ETL v End of Dieting

sharon9597 Posts: 33 Member
I already have ETL but yesterday downloaded End of Dieting and there are some differences. ETL says 4 pieces of fruit daily, EOD says 3, ETL says max I cup of non dairy milk a day & EOD has sample menus clearly showing a few hundred MLs per day, ETL says 1 tbs flax, hemp or chia seeds daily with optional 1ox nuts & seeds and EOD says 1oz nuts & seeds daily of which half (1 tbs) must be flax or chia seeds. It also seems to contain more grains in EOD. So does anyone know if it really matters which you follow, anyone tried both approaches and found different results? For me I would be happy to know I can have more than a cup of milk as I make my porridge with it (as does EOD menu) and didn't fancy having to make it with water!


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Hi Sharon, I have not read EOD, but it's on my list of things to do. I know a couple in the group have read it hopefully they will have more insight.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi Sharon! I haven't finished EOD but read part of it. I like that is seems like a more reasonable and less strict approach at pb vegan. I think it's a good transitional foundation too. I try to follow more EOD than ETL strictly, because I'm just not there yet! Both are obviously super healthy though!
  • sharon9597
    sharon9597 Posts: 33 Member
    liapr those are my thought exactly, seems a cross between ETL and engine 2 or forks over knives approach. Certainly something I could stick to long term more than strict ETL
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    That's what I am hoping too!! I sort of freaked out after trying ETL strictly for a bit. Now that it's been some time and coming at it from EOD approach instead, I feel like it's more attainable lol
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I haven't read EOD but I have read both ETL and Eat For Health. EFH seems more like EOD in that there is a wider range of food choices and generally less restrictive. I personally follow ETL, though not necessarily the ETL 6-week plan, which is for aggressive (but healhty) weight loss. It sounds as if you would do well with either EFH or EOD. In the End Of Diabetes book, there are some differences as well. Mostly with restricting foods high in sugar and starches, which makes sense for that EOD book.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    liapr wrote: »
    That's what I am hoping too!! I sort of freaked out after trying ETL strictly for a bit. Now that it's been some time and coming at it from EOD approach instead, I feel like it's more attainable lol
    I have a sibling who is easing into ETL like you. Carnivores have a harder time, I think, as it takes a leap of faith to let go of all the meat at first, since we have all been bombarded since childhood with the "get enough protein from meat" myth. I remind my sibling that I started ETL almost 3 years ago, and have had time to wrap my head around ETL concepts and understand the "why" of what ETL is all about.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Lisa, that's good to know. It's been a year for me. I have no problem with meat as I've been veggie for years, but having a hard time nipping the dairy and sugar finally. Although I've come a long way in a year, so I hope I'll be where you're at after 3!
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    liapr, tapering off of cheese was hard. Getting away from sugar was harder. The truth is, the longer I stay away from dairy and sugar (and oil and salt), the less cravings I have for them. That is a great motivator to continue to stay away from them all. I really don't want to be back where I was before.