
uygifts Posts: 3 Member
Hi , I'm almost fifty. Having perimenapause symptoms hot flashes , not sleeping well, now I am experiencing my hands falling asleep and my weight is not going away , I eat well , actually when I do a diary I eat all the right things and go to the gym at least three times a week. Varies with schedule and now I started this tracking program and yesterday my weight was 234.8 and stayed under my allowed calories. And this morning my weight was 236.4. I feel like my body is fighting me Most women don't want menopause but it can't be any worse then what I am experiencing now Anybody else dealing or dealt with this ?


  • jodes023
    jodes023 Posts: 283 Member
    Yepper! and I'm 43. I have stints of hot flashes where I'm just burning up and it's unbearable during day and night while trying to sleep. Can I log that on my cardio count?!! I sweat enough! :# They say your weight just goes up and down in general ... I find that too, enough so that I thought it was my scale so bought another one and no difference with my yoyo weight...although with a 'kinda strict diet' I have been noticing a decline in weight. I need to add exercise more regularly....that's my greatest challenge.
  • megamenofat
    megamenofat Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am going through the same ordeal as you are. I agree 100% it seems as if your body is fighting you all the way. I have always been a health conscious food consumer, worked out 3 times a week and kept a healthy weight. I gained my weight over the last 10 years due to a heart condition which is being controlled now, but I CAN NOT lose ANY of the weight so you can imagine my surprise and frustration that the old ways no longer work - 6 months of counting calories and working out and I lost one pound ): What! I have talked with my doctor several times about this and she says the menopausal body is going through many changes and weight gain is just one of them. So WE want to lose as OUR BODY wants to gain - it is a constant struggle! She told me to continue doing what I'm doing as my CBC numbers are excellent and they would rather have us a little overweight now as we age over 50. Also, she swears that YOGA is the answer to this problem. So, health conscious eating (don't get me wrong, I enjoy the occassional junk food and alcohol), treadmill(fast pace walking), and strength training plus I got a couple of Yoga DVD's I will try out and see what happens over the next month. Don't get discouraged - we can do this!! I know we aren't the only ones out there struggling with this so hopefully there will be more that join the group with their support and suggestions with things that have helped them. Hang in there uygifts (:
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 504 Member
    YES! As of yesterday I'm back to my highest weight...207.6 :# But in the past couple of years the lowest I've made it was 192 and it didn't last long. I've only been over 200 the past few years, on and off. I'm perimenopausal also, just turned 52 last week. I went with out a period for about 5 months and then this month it's back :'( I don't have hot flashes very often or very bad. I sleep fairly well but don't feel rested. I've not done very well with eating or exercising the last couple of months. The cold weather, feeling stuck in the house, makes me lose motivation. I try telling myself's the perfect time to concentrate on losing during this down time...think about spring and summer clothes which don't hide the fat as well as the sweaters and sweatshirts of winter. I'm trying to regroup and start afresh!
  • jodes023
    jodes023 Posts: 283 Member
    I too went without a period for 6 months and then had one for last 2 months- wonky, but that's how it's suppose to be during this time I guess? I decided I needed more direction in January and needed to start with a type of detox - I crave and ate/drank everything. I did the Dr. Oz total 10 and it really gave me a head start on finding my focus and curbing my cravings. After the 10 days...I jumped on the band wagon of the new Dr Phil 20/20 plan....but somewhere along the way jumped off that train too...err wagon :) but the lack of craving food for the most part subsided...and now I'm struggling with fitting in exercise. I know that it will help with the wonky hormones and my least that's what they say.
  • uygifts
    uygifts Posts: 3 Member
    You guys are great ! Thanks for the support Not giving up but would really love to get some answers that we all haven't tried If I come across any along the way I will def share. Keep up the great work ladies!
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 504 Member
    My weight has gone up even further-211 as of this morning. I'd be more disappointed if I'd really been trying but I've not been getting much exercise and eating awful lately, I haven't had much motivation. I'm feeling embarrassed and motivated today, hoping I can keep up the motivation and start seeing the scale going down.
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I wish this group was more active - so nice to read all of these posts and see I am not alone - but I have to wonder what the key is to actually lose weight at this time?? I'm beyond frustrated right now.
  • organic_homestead
    organic_homestead Posts: 31 Member
    Hi @SweetTooth68. I'm just perusing the groups and found this one. I just turned 46 and for the past year have been having some perimenopause symptoms. I wonder if we can get this group going again?
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I'll send you a friend request either way because it took over 2 weeks for anyone to reply - so I'm not sure we can revive it but I'm game if you are organic_homestead :)
  • Luluke7767
    Luluke7767 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm new to groups so not sure how this works but I'd love to share successes, frustrations, tips etc with others in this group. I'm 48, went through early menopause, trying to lose about 35 lbs
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Luluke7767! I'll send a friend request but I do hope this forum will pick up! What is early menopause? I don't even know when is average but I'm 47 and I'm pretty sure symptoms have started for me - most annoying thing so far is unpredictable cycles. I want to hear what everyone is trying - and what is working and what is not! So far, I'm not really finding anything that works in a consistent way at all but I think I get impatient and give up too easily! So I'm trying to be more consistent MYSELF right now and just calorie count.
  • Jaxxy01
    Jaxxy01 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello all, early 'menopauser' here. I'll be 45 this summer and have been suffering with the uncontrollable sweats, mood swings, and weight gain since I was 37.....grrrr, life can be sooooo unfair at times!! While I think I've weathered the worst of this crazy storm, I am now fighting tooth and nail to shed all the extra weight. I workout faithfully 5 times a week (as of January 4th this year), have cut out sugar, wheat, dairy and caffeine, and am down to a 1200 calorie a day diet. Granted I've lost 20 lbs and several inches, but at an incredibly hefty cost; I've given up any hint of a social life due to all my free time being spent either at the gym, grocery store, or in the kitchen meal planning for the week. There HAS TO BE a better solution to beat down this crazy hormonal nightmare we woman have all been cursed with lol
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    Wow you have really made some huge changes Jaxxy! At least you have seen success for your efforts! Congrats on losing 20lbs!
  • Jaxxy01
    Jaxxy01 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow you have really made some huge changes Jaxxy! At least you have seen success for your efforts! Congrats on losing 20lbs!

