


  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi ummm not really sure i belong here so kick me out if needed!

    Im exploring wicca, would love some people to chat to if anyone is open to it! Im in little old nz,so sorta hard to find anyone tbh,...but its been a big thing for me and ive been exploring it alot for the last couple of years... anyway..

    Geek i dunno if im a hard out, i know most of tje fandoms written about here, but havent seen them all myself. Mine are a little bit umm girlie i guess? Twilight, The Vampire Diairies and Harry Potter are mine... i also adore all sci fi, horror and loveee the walking dead. Starts back soon! Yippeeee. Umm never really been into gaming. Long story but yea... umm so thats me. Oh, im a girl, 26 and my name is evie!. ... so yea if i dont fit just let me know. :)
  • jewry13
    jewry13 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all! My name is Julie and I fall into the pagan, gamer, geek area. :)

    My loves are Harry Potter, The Chronicles, Game of Thrones...anything fantasy related.
    I am a gamer girl and love fantasy games. World of Warcraft, Diablo, Dragon Age, Magic the Gathering, Dying Light (coming out soon), GTA, Dead Island. I will play just about anything!! LOL

    I have been working on exploring paganism for years but things in the way and my practice goes by the wayside. :( I have my beliefs and the core ideas intake just the practice is lacking. I keep going back to it though!!!

    So other than that I am about to turn 40 and have been struggling with my weight for years. Want to get it in check before 40 hits! LOL I am a runner and yogini! My problem is food. Sigh...:)

  • Ephebiphobia
    Ephebiphobia Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm a geeky goth queer girl trying to lose some weight for my health. Diabetes is a pretty prevalent thing in my family, and I'm trying to beat it before it's even an issue.

    I played World of Warcraft for four years, am a Rogue in my Pathfinder group every Saturday, and also have some tv show fandom love (Doctor Who, Supernatural, X-Files, Orphan Black, Sailor Moon, and many more).

    Hit me up if you're into tabletop RPGs, Eldritchian Horrors, any of the above mentioned shows, or anything Halloweenie. I really need some motivation, encouragement, and praise when I do actually do something.
  • britt7797
    britt7797 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Ya'll, Im Brittany. I am a nerdy girl, (I am trying to loose weight so I can feel super confident while attempting my first cosplay) ^^ I like anime, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Math, also the LGBT community is close to my heart because a close family member of mine is MTF trans. <3 mucho love-o.
    I am currently playing portal for the first time (video games have never been my forte, unless i can button mash the heck out of them... you know tekken, or like most '64 games.) I also love Harry potter... and crocheting and dogs... and dancing. :) Feel free to add me and we can geek out about stuff!
  • bahbedwire
    bahbedwire Posts: 95 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everybody! I'm Barbara - LGBTIQAP (so many letters now!) nerd. I'm on here to lose weight and to get to a happy middle with my BMI (I would like a BMI of 23). I'm doing my best to be healthy (except yesterday was Mardi Gras and I ate enough calories for 2 people...). I sing in two of my local community choirs, one of them being the LGBTIQAP choir. I'm studying to be a librarian, so I find that study has slowly taken over my exercise times. ._.; I still aim to be active for at least 30 minutes a day and to walk at about 70,000 steps a week.

    I geek out over:
    Adventure Time
    Bee and Puppycat
    Music - mainly singing. Classical, pop, rock.

    Please add me~ I need variety on my friends list.


  • Sarah, queer/pan/poly, geek, artist, pagan spirited, mom...Many fandoms: Agent Carter, AOS, Firefly, Downton Abbey, Buffy/Angel, Transmetropolitan, Hellboy, Hellblazer, Preacher, American Vampire, ASOIAF, GOT, Stephen King, Chuck Pahlaniuk, Bradbury, Douglas Addams, Neil Gaiman, I mean this list could go on and on and on...
    I could eat Mexican food every day for the rest of my life and not feel bad about it.
    I have an 8 year old child with special needs.
    Stress eater, boredom eater.
    Hermit Crab wrangler-we have 14 atm.
    I've been overweight my entire life.
    Pretty much nocturnal but that is very difficult to do when you're a single parent.

    I joined Myfitnesspal because I want to lose 100 lbs. I was assaulted a couple of years ago and gained 90 lbs due to subsequent back injuries.

