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Fall '15 babies



  • Im also due in the fall the first week in Oct and have also had a missed miscarriage. Had early scan and thank god so far everything seems good. Im extremely sick and the same as u am eating loads of carbs but its all i seem to be able for. Im hoping this sickness stops soon as im nearly 11 weeks and cant wait to exercise again but at the moment thats a big no no.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Sad and worried around here. Im having some bleeding, well I had; last night. OB wants an ultrasound. Imaging is booked solid today, so I have to wait until tomorrow 8am. Ugh. No major cramping, so I'm trying to be hopeful. 11 weeks today.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Saw our beautiful baby this morning... bouncing and kicking and throwing right hooks! Measuring slightly ahead at 11w6d! Heart beat healthy and strong. I've been diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage and been told to "rest" at least for this week. They will see me Wednesday, and we hope symptoms will go away. For now, cramping and spotting continue but it sure did help to see that little one! Feeling so much more hopeful today... hopefully this is just another bump in the road!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Glad baby ok at the mo and please try and rest- it's hard sitting still tho! Everything is a worry! Fire sounds bad, my sister in law had same trouble couple years ago. They had fire brigade etc. they were lucky too but took a lot of cleaning up.

    I'm 11 weeks on Wed so still hoping all ok, find out on 13th.

    I'm just cleaning/ tidying etc today, then at work rest of the week.

    Have a good day

  • I am having a fall baby too- September 22. I have stopped weighing myself but i do know that i have gained a few. my nausea has been really bad this second pregnancy and all i feel like eating is bread type foods. argh. hoping to feel better soon. thanks for sharing your stories- its nice to have support!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi and congrats, think I'm dUe 22nd too. Will get defo date at 12 week scan. (All being well).

    My 2.5 year poss has chicken pox so just waiting for that to develop. Hope it doesn't bother him much if he does.

  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Hi and congrats, think I'm dUe 22nd too. Will get defo date at 12 week scan. (All being well).

    My 2.5 year poss has chicken pox so just waiting for that to develop. Hope it doesn't bother him much if he does.

    Yipes, hope the pox don't hit too hard!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Had my OB appointment today. According to them I gained exactly a pound since my intake (about 2 weeks ago) so he was happy with that. I'm 11 weeks 5 days, and according to my scale I've maintained my weight, but I'm fine with a pound too! Heard a nice heartbeat which of course eased my mind some more. As did his clearing me back to normal activity. Apparently there is no research that shows rest helps prevent miscarriage at all. So, I'm happily back to business. I did a slow easy paced run this afternoon, and am going to do barn chores by myself tonight! Did some testing, so I'm sure they will call with results. But now I don't see them for a month. I suspect it's going to be a long 4 weeks!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    No sign of any chicken pox yet so will continue as normal for now! Hopefully he wont get it. We have a weekend away in London in 2 weeks so praying he doesnt get it for then! He is excited to go as we are going on a train. Hopefully we will be able to keep him entertained as it will take 3 hours to get there. Getting some new bits and bobs for him to play with. Any advice on travelling with a toddler appreciated.

    Glad you had a good appointment, on my scales Im up about 3/4 pounds but I was expecting it as Ive not exercised much and eaten more than normal. I getting back on track now. I started the day with a banana and cherry smoothy.

    I agree and dont think unfortunatly you can do much to avoid a miscarriage so I try not to worry about it and just continue my business! Fingers crossed all goes ok for everyone. Im 11 weeks, 1 day. (I think).

    Hope you all have a good day
  • Sdbenich
    Sdbenich Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm due September 8th, and super scared to gain a ton of weight. I have a one year old son, I just moved last month, have a recently new job as I didn't work while I was pregnant last time,and have been really sick and emotional this time around. Id like to stay ahead of the game as far as post pregnancy weight loss goes and try not to gain too much to begin with, but I know being stressed out won't help! Any advice on snacks and light meals that are easy on the stomach AND nutritious? I sort of like to eat extremely often but not too much at one time, luckily. I'm 5'2" and started this pregnancy at 115. I gained 50 pounds last time and lost all but 5 pounds of it.. But I didn't work and I was active and didn't have another baby to care for, and my summer of not working and being able to play outside with my new baby a ton helped a lot with my weight loss and maintaining my weight. Just afraid to get super unhealthy as I'm aware of how difficult it is to get out of that rut!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Got the results of my maternit21 testing today... everything is normal! Super happy to have that news. We has a false positive screening with my last son, so i was somewhat hesitant to even do it, but opted to anyhow. She asked if i wanted to know sex... we had talked about finding out and waiting, so i wasnt sure what to say. I declined on the phone... They are mailing the results from the office... and we can read it, or not! It's killing me, knowing they know... and I COULD know... but here I sit... wondering.

