Another of those "am I doing this right?" posts *sigh*

TheBoev Posts: 58 Member
Age 45
BMR- 1405 (Scooby's site)
TDEE- 2424
-15% cut - 1939 cal goal
Macros 25% P 45% C 20% F
Weight- 153.5
LBM 109 lbs (calculated by In-Line machine 5 wks ago at 156lbs)
Fat Calipers (3 site) 25%

Short overview- Stalled out eating was not perfect. No inches lost/fat lost/weight lost in 4 months. Shook it up and followed a nutritionist's plan at a local Max Muscle. Ate 1700 cal (some days less). I work out 6 days a week; 3 days heavy cardio/kickboxing/bag work; 3 days heavy resistance band training (heavy, I don't mess around). I wear a HR monitor and avg 449 cal during kickboxing; 325 upper body day; 389 on lower body day.
Low calories made me crazy, tired and hangry. Lost a little weight (worried it's muscle)
Going back to eating more. Over course of last 2 days have read this site and Eat.Train.Progress and figured out with little to lose and heavy workouts (some days I now run on resistance days- training for a half) I am going to need to be perfect, yet eat (I feel so much better and recover better at 1900 cal). So I now have a scale that does grams instead of measuring cups etc. Every little bit counts, I know.

Because I am so heavy in cardio, are the numbers right? I'm getting some good definition in legs, arms are getting there but cant get the fat off my middle now.
At a 15% cut, I know I don't eat back exercise calories unless it's over my allotted 450 cal exercise but if a do 2-a-day and hit 800+ (yesterday) should have I eaten more to get up to netting my BMR? I'm confusing myself.


  • leooftheyear
    leooftheyear Posts: 429 Member
    what activity level did you set Scooby at? and how much weight do you have left to lose?
  • TheBoev
    TheBoev Posts: 58 Member
    I set it at 3-5 hrs of moderate exercise and 145 as the goal.
  • Jennbecca33
    Jennbecca33 Posts: 321 Member
    It sounds to me like you need to choose the next higher activity level (5-6 hours) at minimum. Your exercise is heavy and you said you were adding running on top of it. You may even be the highest activity level. Add up the amount of hours you are working out and see where it falls. You also have to take into consideration your daily activity outside of formal exercise. Unless you work a sedentary job all day long, you are probably already at lightly active - then your exercise will take you up from there.

    And yes, on days you do extra heavy workouts, you need to eat back those calories so that you don't net under your BMR. If this is happening a lot, you definitely need to move up to the next activity level. Welcome to the group!
  • Jennbecca33
    Jennbecca33 Posts: 321 Member
    Since you only have 10 lbs left to lose, you could even do a smaller 10% cut and allow yourself to eat even more. It would take a bit longer, but may be better in the long run for you. Lots of cardio can really stress the body and it will hold on to fat - if you feel fatigued a lot, better to ease back on some of the cardio and throw in another rest day and readjust your numbers.
  • TheBoev
    TheBoev Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks, I will refigure going up to the higher level and see. I do have a desk job but some days walk a lot. I hope people have diaries open to see what they eat. I find trying to keep those fat grams in check it's difficult to eat that much food. I do know this is right for me because 2days into it I feel infinitely better. I truly appreciate your advice!
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Why are you worried about fat grams? Don't! What you are trying to do with the macros is get a minimum of them - so if you go over fat, don't worry!! In fact, with all that working out, the only one I would focus on is making sure you get enough protein and then let the rest go where it goes. Eating fat does not make you fat - it just makes you feel fuller and tastes wonderful!
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I haven't been working out for a few weeks (since skiing, which is when my diet is empty) so I'm on 1925 right now (maintenance) but once I get back to lifting again and running as well as hockey, I'll be on a 10% deficit and the highest level of activity. Feel free to check out my diary.