My journey to lose 25lbs... I'd love to have a support group!

Hello! My name's Hope :) So I'm on a new journey... To lose 25lbs. I've never been one for exercise :/ I've always maintained my weight around 115lbs, yet I've let myself get up to 144lbs :s So I'm ready to start to get my weight back to 115 - 120 lbs. Not that I'm obese, but I'm not happy with the way my body looks. I'm scared if I don't do something now, I could become extremely overweight as it runs in my family. Any advice, encouragement, or anyone that just wants to talk and we can go on this journey together.... Please join me! I want all positive energy, positive conversation, and let's help each other! Thank you for reading a brief description of my story and please join me! I look forward to getting to know some new people and losing weight and gaining back my confidence and happiness :#


  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi Hope! I am in a similar boat as you. I also got up to 144lbs and am looking to get back to my ideal weight of 125lbs for me. I am new to MFP and weight loss in general and looking for friends and support.
  • hopeanadamkrull
    Hey there! It's nice to know I'm not the only one new to this whole diet, exercise, MFP experience :) I'm hoping this can help me to hold myself accountable!
  • ntinkham88
    ntinkham88 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome and congrats on making the decision to start! I've just recently discovered these message boards and they seem to be full of encouragement. We're all here for you! Remember you can begin with small steps. I've been learning and losing weight for several years now so if you have any questions or just need support, I'm here for ya!
  • ElizabethGoGoGo
    ElizabethGoGoGo Posts: 83 Member

    I am 5'3" (or 1.60mts.) And 143.4 is the most ive been at , now feb2015. I am a 41 years old female and I moved to the USA 3 years ago. I was 115 when I moved to the USA. So I joined mfp now to start eating and drinking healthier and to start moving more (this has been the hardest for me). I gained all those pounds here in the USA because after I moved here I started making poor eating and drinking choices and moving less (walking). I am aiming to go back to 115 and since I joined mfp on feb10, 2015 I've lost 6 pounds, so I'm at 137 today. We can do it!
  • xodianedxo
    xodianedxo Posts: 6 Member
    Ladies, my situation is very similar to all of yours! I've always struggled with sticking to an exercise plan and have had bad eating habits for a long while. It's time for a change! I'm here for support if you ever need. :o)
  • jenni718
    jenni718 Posts: 1 Member
    hello ladies, it seems that i too, am in a similar situation as you ladies. i am at my heaviest i ever been 152.. i am looking to lose about 20 lbs....i want to eat healthier and live an active healthy lifestyle.. if any ladies here would like to talk or help motivate each other am totally here to help and vice-verse if any of you have advice or tips that have made you successful in your weight loss journey am all ears....
  • likeabawse
    Hey ladies. I'm looking to drop 30 lbs by May. Goal weight is 165lbs. Im 5'8 and 195lbs. I'm not obese, but I feel very uncomfortable in my skin, sluggish and heavt.
  • DrTiffany122
    sdado1013 wrote: »
    Hi Hope! I am in a similar boat as you. I also got up to 144lbs and am looking to get back to my ideal weight of 125lbs for me. I am new to MFP and weight loss in general and looking for friends and support.

    Hi- me as well! I'm 42, 5'4" mom of 2 and need to get back to my 120-125 wt range now that I've crept up. Recently I was about 142 and have managed by dumb luck to eek it back to 135ish. I have a sedentary job, don't like to exercise and drink more than I probably should. My food choices aren't terrible. I think it's mostly age and sitting around all the time! I'm brand new to MFP and would love the support :) I just purchased the Garmin Vivosmart for encouragement to get up and move from my desk!
  • iontheball
    iontheball Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in a very similar boat. I'm 36 and 5'4. I currently weigh 141 and my goal is to get back to around 120. I have two young kids and a mostly sedentary lifestyle so I'm looking for encouragement to increase my activity level and make better food choices.
  • jennifervfoster
    jennifervfoster Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all! New to this app and in a similar boat. 34 years old, 35 creeping up and I'm stuck at 62-64 kgs
  • jennifervfoster
    jennifervfoster Posts: 21 Member
    Doh, hit enter too quickly! I'm pretty fit and love to workout (honest!), but my thyroid started acting up last year and I went from 58 to 63ish. I can't seem to shake it no matter how much I exercise. So, focusing on diet now and hoping to get back down. Would love to be 56-58 kg depending on how much muscle I have. I'm 5'4", or 163 cm. Really trying to eat protein and veggies, keeping sugar and grains to a minimum.
  • yuyutu81
    yuyutu81 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello everybody,

    I am too in very similar position and my goal is lose 30lbs but more importantly lower my BMI. I just had an assessment done over a week ago and my BMI is almost 42%. Of course prior to that I started to feel sluggish and achey all the time.

    Once upon a time I was fit and healthy and I miss that feeling. Since my assessment I made my health my number one priority. Eating cleaner and smarter and going to the gym everyday to strengthen and build more muscles to burn those excess fat off my body.

    I hope to share this journey with all of you and I am here to support you :)
  • jtophinke
    jtophinke Posts: 61 Member
    likeabawse wrote: »
    Hey ladies. I'm looking to drop 30 lbs by May. Goal weight is 165lbs. Im 5'8 and 195lbs. I'm not obese, but I feel very uncomfortable in my skin, sluggish and heavt.

    I'm 175 and I just want to lose 25 more pounds. I was 232 when I delivered my second child two years ago. I got down to 164, but then we built a house moved and threw off my two year olds sleeping. No sleep for me ment bad habits came creeping back. Ready to get back on track.
  • Jessitafv
    My name is Jessica, I'm in the same boat, I always weighed 130lbs, which is fine for height and body type, but Gained 38lbs in the last 2 years. My doctor says I'm not obese and don't look my weight, however I feel heavy. I'll more than willing chat with you.
  • WaterGurrl
    WaterGurrl Posts: 5 Member
    My doctor also said that my numbers looked good. But I've never weighed this much! Ugh! Anyway, tracking really helps. So I have 15 pounds to go...
  • michellemcdonaldhenderson
    I am 5' 4" weigh 165 (the most I've ever weighed) goal is 25 lbs target weight of 140....I've been at it for 8 weeks with little/NO health issues, just can't lose the weight...counting calories/working out at least 6 days a week....increasing calories to see if it will help.....
  • Solamer
    Solamer Posts: 67 Member
    ...increasing calories to see if it will help.....

    How would increasing calories help you lose weight?

  • amme0414
    Hi! I'm trying to lose 20lbs, but more importantly, get all of my vitamins and exercise daily!
  • lifeofagymbunny
    lifeofagymbunny Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5' 4" weigh 165 (the most I've ever weighed) goal is 25 lbs target weight of 140....I've been at it for 8 weeks with little/NO health issues, just can't lose the weight...counting calories/working out at least 6 days a week....increasing calories to see if it will help.....

    How many calories are you eating and what kind of exercise are you doing?
  • kittyguillette
    kittyguillette Posts: 8 Member
    I'm with yall AnY one have any tips or suggestions I'm lost I write down every thing that goes in my mouth I don't eat over 1150 calories a day and always under my sugar fat and sodium goals and I work out 4 days a week just don't seem like losing it fast enough anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong wish I could find a FL in Ranburne alabama to intensity walk with and workout challenges any of you interested in challenging each other for small goals and big gains let me know I know I need friends and motivation