    Suddenly gaining weight like crazy, I'm up almost 3 pounds pretty much overnight! Ugh. I'm hopeful it is the bulk of my first trimester gain just coming all at once.

    Sdmallard, I need to snack a bunch myself. String cheese, greek yogurt, english muffin with pb or laughing cow wedge, apples and oranges are my go tos during the day. Also I've recently started with 100 calorie bags of kettle corn... at night I try to leave room for an icecream sandwich or bar! I have a wicked sweet tooth. I like the portion control of the sandwich or bar... easier than being honest when scooping...
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    sdmallard - congrats. I bet you dont gain as much as you will be running about after your one year old. Ive started making fruit smoothies and cant get enough of fresh orange juice.

    I have been recording what Ive been eating much recently but if all goes ok on Friday I plan to get back into a routine and hopfully with weather is picking up so will be out and about more.

    poke987 - glad your testing went well. We can find out the sex at 20 weeks if we want to, we didnt last time so dont think we will this time either. But will wait and see. I dotn think they note it in any paperwork if you dont want to know.

    Im up about 4 pounds and feel bloated all the time so hoping lots of water will help. My work trousers are getting a bit uncomfortable as they have no give in them. We hold out a few more weeks yet.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hello had scan today and I'm 13 weeks 1 day. Due 17 Sept. All looked ok.

    Hope you all doing ok too
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Jumping in here to say hello. I'm due in early September, and I'll be 16w tomorrow. This is my 3rd pregnancy; I lost my first at 17w along, and my second pregnancy resulted in my gorgeous son, who is now 12 years old. I had him when I was 28, and then I was unable to conceive for reasons medicine couldn't explain... until I found myself unexpectedly pregnant now, at age 40.

    I'm finding this pregnancy a lot more uncomfortable that my son's. I don't know if it's because I'm older, or because I just don't remember clearly what that 2002 pregnancy felt like, or if it's because I'm finally going through another pregnancy after a full-term delivery. But I also find myself wondering if the "growing pains" are worse this time around because my abs are stronger. When I had my son, I was slender but weak -- I hadn't been doing more exercise than a bit of yoga. This time around, I'm much more fit, and I've been weightlifting for a few years. Anyone else experience anything similar?
  • giberin
    giberin Posts: 11 Member
    42 years old and expecting my 5th child. My four other children are ages 19, 17 (twins) and 14. Due October 10th. Anyone else in the "advanced maternal age" catagory? I was planning on losing 30 lbs before I found out I was pregnant. Hoping to not gain too much with this baby. I plan on going to the gym alot to stay in shape.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, congrats summer8it & giberin.

    summer8it - I didnt really notice (or possibly remember) growing pains with my first (3 years ago) but I have this time. I am about 10lb heavier than I was last time. I have put it to having a previous c section and its pushing passed the scare tissue? Not 100% though. Its not causing me much discomfort either though to be honest.

    giberin - congrats, my sister in law has 4 children at the mo, and I think they might have another at some point. Are your older ones excited?

    Have you all told many people? We told family at 10 weeks and have told couple of friends since scan at 13 weeks but thats it. We had some blood work done re Down Syndrome etc and if any problems should get a call by tomorrow so waiting until after then really. Finger crossed all will be ok though.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Helenmelon, we still haven't told many people. I told my mother and my 12 year old son at 8w, my dad and my FIL at 9w, a few of my best friends between 10-14w, and my brother and my husband's sisters at 14w. At 16w, I still haven't talked to my employer (I work from home, so my growing belly goes unnoticed) or spread the news to our full family and circle of friends. I don't know why I feel like keeping it so private this time, but at this point I want to wait until after our big anatomy ultrasound at 18w to tell the world that we're expecting another child.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Summer8it- what an amazing surprise this little one must be!

    Giberin- I'm advanced maternal age too... lol! Because I'll be 35 by the time little one arrives! I have teenagers too (my full time bonus children) it's a fun mix to have littles and bigs! Keeps our house interesting to say the least!