    Thank you so much for your kind words. I am proud of my progress don't get me wrong, I guess I just expected to have more drastic results given the drastic diet and fitness changes I've made. I know weight lose is said to best more sustainable if it doesn't come off too quickly, but dang it discouraging not seeing a lower number each and every time you hop on the scale!!!
  • Jaxxy01
    Jaxxy01 Posts: 18 Member
    Luluke7767 wrote: »
    I'm new to groups so not sure how this works but I'd love to share successes, frustrations, tips etc with others in this group. I'm 48, went through early menopause, trying to lose about 35 lbs
    I'm also new to groups/message board discussions so we'll just have to learn as we fumble our way through lol
    I have to say, if that's you in your profile photo you've been blessed with some great genes!! No way would people guess you are 48...early menopause or "mental-pause" as I call it certainly hasn't aged your appearance you lucky bugger :)
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    It really is so depressing to be doing everything "right" and not see the scale reflect that - or WORSE - what just happened to me these last 3 days - the scale is going UP despite me doing everything right!! Ugh. Times like these you really want to give up, but I am hanging in there!
  • Jaxxy01
    Jaxxy01 Posts: 18 Member
    It really is so depressing to be doing everything "right" and not see the scale reflect that - or WORSE - what just happened to me these last 3 days - the scale is going UP despite me doing everything right!! Ugh. Times like these you really want to give up, but I am hanging in there!

    Keep in mind that the inches can still be dropping even when the scale is increasing since muscle weighs more than fat. Try not to get too discouraged girl.....we're all in this together :)
  • ashrymom
    ashrymom Posts: 816 Member
    I'm in the club with all of you too. I'm 45 this year and have been gaining 2-3 lbs per year for the last 10 years. I eat better than I ever did. I work out, but the problem is with no regularity. I'm determined to make a change. It's lifestyle I know. My priorities right now are to increase my protein intake by a LOT. I realized with my daily tracking that I don't take in enough. I've also tried resistance training. Yoga and weights. We'll see how it goes. I can't seem to lose weight but every time I start a workout regime I gain or don't lose. I'm trying not to look at the scale and to set other goals (ie no back fat when standing)
  • Jaxxy01
    Jaxxy01 Posts: 18 Member
    it's tough not seeing the numbers on the scale decrease for sure, but keep at it ashrymom and you'll notice more important goals such as increased strength & energy, and decreased inches (back fat and all). You CAN do it girl!!
  • iSpendLots
    iSpendLots Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a little late on this post, but thought I'd join in. I'll be 45 in July, married with 8 kids together ages 22-6 and a 4 yr old grand-daughter. I've never had to watch my weight, but as you've mentioned - I sure do now! But worse than the weight and worse than the hot flashes is definitely my abrupt mood swings :tongue:
    Soooo.... I have stopped smoking, gotten off my booty and have begun putting conscious effort into what goes into my mouth - including adding a little wine in the evenings so my family doesn't kill me in my sleep :open_mouth:
    Anyway, I am very happy to meet you all!!!