How do you space out your meds and supplements?

42carrots Posts: 97 Member
I take 100mg of spironolactone twice a day, a scoop of Inositol powder (9g), bcp, and I try to take a multivitamin most days, especially now that I have to limit fruits and veg to try to conform more to a LCHF diet. I try to space them out and take with separate meals (spiro, inositol, spiro, multi - is usually the order, and bcp at night). Sometimes I don't eat four times a day though, or I may forget to bring things with me when I'm out, etc. and I'm not sure what the best strategy would be in general. Basically I'm just curious if anyone has some information about optimizing absorption, particularly with Inositol and spiro (I don't think as many people here are on spiro but maybe?) I'm definitely going to check in with my pharmacist soon, but frankly it seems like a few people here are as knowledgeable or more so than they're likely to be, so it seems worth asking!


  • stefne888
    stefne888 Posts: 113 Member
    I take Metformin ER and BCP with dinner. Then I take 1/4 tsp Inositol in my morning coffee. I have spiro but I haven't started taking it yet. I have bought every vitamin suggested and then got overwhelmed with what I should actually take so I haven't been taking any of them. I bought folic acid, cinnamon, vit d, and magnesium. I will interested to see what everyone else is taking also.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I take my Inositol, multi, vitex, epo, b12 and cinnamon in the morning, my met about 2 hours later, then some d3 a couple hours after that then my other multi, inositol, vitex and epo before bed.

    The met stops the absorption and depletes your b12 so you often need to suppliment b12 while taking met but dont take them at the same time. Thats why i take my b12 before my met.

    The d3 upsets my tummy, like volcano heartburn if i take it with anything else so it gets its own time slot.

    I think @KnitOrMiss has more times and reasons why she splits hers up so hopefully she'll chime in here soon.
  • 42carrots
    42carrots Posts: 97 Member
    edited March 2015
    stefne888 wrote: »
    I take Metformin ER and BCP with dinner. Then I take 1/4 tsp Inositol in my morning coffee. I have spiro but I haven't started taking it yet. I have bought every vitamin suggested and then got overwhelmed with what I should actually take so I haven't been taking any of them. I bought folic acid, cinnamon, vit d, and magnesium. I will interested to see what everyone else is taking also.

    Aw I know the feeling! I've bought so many different types of vitamins and supplements over the years and almost never stick with it for even a full bottle, I think I read too many things that make me feel like it's crucial that I take [insert supplement here] to the point where I just give up because I can't possibly get it all right without medical monitoring, and I've felt dismissed in the past by doctors who seem to perceive my symptoms as too minor to try to help me get to the bottom of (part of this is probably me just not being persistent enough, I don't like going to the doctor). So for now I'm trying to keep it more simple with just doing my best to get vitamins and minerals through food and a multi, and hope this works.

    On another note, it's my understanding that for us coffee drinkers, it's best to take supplements apart from drinking coffee because it can inhibit absorption, unfortunately. On an ideal day I like to start with coffee and then wait a half hour or so before eating and taking medications, but I know this can be difficult, and also I can see how Inositol might taste good in coffee, I'm amazed by how pleasant the taste is, it's like a really mild sugar with no gross after taste.

  • stefne888
    stefne888 Posts: 113 Member
    I have read that caffeine takes away from the inositol. I'm going to have it in my water going forward just in case. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Alliwan wrote: »
    I think @KnitOrMiss has more times and reasons why she splits hers up so hopefully she'll chime in here soon.

    @Alliwan My meds schedule is all kinds of messed up now from dropping Met off my list. Add to that the ridiculousness of Daylight Savings Time, and who knows anymore!

    Usually, my meds are:
    5 am - thyroid med
    6 am - BCP & Allergy Pill
    6:30 am - Saline Sinus Rinse and Nasal Sprays
    10:30 am (approx) - Vit D3 (go back and forth between liquid and capsule) & Iodoral
    12:30 pm - Blood Pressure Med, Vit B12, & Cranberry (for B12 absorption)
    Bedtime (anytime from 11 pm - 1 am) - Inositol (switched timing and dosage, not well adjusted yet) & Saline/Sprays again, as needed. Have been taking magnesium every other night as well as partial dose of multi-vite whenever I'm in bed early enough to not interfere with 5 am meds (no calcium 4 hours before it)...