    Helenmelon29- hope you are resting easy with your testing results. We had a false positive for spina biffida with my second son. Sometimes the screening tests are so stressful! !

    I'm 14 weeks today, my weight is down from last week, which is good since it took such a huge jump then! Think it makes me up just about 4 lbs total. I'm ok with that. I'm still running 4 days a week, aiming to do my scheduled half marathon in may. We shall see... I've decided no matter what, I'm not RACING... if I go and run it, I'll be thrilled! It was a major goal before finding out about the baby, so while it's no longer the focus, it's still important to me.

    I don't feel like I show much at all, even with the 3rd baby... my jeans all still fit, for the most part. If I'm popping a bump, it's higher than I remember. Having lost weight I had hoped for a cute baby bump... not sure, maybe extra skin and the remaining flab are going to keep it at bay?! We shall see.

    I've been diagnosed with early onset PUPPPS, I'm itching like a mad woman, covered in a nasty rash. I look awful, but creams and antihistamines are keeping most of the intensity at a tolerable level but it's touch and go some evenings. I feel like in have no patience. I just need to focus all my attention on not clawing myself... and if someone needs me for something I'm likely to be snappy... which is out of character!

    Off to start my day, hope all is well for all of you!!
  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    Congrats ladies! I'm 9 weeks and due October 23rd with our first :) So excited! Had a dating scan already and saw our little embryo with its flickering little heart beat! Just battling the daily nausea at the moment, but metoclopramide/Maxalon is helping heaps. I've already told people at work because I was too excited to keep it a secret. Well the rumour has spread now, and nearly everyone knows lol. Good luck with your pregnancy, ladies :)
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    edited March 2015
    Poke, much sympathy on the rash! Being itchy is a torment. Is it interrupting your sleep?

    I had a rought bout with spider bites last week. Living on the water in Florida (I know, poor me) I've always got an assortment of mosquito and noseeum bites, but these spider bites were a thousand times more itchy, and they were on my rear and my hips and the top of my inner thigh... not spots you want to be caught scratching in public! I didn't feel safe using any of my normal remedies, either. I didn't want to take allergy medicine or slather myself in pure lavender oil, and aloe gel was NOT enough.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Summer8it, I'm ok for most of the night now that I've got a routine down (zertec 2xs daily, steroid cream 2xs daily once being shortly before bed, coconut oil or other itch cream 1x daily ) and mostly under control, or at least I've gotten into a routine. For a while I was waking myself up clawing my skin, it's not so bad at the moment, I feel like I'm a bit more in control. Now, when I get woken up (the dogs, one or the the other little boy or to pee... ) I itch like crazy and have a hard time falling back asleep. Sitting on the toilet seems to be a trigger, pants down, legs exposed starts the process, and once u start I can't stop! So, i try real hard to fall back to sleep without scratching. It doesn't usually work, but im aware. But it is better in the sense that it's not the itching itself waking me. I've got it bad on both hips, and all down my back into my "crack " so I get the inappropriate scratches all the time! I'm not happy about having to take stuff, but I'd be non functional without! I laugh because my seasonal allergies were so bad while pregnant with my first, but I refused to take a Claritin or zertec... i suffered thru, miserable. Now... i take the pills like candy! Sigh. My how times have changed!
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I've got allergies, too, but somehow itching is a million times more torturous than runny noses!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Poke - the itching sounds awful, will it go? will you have it throughout?

    Kate - Congrats, hope the sickness settles down. I was lucky and just felt rough for about 3 weeks then been ok really.

    Summerfit - Spider bites! Sounds terrible. Nothing like that here but its still quite cold (car was frosty this morning).

    We still havent heard anything re our downs testing so think all is well as they said they would ring within a week is any problems and write in a couple of weeks if all ok. Its over a week now, so thinking all is well.

    We have been away for the weekend to London which we all enjoyed. It was a tiring but nice little break.

    Im 15 weeks tomorrow and gained about 4lb so Im ok with that.

