SAHM looking for friends and accountability

Hi! I am a 33 year old SAHM of 5. My kids range in age from 11-3. I have been overweight since graduating college 12 years ago. Now that we are finished having kids I have no excuse. This is the time to get in shape! I am currently at my highest not-pregnant weight 200 lbs my goal weight is 135 lbs. My short term goal is to be at my pre-baby weight of 160 lbs for summer.


  • devoslosingit
    devoslosingit Posts: 48 Member
    It is awesome that you are going to get healthy! You will feel so much better once you start eating right. Are you using any special diet or work outs?
  • jmom374
    No real special diet. Just trying to eat less calories and add more real food- not as much processed junk. I am trying to walk 30 minutes every day and drink more water.
  • Owenlemm
    Owenlemm Posts: 18 Member
    I hear you. We have finally decided that we are done having children (3) and now I want to get back to my pre-baby weight. So far I am 50 days in and 9 pounds down. I am headed into the home stretch of the last 7 pounds to go. But I have been working on these last 7 for a while now. :)

    You can do it! Keep watching what you eat (I find that if I have to log it I am less likely to eat it) and exercising where you can. Don't be afraid to make some me-time at the gym.

    Good luck and feel free to add me to your support group.
  • devoslosingit
    devoslosingit Posts: 48 Member
    jmom374 wrote: »
    No real special diet. Just trying to eat less calories and add more real food- not as much processed junk. I am trying to walk 30 minutes every day and drink more water.

    That is the best way to start! Kicking the processed foods is the hardest part. I've been kicking that stuff for years but somehow it always seems to weasel its way back in. Good luck! Just keep trekking and you'll see that weight dissapear.
  • embritar
    embritar Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there I am also a stay home momma!i have 2 girls 14months and 3years old. Ever since my first was born I have been overweight and it just keeps getting worse. I'm trying to focus on eating earthier and ultimately paying attention to what is going into my body. I quit soda and have been doing T25. I would love a friend to help keep me motivated!