I go for an intake appointment at an IOP program tomorrow.

I'm nervous they're going to think I'm really fat! I mean, technically I'm still 3 or 4 pounds in the overweight category. I'm really, really scared of what they are going to be thinking of me. :(

But I hope it will end up being a really good and helpful thing.

Has anyone else done an IOP? Does anyone have any encouragement?


  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I have done the iop program. It as awesome. It saved my life. Which hospital are you doing it through?
  • alskarani
    alskarani Posts: 83
    I just started! It's really overwhelming! It's not through a hospital, it's a private place that is working with my insurance, recommended by my doctor.

    I think it's going to be really helpful, but it's a slow start, and I feel anxious that it hasn't started in full yet...I am trying to keep myself busy and not worry too much, but levels of anxiety are really high! I had an anxiety attack at work the other day, and I think it's just because so much is in the air at the moment!

    Anyway, that was a lot...but thanks for asking!
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    It taught me skills to use and gave me a safe place to try out different medications which was a nightmare. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. Email if you want to chat too.
  • alskarani
    alskarani Posts: 83
    Thanks, minipony! Can I send a friend request?
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Absolutely! I just accepted. Feel free the chit chat with me all you want. Would love to talk to you more about it. Maybe mfp e-mail is a better place than this thread =)
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    Ok :) so my iop was for anxiety and depression and not directly food. They definitely discussed food, mindful eating, vitamins, studies in nutrition etc as its all related.