    Hope you all ok.
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, I'm new to the group. I'm due November 26th and about 5 weeks. I gained 55 pounds in lmy first pregnancy and really hope to use MFP to only gain 25-30 pounds this time around. I finally lost all the baby weight 2 weeks ago (one week before finding out I was pregnant). So I'm starting off at the same weight as last time. Last time I also planned on running throughout my pregnancy but wasn't prepared for morning sickness which stopped me from running and then I lost the habit. So my other goal this time is to run until I start getting morning sickness, switch to walking and then when morning sickness passes I'll start running again.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Jade - congrats, how olds your first LO? My little boy is 2.5 years old. Well done if you can keep up on the running. I ran before I was pregant the first time and never really got back into it. This will be my lasy baby though (2 is enough for us) so I plan to get fully on track once Im done this time!
    - Hopefully you wont have any morning sickness this time - finger crossed.

    When got home yest we had out screening letter and we are classed as low risk (less than 1 in 50,000 chance of Down syndrome) so feel relived.

    My next midwife appointment is at 17 weeks.

    When did anyone feel movement. It wasnt until about 22 weeks with my first but just wondered if anyone felt anything earlier with their second?
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Helenmelon, I think you're likely to feel it a bit earlier this time, because you're familiar with the sensation.

    I'm an oddball and have felt all of my babies really early. In my first pregnancy, I felt the baby around 14w, but then I felt my son even earlier, at 12w. I felt him for the first time shortly after eating two gigantic super chocolately brownies -- I think I passed on a sugar high! This time around, I also felt the first pokes at 12w.

    This is week 17 for me, and although I'm doing my best to stay calm, it's an emotionally challenging week. I lost my first baby in the 17th week, after getting bad results on the AFP test, just a few days before we were scheduled to have our anatomy ultrasound. Now, 13 years later, I'm in the 17th week again, scheduled for the big ultrasound this coming Tuesday, when we'll also get the results of the AFP screening. I'm extra nervous because I'm worried about spine defects... I hadn't been taking folic acid or any vitamins before I got pregnant. I stopped taking vitamins years ago, because I was convinced I was infertile.

    It's reassuring that I can feel movement, but I also am a bit concerned because this baby moves so differently than my son. My son was a kicker, but this baby mostly just wiggles and stretches. My son is my only reference point of what a healthy baby feels like... for those of you who have had two or more kids, did they move in different ways?
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    Helenmelon, he's 21 months right now. So he will be about 2.5 when the baby is born. Glad to hear that your screening results we're positive. I can imagine how relieved you must feel!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Helenmelon, so glad to hear the testing came back normal! What a relief! I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and havnt felt anything I was sure was baby. I think with number 2, I was feeling things by now... i remember feeling excited it as it seemed so early.

    Summer8it, I also lost a baby "this" week in that pregnancy, but it was a missed miscarriage, and we didn't know until my next ultrasound... which freaked me out. I went over 2 weeks thinking i was pregnant when i was not... so I have some anxiety at the moment myself. I feel your pain!

    Jade_222, I'm running! Took a week off early on, and then had a week off with a subchorionic hemorrhage a few weeks ago... but I'm back on track now! I'm working towards a half marathon in may. I had made the goal just before we found out about the baby, so while I'm not concerned about time etc. My goal is to make it to race day, then finish! I'm following a Higdon plan, this week I did 3,4,3 then I have 9 to do this weekend. Not sure if I'll actually make it to race day, I'll be 21 weeks at that point, but I sure hope so! I'll slow down after that, but hope to continue as long as I can! Next week bumps up to 3,5,3 and I add a mile to each weekend long run. Seems doable, as I havnt had any trouble yet; my speed is decreased and my lung capacity is lower already but I'm managing to get my miles in, so we shall see!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Jade; Isaac will be 3 years and a month when baby here. I've told him there's a baby in my tummy but he says to stop being silly! Lol. We don't know anyone with a small baby. Will get few books once further on.

    Poke & summer- I imagine you worry more having lost one previously at this time. I worry enough without losing one. Hope we all do ok.

    We are moving to the cottage attached to farm tomorrow as it's lambing time (OH is farmer). So today we are packing some bits etc. we will be there about 4 weeks. (We did the same in Feb).

    Hope you all have nice weekend. Isaac has decided he loves trains so we watching and playing Thomas and his friends. (Not sure if you will know who Thomas in tho! Lol)
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member

    Hope you all have nice weekend. Isaac has decided he loves trains so we watching and playing Thomas and his friends. (Not sure if you will know who Thomas in tho! Lol)

    Oh, I KNOW thomas! We love him too, have all the wooden track and train friends we can handle! Wes is 5, Wyatt 2.5... we play trains a lot!!
This discussion has been closed.