Fat 41 yr old Yorkshireman

fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
Morning all......

Always up for some normal chat with UK'ers, non of the yank nicey nicey, well done even though you have eaten double your daily goal stuff......straight talking Yorkshire man here willing to try help anyone, I will be on your back if your slacking....lol.......and I expect the same.....




  • Jo_2017
    Jo_2017 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Jon,
    Got room for a fat Lancashire lass? I'm always up for a chat and some straight talking (I don't know any other way!)
  • joblmayes
    joblmayes Posts: 42 Member
    Chubby Cornish maid here, though I have emigrated to Hampshire, FR sent both.
  • annieo19732014
    annieo19732014 Posts: 56 Member
    middle aged, midlands girl here!!! feel free to add me for motivation and the occasional insult :-) x
  • savouryduck
    savouryduck Posts: 43 Member
    Here's some straight talking - before you can help others, you've got to help yourself first!

    That doesn't include seconds at the dessert trolley!!! >:)
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    Here's some straight talking - before you can help others, you've got to help yourself first!

    Agreed, but I find having others with the same goals and being able to look at there diary and exercise etc and just give any motivation needed really helps me to stay motivated too, gotta lose weight with all these people on here watching you I say....
  • Jo_2017
    Jo_2017 Posts: 27 Member
    Here's some straight talking - before you can help others, you've got to help yourself

    Actually I disagree. I think that it is through helping others that we learn more about helping ourselves. A little bit of 'do as I say not as I do' if you will. I have found myself in the past advising people (in my everyday life) and whilst doing that thinking that I ought to take my own advice. As time has gone on I have got better and better at this. Discussing and helping others enables us to learn more about ourselves...
  • spongeh
    spongeh Posts: 152 Member
    fatjon73 wrote: »
    Morning all......

    Always up for some normal chat with UK'ers, non of the yank nicey nicey, well done even though you have eaten double your daily goal stuff......straight talking Yorkshire man here willing to try help anyone, I will be on your back if your slacking....lol.......and I expect the same.....



    Ay up tubbs... I'm also 41 and from just down the road in Leeds (currently living in the midlands)
  • Cherry_star
    Cherry_star Posts: 40 Member
    Midlands lass here, back on it after considerably losing my way after losing my Dad 18 months ago. Definitely up for straight talking support, and happy to give it!
  • KyleElf
    KyleElf Posts: 8 Member
    Need some friends.
    Sheffield lad. Keep me going n I'll do the same!!
    Start weight: 17 stone
    Target: 14 stone (in 1-2 years)

    Add me as a friend everybody..