2-3pm. I am still trying to eat smart but there have been a few days it was tough to log the foods. I am just eating the same things I've been eating for so long- cooking and measuring it out on the weekends, going by the meal plans that had the correct calorie counts/etc based on other days. If I don't have time to log, the next best thing is to copy good day's intake, so that is what I'm doing. Somewhere in there, I need to get my exercise added back in there... and thank you anyways, but no snow shoveling for me. I have done the walk the aisles in Walmart a few nights after work, though my step numbers are still low in spite of that. Was sick for the last week, which only increased my fatigue and lowered my activity... whine, whine, whine...

    So, feeling better today, had a chance to get on the computer :) Have done some make ahead meals and have some others planned out for tomorrow. Cleaning house today, which ups the activity level a bit. Have some time off coming up in April, when I go get mom and bring her down for a visit for the month. I need some down time and am looking forward to it.

    Sarah, hope your mom is doing better. It's hard as they get older...
    Hope the rest of you are doing well... I've enjoyed the pictures Sheesh has been sharing on facebook and Lois, have enjoyed yours as well. Now, I need to get back to the house cleaning or I will run out of time before it is done.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Well, they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. What is the diagnosis when you do the same thing and expect the same results but get different ones?

    My weight on Thursday morning was 143.8 and I had a deficit that day and that next that are the type that are hard to achieve (-700). I think I was able to achieve those deficits because I was encouraged by the downward movement. So imagine my surprise when the third morning I was greeted not by the further loss I expected, but by a gain of more than 2 pounds (146.0). It's almost, but not quite enough to make me just throw up my hands. But I'll be doggoned if I'm going to just give up.

    Light, I was glad to see your post. Sounds like we're both experiencing some similar job issues, i.e., too much work and too few hands. Hang in there. I keep telling myself that nothing stays the same, so this will change too. :smile:

    And thanks for asking about my mother. Mom has been in the rehab for 10 days now and is making little to no progress with walking, so I'm not sure what is going to happen. I fear that we have some unpleasant things ahead.

    I'm trying to focus on doing what I can to keep me feeling as good as I can. So that means eat healthy, get in some activity, get some rest, and try to remember that ups and downs are what life is all about.

    Cheryl and Lois, since we have ice covered roads today, I'm stuck with activity in the house, and so I'm also trying to remember that I can get my steps up, even if I can't walk outside or get to the mall. I'm glad you posted about racing around the house to get your numbers up. It prevents me from saying, well I can't be expected to walk much if......