February 25

KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
Oy, I'm not flinging into anything this week... I'm barely crawling! It wasn't enough to cripple myself doing deep water splits and kicks... Last night I just couldn't stop grazing on food, so when I finally went to bed, I'd just eaten some spicy crackers and cheese on top of an already full stomach. I woke up an hour later coughing and choking and vomiting, feeling like my esophagus had been burned raw by stomach acid and bile. Note to self: do not do this again. I was up half the night coughing and had to cancel my trainer meeting this morning (I am SO angry with myself for that!!!).

Seriously? Why does food make me so crazy? Nancy posted the other day that she'd gained back everything she worked so hard to lose last year. So what's the secret to stopping the cycle? I had 75% of my stomach cut off, that's how desperate I am, and it still didn't stop me. Crazy.


  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    Food really does have some sort of strange power over us (if we let it). I know there are times where I just want to stop trying and eat everything, and I mean everything haha. The thing that I have had to learn how to do is to recognize when one of these moods is going to come upon me and either head it off (with healthy snacking or some kind of distraction) or put myself it a situation where I will not be able to acquiesce to the demands of my stomach. For me that has meant opening up to those around me about my struggles and asking for help. I have warned my roommates that there might be times when I am feeling one of these moods coming on and they are to help keep me away from stuff haha. It is also helpful when there aren't any munchables in the house. With four bachelors in the house that is rarely the case, but it is helpful. Over time I have noticed that these cravings are coming with less frequency. That is a happy sign for me.

    I know that at times this is super difficult, but that is what this group is here for. We are here for support. We are here to listen and motivate. If someone needs to talk, we are here. We are all working on major health changes and there are setbacks, but success is not out of reach for any of us. If any of you need a buddy with whom you can actually speak during these rough moments, I am willing to be that person. I may not be the most knowledgeable about a lot of things, but I am available. From what I have gathered from our interactions on here is that you are all good people and that you all have the capability to make difficult changes. *steps off soapbox*

    I have not been doing super well with some of my challenge goals and the main one to suffer is my dog haha. I was going to walk him every day, but so far it has only happened once this week. I will get on top of it the rest of this week (at least for Oscar's sake). The musical is going well. I am burning a bunch of calories just from the dancing that is involved. Maybe one of these days I will even become a passable dancer.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Zac, thank you! I really needed to hear exactly what you just wrote. You're really a wonderful person.
    After I posted my puke story, I thought about what would get me more motivated to do the challenge, and of course determined that we need points and a prize! So that's posted on the challenge thread now.
    Now I know you might not want to WEAR bling jewelry (or maybe you do!), but I'll make sure it's something you'd be happy to gift to a lovely woman if you win.
    Thank you again, honey!

    Now... Big question... What is your part in PIRATES? I've been watching some clips on You Tube.... Never saw this show, and I'm a big musicals fan.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I most definitely know the feeling. I had RNY (gastric bypass) and what I find is working for me is eating 6 small meals a day. I am one month out tomorrow. I follow my doc's instructions as best I can. I did move into soft foods quicker then what he said, but have had no problems to date. (knock on wood)......He moved me into pureed after only 7 days on liquids... so I did 3 weeks of pureed instead of the 4. Just started soft foods last night. I've had no problems getting in all of my protein or fluids. I'm not sure if I dump on sugar or not..... don't want to find out either.

    What I also find has worked for me, as I am a prior grazer, and definitely a sug-a holic.....I watch my carbs daily. I also have found new foods to try. I like buffalo chicken wings from Applebee's. Now I just make my own with a tiny bit of wing sauce on cut up chicken thighs. It's all about making good choices.

    As far as why food makes any of us SOOOO crazy, it's the additives in them. They make food addicting and makes us crave it. I also plan out when and what time I am going to eat. I eat every 2-2.5 hours from the time I get up till about 730pm. Normally don't eat after 730, but that's because I am not hungry. I found that now I eat real food, very little if anything processed. Almost everything from the perimeter of the store.

    I hope something from the above rant helps...

  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Karen, not sure where you had your surgery done but when I was looking into it and in the beginning stages, I was told I could call the nutritionist any time I needed help or refocusing. And I hadn't even been approved for the surgery yet. There must be someone you can talk to at the surgery center that might be able to help give some helpful hints. Things to snack on if you feel the need to graze.. things like that. My trick is to brush my teeth. Nothing tastes good after brushing! I have been known to brush my teeth 3 times in one night just to keep from grazing! Good luck.
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    I am Samuel, the Pirate King's lieutenant. I thought it would be a good role to break back into theater haha. It has a few solos and lines, but I don't have to carry the show. If you listen to the song "With Cat-like Tread", I am the guy who sings about handing out all of the gear. It also happens to be one of my favorite songs because of how ridiculous it is.

    I always like a good challenge. I will do my best to get some of that bling haha.

    Cari, good job on following the doctor's recommendations and good luck as you move forward.
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    Karen - There definitely is something about the food that makes it so hard to stop! My mom gets mad whenever anyone says it's just about willpower, because she quit smoking while still living with her husband who smoked, which is supposed to be one of the hardest situations to quit, and she still did it, but she can't stop with the food.

    Last night, the BF and I got pizza. Not exactly our healthiest choice. Still, I saved two slices for lunch today, and I've actually managed to make it fit into my plan for the day. I've also done my Zumba video three times this week, even though that meant waking up at 4:45 to do so. It's only 15 minutes earlier than normal, but it feels like forever. I always feel good when it's done, though, and it's only a 20 minute video, so I manage to get some (hard!) exercise in without taking up too much time.

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Cari, I totally agree about addictive additives in processed food! For almost three months I've been doing so well, sticking to plan, losing steadily. The last two weeks I've been a mess, and it all started with a box of cheez-it crackers that Jim brought home. I really, really need to avoid that stuff. It's like crack cocaine to me.

    I've seen some great recipes for whole grains and seeds crackers that look easy enough to make. I'm going to try some. I'm not eating bread or pasta or anything sweet, so crackers have been my big indulgence. If I make a good recipe, I'll share.

    Today has been a protein shake and soup day--giving my stomach a rest! It was also a self-indulgent day--I had my friend Linda come in to do a few hours of cleaning for me. What a relief to have that done!

    I think Zac has the right idea for controlling the food cravings. Enroll your support team! And stay busy doing things you love or that challenge you.