what settings do I need to use in MFP?

nmcknny Posts: 479 Member
I used the Scooby calculator and have my BMR (1307), TDEE (2025), and daily calories (1722). I've entered (in goals) my daily calories as my net calories and set my macros for protein, carbs, and fat as 40%, 30%, and 30%. My exercise calories number doesn't look right. I put in 4 sessions for 40 minutes each. Should I ignore the exercise and projected weight loss numbers?


  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ignore everything that MFP gives you and just set your goal intake for your TDEE-15%. Don't enter anything for exercise (put zero for all the exercise goals) on it as it's part of your TDEE and it'll mess things up. If you want to input exercise regularly to have a record, you can add them as having 1 calorie.
  • nmcknny
    nmcknny Posts: 479 Member
    Thanks so much. That makes sense.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ya, those exercise goals aren't even used in any math for your eating goals anyway, or weight loss math.

    If you've never noticed them on the Exercise diary page, then you've never used those goals anyway.

    In addition, if you've never run reports on your exercise that was logged, then I wouldn't even worry about logging it as 1 calorie.

    Just make a wall post about the workout with more details to inspire friends.
  • nmcknny
    nmcknny Posts: 479 Member
    Heybales, I have run reports on exercise minutes; I have a log to keep track of exercise sessions, though. I know mfp doesn't count any calories used for weight lifting or body weight training. Thanks for the response; I'll make wall posts :smile:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited March 2015
    Actually, you had to log lifting under cardio as Strength Training, Circuit Training, or Calisthenics to count calories - and they are actually pretty decent estimates, compared to say HRM or step-based activity tracker.

    I think you are #5 that actually used the exercise goals. Most never even notice.
  • nmcknny
    nmcknny Posts: 479 Member
    I was logging my strength training under cardio--so I had a record of exercises and estimates of calories but they seemed so high I didn't think the numbers could be accurate. Then, I was trying to eat back the calories.
  • MistyAnneK
    MistyAnneK Posts: 68 Member
    edited March 2015
    Wait, if you don't enter your daily exercise, when do you know you've gone over your targeted deficit? For instance, I have my TDEE set and the difference from -15% (1897) and my BMR (1623), which is an exercise burn daily of 274 calories, so if I burn more than 274 calories in exercise a day, wouldn't I need to know that to eat back those calories as well?
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Because the TDEE is set on the overall hours of working out and the activity level that you have - not the calorie amounts burned. If you exercise more than you typically do in a week, you can choose to eat more (especially if you are feeling hungry). If it becomes a regular habit, then you should re-work your TDEE. If you are losing too fast, then you probably need to recalc your TDEE; same with not losing at all.
  • MistyAnneK
    MistyAnneK Posts: 68 Member
    ok, So I should eat my TDEE I input and ignore the calories posted, unless I burn WAY more than normal (like Saturday when I do this 40 flight climb), then eat more.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Feel free to check out my diary - I have my TDEE-10% in there as my goal (entered manually). When I enter exercise, I list it as 1 calorie so that it doesn't add more calories to my TDEE goal but I can keep a record of my exercise.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    soo.... I can ignore MFP when I complete my diary for the day and it tells me I'm going to gain 2 lbs in 5 weeks??
  • attackcat64
    attackcat64 Posts: 11 Member
    Mine does the same thing. I've learned to ignore it :)
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Yup. Ignore it. If you start eating more, continue to eat more, take a small cut and then lose weight, MFP will eventually learn that you can eat more and lose weight - and you'll stop getting those messages.