    I'm almost out of my multi - and it's expensive, so might start looking for an alternative. Four pills to get the dose, vegetarian, supposed to absorb best or something, recommended by doc and pharmacy, but is $30 per bottle.

    Trying to switch from Inositol pills to powder since stopping Met. Also, I had stopped taking Spiro before because it dehydrated me badly when I took it with the Met, so it occurred to me I could try it again, but I didn't notice it working before... Any thoughts?
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    I'm on Spiro and my doc said it doesn't matter. I have another med (levothyroxin) where it's extremely important that I take it without anything but water and don't eat for an hour afterwards and the doc said the spiro didn't count; I could take them together if I wanted. The only thing she warned me of was a drop in blood pressure while being on it, so I do try to keep it close to meals. It's just easier for me. But no, there's nothing that my doctors warned me of regarding spiro and absorption. My levo on the other hand, that came with a lot of instructions. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Yup, @MeepleMuppet‌ That's what I take at 5 am, to keep it away from everything else. That and BCP are my critically scheduled meds. I even set alarms to wake up on Saturday and Sunday to take them then... And my endo told me to take NOTHING with the levo, even though other stuff might be okay... Better safe than sorry.
  • ShrinkingBerry
    ShrinkingBerry Posts: 27 Member
    I got this beautiful thing to track all my meds and vitamins. The MORN is just my thyroid pill and I take that the second I wake up. The NOON section I take with breakfast, EVE with dinner, and BED at bedtime. It really helps me keep things straight and I can pop one little section out to take with me to dinner, school, or whatever. I love it!

  • 42carrots
    42carrots Posts: 97 Member
    Great to know about the spiro - thanks!

    The pill boxes are also a great idea, I thought I was doing fine with keeping track but have noticed here and there lately that I can't remember whether or not I've taken something, gonna go out and get one this week for sure.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I don't take enough to warrant my own pill minder. I just have Hyaluronic Acid and probiotics, which I take a breakfast (around noon). It ended up that way, because I did a round of antibiotics that were twice a day, so I needed to space the probiotic away from the antibiotic. Then I take my Inositol before bed. Works out pretty well, though I'll be adding a couple of supplements in the next day or two, one of which will probably be a "first thing in the morning" type of supplement, since it's for stress.

    That said, my son has a bunch of supplements he's taking for a number of things (basically, nutrient deficiencies and the resultant behavioral issues we've run into) and found a pill minder to be essential. The one we got has the number of the month on each end, one side red, one side green, and 4 compartments (like @ShrinkingBerry‌'s picture). We load it up at the beginning of the month, then we know what's going to run out when, and we don't have to worry about timing for most of the supplements, since they're already planned out.
  • cpcrouch
    cpcrouch Posts: 4 Member
    I currently take one metformin with breakfast and half with dinner. I just got some insitol to try but I am not sure when to take - and do I need to take it with Folic Acid?

    I also need to get back up on my probiotic and multivitamin game! I think I might have to take my earrings out of my pill box and actually use them for pills again.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    cpcrouch wrote: »
    I currently take one metformin with breakfast and half with dinner. I just got some insitol to try but I am not sure when to take - and do I need to take it with Folic Acid?

    I also need to get back up on my probiotic and multivitamin game! I think I might have to take my earrings out of my pill box and actually use them for pills again.

    I don't worry so much about taking it with folic acid, in part because I eat a ton of eggs (like 4-6 at a time most days). I do it before bed, because the higher doses have a mild sedative effect. If you're worried about it, just take it at the time you're most likely to eat green vegetables. Leafy greens, broccoli, asparagus and other green vegetables are high in folate. If you really want to do a supplement, make sure to get folate, and not folic acid. Folate is the natural form and is more bioavailable.