    A decade ago, I did roller derby, now I can skate for about 5 minutes before my back is screaming. It's a work in progress.

    I joined this group because I need some serious moral support. My sister is a size 2 maybe, my best friend from high school is a size 4, and while I understand and appreciate that everyone has body issues and "fat days", they can never understand what it's like to go to a store to buy clothes and 1. not find anything decent that fits, and 2. have everyone constantly judging you and treating you like crap because of your size.

    I believe in health at every size and I believe all bodies are beautiful. I am not losing weight to please anyone other than myself. I don't hate my body and I'm not ashamed of it. I just want to do this for me.

  • Wow, was this group made for me? I'm bi, pagan, geeky and currently playing Majora's Mask on the 3DS. Great to meet you all.
  • bahbedwire
    bahbedwire Posts: 95 Member
    Glad to meet you! :)
  • KhalanAmnell
    KhalanAmnell Posts: 29 Member
    I am a bisexual pagan gamer mother of 440 years old 100 pounds to lose I am originally from Holland I'm a punk living in New York I'm also a priestess and my husband is a shaman
  • KhalanAmnell
    KhalanAmnell Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry English is my second language I said I am a mother of four and I am 40 years old
  • TigerSunStorm
    TigerSunStorm Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I hope this group gets more active. I am a practicing pagan, solitary. I am a fan of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, Ghost in the Shell, and Cowboy Beebop. I am looking forward to making friends and losing weight.
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member

    Preop trans, gamer, wrestling fan

    Not out
  • yuuen
    yuuen Posts: 114 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yooooo~ Anyone here? I'm Sono! I'm genderqueer, AAA (asexual, aromantic, agender).

    I'm recently becoming more actively pagan, though I've always leaned that way. Maybe a need for solid structure, or something. I'm a scatterbrained Gemini with a love of order, so yeah. Haha. Embracing a call from my patron god, Hermes, either way. :blush:

    I'm a fujoshi (is there a gender-neutral term for yaoi fans?) and I'm into a few nerdy things. Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, Free! (yeah the gay swimming anime), NBC Hannibal, Harry Potter (Slytherin pride!), BBC Merlin, Star Wars, Sherlock, J-rock/Visual Kei, WoW (glory to the sin'dorei!)... I could go on forever.... D:

    I stopped playing WoW to work on my novel, though at the moment I'm kind of absorbed in Fire Emblem: Fates. Haha. Any other writers here? c:

    Feel free to friend me. I could use more nerdy friends on MFP!
  • DrJeep
    DrJeep Posts: 37 Member
    Hey everyone.

    Pan Dutch guy here and a follower of the old ways. 35 years old now and I've been dieting/losing weight ever since I was 12. It's been on and off and definitely off lately.

    Gamer, through and through so most often it's hard to get up and ge out of the gaming chair and tear myself away from the computer. But all in all I know I have to, I am at 180kg right now, well a bit less at the moment and I can not continue like this.

    I've been an oldschool roleplaying nerd for ages, 1st and 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons, and so many more RPGs ever since. I geek out over Star Wars, Firefly, Star Trek, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk. Love Magic the Gathering and currently playing SWTOR on The Progenitor RP server (poke me if you want to rp!)

    I'm here cause especially over the last few years I have noticed I need more likeminded people around me. More people who genuinely care. So here I am!
  • aLiEnGiRlUwU
    aLiEnGiRlUwU Posts: 99 Member
    Hey y'all, I'm Chloe and I'm 29. I'm biromantic/demi. I'm a huge nerd/geek/otaku/gamer lol

    I love video games, arts and crafts, learning, pastel stuff, Japan culture. I enjoy baking, especially Japanese desserts :3 I make killer spicy tteokbokki btw :p

    I geek over :

    Adventure Time
    Star Wars
    Marvel (Deadpool's my boo lol)
    The Mana series
    Zelda series
    Sally face
    Sailor Moon
    The Dark Crystal
    Soul Eater
    Black Butler
    Demon Slayer
    Little Nightmares
    Mass Effect
    Street Fighter (Chun Li's my bae 😍)
    And I could go on and on... XD

    So yeah, that's me I guess. 😅