Weekly Weigh In #8 Feb. 21st - Feb. 28th



  • ashteinpeacock
    ashteinpeacock Posts: 56 Member
    I've lost 13 total lbs since Christmas, so I'm happy.... 23 more to go
  • Doviene
    Doviene Posts: 8 Member
    236.6 2/24/15
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I have been forgetting to log my weight here. My starting weight was 160. My current weight is 157, so I am down three pounds. (Goal by Easter is 150.)
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Here's the breakdown, I'm going a couple of days early because this has just been a super week of wins for me:

    Jan. 01- 183 lbs
    Jan. 08- 178.3
    Jan. 15- 177.3
    Jan. 22- 176
    Jan. 30- 175.5
    Feb. 7 - 179
    Feb.13- 178
    Feb. 20-175.7
    Feb. 25-173.7

    Easter goal-163

    Loss to date: 9.3 pounds or 5% since challenge start (so close to getting out of the obese bmi range and that is a HUGE victory for my health)

    I feel the July challenge is going to be my big win and am already thinking about it! But, there is still time to pull an Easter victory (fingers crossed bc I'm working so hard!)

    Great job with not feeling hungry, walking most days, clothes fitting better, and the NSVs!!!! This is such a great motivating group! I can't wait to see our group loss at the end. As of now, the group is down 789.9 pounds, maybe more bc of the kg weights!

  • Peechiz12
    Peechiz12 Posts: 62 Member
    Week 6 Weigh in

    SW 196.4 (started the end of January)
    2/4 - 191.7 (-4.7)
    2/11 - 190.5 (-1.2)
    2/18 - 193.8 (+3.3) :'(
    2/15 - 194.6 (+.8) :-(

    Total loss 1.8 lb
  • AmandaStrickland1
    AmandaStrickland1 Posts: 58 Member
    Jan. 1 - 150 lbs
    Jan. 9 - 146.4 lbs
    Jan. 17 - 145.8 lbs
    Jan. 24 - 143.4 lbs
    Jan. 31 - 144.2 lbs
    Feb. 8 -144.2 lbs
    Feb. 18 - 145.2
    Jan. 1 - 150 lbs
    Jan. 9 - 146.4 lbs
    Jan. 17 - 145.8 lbs
    Jan. 24 - 143.4 lbs
    Jan. 31 - 144.2 lbs
    Feb. 8 -144.2 lbs
    Feb. 18 - 145.2
    Feb. 25 - 145.2

    Total loss so far... 4.8 pounds. At this point, I'm shooting to just be in the 130's by Easter. Which, I would be very happy about! Not giving up ;-)

  • tmtost79
    tmtost79 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all. Since I am just starting, my goal is to lose 5 lbs by Easter. Anything over that is GLORIOUS!!!

    Starting weight: 190.0 2/25/15
  • catrinaFIT205
    catrinaFIT205 Posts: 7 Member
    Just starting challenge today
    SW 183
  • AmandaStrickland1
    AmandaStrickland1 Posts: 58 Member
    Jan. 1 - 150 lbs
    Jan. 9 - 146.4 lbs
    Jan. 17 - 145.8 lbs
    Jan. 24 - 143.4 lbs
    Jan. 31 - 144.2 lbs
    Feb. 8 -144.2 lbs
    Feb. 18 - 145.2
    Jan. 1 - 150 lbs
    Jan. 9 - 146.4 lbs
    Jan. 17 - 145.8 lbs
    Jan. 24 - 143.4 lbs
    Jan. 31 - 144.2 lbs
    Feb. 8 -144.2 lbs
    Feb. 18 - 145.2
    Feb. 25 - 145.2

    Total loss so far... 4.8 pounds. At this point, I'm shooting to just be in the 130's by Easter. Which, I would be very happy about! Not giving up ;-)

    Haha... Just realized I totally copied and pasted twice. You get the point. Lol

  • gracielu7
    gracielu7 Posts: 58 Member
    1/1: 144.4
    1/8: 142.4
    1/15: 141.8
    1/22: 145.4
    1/29: 145.6
    2/5: 143.6
    2/12: 144.4
    2/19: 142.8
    2/26: 141.6
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    starting weight: Dec.26- 231.4 lbs

    Jan. 01- 229.0 lbs
    Jan. 08- 226.8 lbs
    Jan. 15- 225.8 lbs
    Jan. 22- 222.6 lbs
    Jan. 30- 220.4 lbs
    Feb. 7 - 218.4 lbs
    Feb.13- 217.4 lbs
    Feb. 20-215.2 lbs
    Feb. 27-214.6 lbs
  • meeksmommy
    meeksmommy Posts: 11 Member
    Haven't given an update in awhile.
    Dec 26 - 262
    Feb 27 - 242
    Easter Goal - 235
    Ultimate Goal - 170
    Down 20!!! Woo hoo!!
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    1.2.15 - 231.6
    2.27.15 - 214.2

    lost: 17.4 pounds
    easter goal: 211.6
    ugw: 157 / 20% body fat

    so close

    congratulations, meeksmommy!
  • wdarwin
    wdarwin Posts: 3 Member
    Just joined this, new to MFP and never joined a challenge.
    Started this month, lost 13 pounds.
    2/1: 200
    2/27: 186.5
    My Easter Goal is 170.
  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    Congratulations Meeksmommy :smile:
    I believe you are the first one to reach challenge goal :)
  • lindadprice
    lindadprice Posts: 150 Member
    2/20/15 177.6
    2/27/15 176.6
    I can't remember my goal anymore. I would like to lose a pound a week to keep my muscle. If I can get to at least 170 by the goal date I would be happy.
  • bring444
    bring444 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! Just joined this group. I suffered a bad ankle injury in December and am still recovering but can finally workout again. I gained some weight while sitting on the couch, depressed and injured, so I'd love to try and get back in shape.

    About me: height: 4' 11'', age: 29, current weight: 122, goal weight: 102
  • losergood2011
    losergood2011 Posts: 172 Member
    I just started last week but am down 11 lbs so far this year!!!
  • evolution328
    evolution328 Posts: 83 Member
    1/1 - 167lbs
    2/26 - 155lbs

    12 lbs lost and 8 more to go. Just signed up for a 5k in may to keep me motivated, so excited :)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Oh good grief - still stuck in my plateau :s

    I really hope March is kind to me. I studied my diary and I think there are too many salty snacks in there. So will have to cruise the grocery isle for something else that is crunchy without the salt...and of course ..no yeast (yeast gives me big headache)

    Here is to March <3:D